Mafia V Extravaganza!: Streets of Betaville (Mafia wins!)

Shaft ain't no cop. It's unclear what his motives are but he's not among the police force.

The true identities of Hexagram, Mattay and Shaft are all unknown at this time.
No Lynch. I wouldn't suspect anybody at the moment, and lynching Hexagram and MattAY with no evidence won't move this game anywhere.
Shaft said:
I do not like the cut of Mattay's jib. my guess is that noob's attempt at sleuthing is incorrect, and mafia member Mattay saw it as the chance to help support the lynching of a townie and seized the opportunity to try and get the lynch hex movment going, figuring even when it is found out a townie got lynched people will blame Noob and not him anyway...nice try Mattay!

Lynch Mattay
Wes said:
Lynch Mattay

Something tells me Shaft is a cop and Ghost is pulling our leg.
kapow said:
lynch mattay
Longo_2_guns said:
I'm going to vote for...

Lynch MattAY

Mattay was the 2nd person to vote to lynch krowsnoes.

Can we safely assume everyone who voted to lynch him is mafia? I think we can, maybe one of them isn't, maybe.

Twice now Hex has come within a hair of calling himself the doctor. I assuming so we won't dare lynch him if he's the godfather.

But would any responsible doctor actually come out and say:
Hexagram said:
As long as I don't get killed everything will be super.

no lynch

Hexagram said:
I'm the doctor idiots, don't kill me.

So the mafia sees him saying that we need not to kill him, and he doesn't shoot straight to the top of their hit list?

Now maybe the mafia isn't too bright this game. Maybe Hex really is a doctor, and his death will lead to the demise of Ghost and anymore open police consul for the time being.

But after all those guys hopped at the chance to take out Mattay, the only person who's done more than Ghost to show that he's not Mafia?

Now we only have one doctor, and if Hex's game to suggest that he's the doctor, then we have one hell of a bluff to call.

On the one hand we lose our only doctor and the cops can't come out in the open. On the other hand we can take out the Godfather, something this forum wasn't able to do last game.

If this was a 50/50 coin flip I'd say not to do it. But when you look at how 4 other people immediately jumped to his defense(There's 5 mafia members, one of which is the godfather), and how unlikely it is that a doctor would put themselves out there and draw attention, and how much more unlikely it is for them not to get killed that same night.

It's just too much evidence. I'm obviously not a cop, I'm not the vigilante, or Hex would already be dead, and I sure as hell am not the doctor or I wouldn't have made myself so available a target.

But with this much evidence we have to lynch hex, if we're wrong we lose him and one cop. But if we're right, we have the Godfather and all his henchmen.

Even if we are wrong, we could lynch the posters I just quoted, and still get at the very least half of the mafia.

Honestly, what type of idiot could think Mattay is in the mafia?

My vote to lynch Hexagram stands. And I hope you do the same. If we can't get this lynch through, I can only hope the vigilante does what's right.

FTG: If the vigilante dies, are we going to be told?
Toomie said:
That said, I'm not going to point the finger myself until the numbers thin a bit and we move further along in the game. No Lynch.

Mmmm...the symmetry of those four posts against n00b_f00 is kind of making me reconsider this. I'm casting a hesitant Lynch Hex, mostly to see where it goes.
hmmmm.... ok i didn't really think when i cast my vote to lynch mattay, i know switching screws up the symmetry of 4 lynches, and it looks like im a mafia tryin to save face, but also hex did not vote to lynch krows, my other points i have realized are in noobs post

so, i change my vote to lynch hex
kapow said:
hmmmm.... ok i didn't really think when i cast my vote to lynch mattay, i know switching screws up the symmetry of 4 lynches, and it looks like im a mafia tryin to save face, but also hex did not vote to lynch krows, my other points i have realized are in noobs post

so, i change my vote to lynch hex

Not exactly, I was looking over the previous posts, and if one of the people I quoted wasn't mafia then it'd most likely be you.
Well, thanks to Noob for totally blowing my cover that I'm a doctor. Now the mafia are either going to go after Ghost or go after me. So who do I protect? Myself or Ghost? Oh wait, I can't protect myself, so I might as well protect Ghost again and kiss my ass good-bye. Noob, the fact that you make it obvious to everyone at my hints suggests that you're mafia and it's easier for you to get rid of me today while plotting the death of another innocent tonight. Maybe even a cop.

So I guess you're all fucked. Unless there is more then one doctor, then you guys will have a chance.

All I did was propose the question "what if Ghost is fooling you all?" And he wasn't, so now I'm getting the axe. But he still could be fooling you all and he might be The Godfather like others suggested.

It seems the only way I can stay in here is to lynch Mattay even though I think it's a bad idea. And hopefully there will be enough votes to tie and keep me in so I can save one more person before the mafia takes me out tonight.

Lynch Mattay
I'm not even sure why anyone is going after Hex anyway. It won't help at this point in the game to be randomly lynching. We should be relying on the cops to push forward.
Hexagram said:
Well, thanks to Noob for totally blowing my cover that I'm a doctor.

I blew your cover?
Hexagram said:
As long as I don't get killed everything will be super.

no lynch
Hexagram said:
You guys DO NOT want to vote me off. I didn't know Krows was mafia, and Ghost who proved he is a cop by taking out Krows voted no lynch.

I suppose if I'm the only person who can read what you're saying then I blew your cover. Because if you are the doctor, there's absolutely no way, that you could possibly have tipped them off yourself.

Hexagram said:
So who do I protect? Myself or Ghost? Oh wait, I can't protect myself, so I might as well protect Ghost again and kiss my ass good-bye.

Too bad you can't save yourself.
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
Doctor 1 person– I’m giving the doctor 3 chances to save himself. That’s right. The doctor can elect to save himself up to 3 times during the entire game.
Oh wait, my bad.

Lynching mattay? We have more no lynch votes, than votes to lynch anyone, why would you change your vote?

Furthermore, why would you so strongly hit that you're the doctor, when no one was inquiring about you at all? What would possess you to do that?
Alright noob, you MUST have some false evidence against me or something. Is it possible for the framer to frame a doctor? Because if you scanned me and I came out dirty that is the only explination I can think of.

I changed my vote to lynch Mattay because if our voets tie then I think FTG doesn't lynch anyone. But if I have the most lynch votes I'm done for, so I'm just trying to tie things up with Mattay.

I'm already gonna get killed by the mafia, my fate is sealed. So it's your choice, either kill a doctor and then have to deal with another corpse tomorrow. Or save me by changing your lynch to Mattay and letting me protect one last person tonight before the mafia takes me out.

You guys lose a doctor either way, but at least I can protect Ghoat who claims he's a cop (until evidence proves otherwise).

It's 5 votes for me, 4 for Mattay, so if someone votes Mattay you'll have a doctor handy for one last night.

....okay Noob I read your edit. FTG changed the rules up so now I DO have a choice if I want to protect myself or Ghost, or Shaft. So it will all come down to luck.
If the doctor saves somebody, FTG does disclose who the saved person is, yes?


I'm thinking I'm changing back to No Lynch. The more I look at this the more it looks like lose-lose. I'm fine with sitting on my hands for one more night, and presumably we'll know more tomorrow.
I'm changing to Lynch MattAY. That evens out the lynches, so nobody dies. There's no point in random killing today, especially if we have leads, if not proof, that Hexagram could very well be on our side.
Not a cop, I just found your voting awfully suspicious, and I found it a lot more suspicious when 4 people decided to lynch mattay, seemingly in response.

Also, if there's more no lynch votes then doesn't no one get lynched.

Posting twice that "lol I better not die," and then "lol guys, I am the doctor," and even putting yourself out there in the first place standing up for somone, when you should be keeping your head down was poor judgement. That was your own doing. If I was mafia, I would've killed you on the 2nd night. I surely wouldn't have said "lol guys let's kill this dude, who might be the doctor!"

Now we have something of a problem, we have on the one hand someone(mattay), who's clearly not mafia, and then we have someone who say's and may very well be our doctor(you). Now if you're going to come right out and say you're the doctor, then killing you would be in poor taste, but I'm not voting to lynch mattay.

And honestly, if the mafia hadn't figured you were the doctor by this point, then we may be okay without a doctor.

My point stands, there's no reason to vote for mattay, that I've seen, and for the Shaft and Wes to jump on that bandwagon so quickly, is highly suspicious.

If you say you're the doctor , then fine, I vote for whatever keeps no one from dieing. I'd vote no lynch, if more no lynch votes meant that no one would get lynched, or I'll keep my vote to lynch hex if that'll deadlock the votes.

No lynch or Lynch hex. Whatever according to the rules kills no one.

In either case, if hex does survive this lynching and the mafia, my bet is his argument is going to be, "Well actually guys, the mafia must be trying to frame me!" He may be right, but if he does survive for any significant amount of time that doesn't mean he's above suspicion.

Also, if we're giving a pass to Hex for now, that moves shaft and wes up the list. Wanting to lynch mattay for seemingly no reason, even though the only thing mattay has done is be one of the first people to vote for krows? And wes claiming that ghost isn't a cop but shaft is? What's the deal with that?
Chris I think you should guide us like when you and i played together last. oh the memories, plus us townies need a clue.

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