cyberjim2000 said:I've gotten super busy this week so I didn't have time to comb over every post on this thread but you guys definitely didn't make the game any easier. From GL's gungho lynching party from the getgo or Craig's instant flip flopping, I've never would've suspected Wicked at all.
Yeah man, this was a hard game and you're absolutely right - we didn't help at all. I had no suspicion of Wicked_Liquid whatsoever. As soon as I saw that Green_Lantern was actually a townie after all, I knew we had lost... but it was a really good game. Thanks again MattAY for hosting!
Auto-lynch Wicked next game.

I can play this game okay because I can check the forums out here in the office before I start working. I'm usually quieter on the weekend because I'm usually no where near a computer.