cyberjim2000 said:
I've gotten super busy this week so I didn't have time to comb over every post on this thread but you guys definitely didn't make the game any easier. From GL's gungho lynching party from the getgo or Craig's instant flip flopping, I've never would've suspected Wicked at all.

Yeah man, this was a hard game and you're absolutely right - we didn't help at all. I had no suspicion of Wicked_Liquid whatsoever. As soon as I saw that Green_Lantern was actually a townie after all, I knew we had lost... but it was a really good game. Thanks again MattAY for hosting!

Auto-lynch Wicked next game. :P

I can play this game okay because I can check the forums out here in the office before I start working. I'm usually quieter on the weekend because I'm usually no where near a computer.
I honestly didn't know who was the cop and whatnot. I feel we got very lucky with that Doctor kill at the beginning.
I assumed I didn't die the first night because you assumed the doctor would be protecting me.

And look at what happened when I died.

Good game guys. Some of it was planned some of it was just luck. On the first day I really wanted to lynch Craig but I figured if I wanted to make it to the end I'd have to be patient and not side with Ugh. Looks like the patience paid off.

Taking out Studio the vigilante was pure luck, so was getting the doctor on the first night. And once I saw I could convince Craig but not De-Ting, Tingy had to go lol. Sorry for the manipulation Craig but if it's any consolation I chose to take out Jim and keep you as the sole survivor lol.
I told Ugh if he got caught to deny it to the bitter end and say he was framed. Only problem was instead of saying he was a townie he said he was the vigilante. I kinda had to throw him under the bus when he tried to expose the vigilante but I did tell him from the get go if he gets caught and the majority turns on him I'd have to side with them. He was still a good teammate though and silenced the people we were planning on killing.

I was expecting more of a fight from GL. But that's probably because I had to go against Maestro in a previous game and he was vicious as hell (hence why he was first to go). I was expecting to get called out for supporting Ugh and was ready with a rebuttal saying "if you could frame someone wouldn't it be Ugh?" But it wasn't even necessary so I kept my mouth shut.
I did wonder why Ugh revealed himself as the Vigilante, and not a townie haha.

I'm done hosting now - so if anyone else wants to host it up - have at it horse!
Longo_2_guns said:
It was very well played by Wicked. And only Wicked.

Hey, I played fantastically! ;)

Sorry I missed the sign ups for the next game. Really it was probably a good thing I got killed off early as I was away for the week and had two 16 hour drives at the start and end of the trip, plus the 30 hours of sickness last Thursday that had me bedridden all day. I would not have been contributing much.

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