Mafia VI - Mafia wins!

Hey hey hey, I was writing it! Betaville had just entered a month-long day which was only saved by Santa's coming.

Oh well then. Yes, Green Lantern was the Godfather and killed Schimmel. And soooo concludes the 2009 GR Mafia!

Mafia Win!!!
Wait -- I died? When did that happen? Granted, after the other mafia members died I kinda stopped caring because there was no other cop to talk to and I didn't know who to accuse, they'd all have been pulled out of my ass, but still, I died?
Fucking hell that took forever.

Next time, we need to make a few changes. First off, more participation and deadlines and shit.
To tell you the truth, I was swamped with work from the day right after the last night. I had little-to-no time to finish writing what I hoped would be an epic conclusion.

Well, actually I had some time. Like, definitely enough to finish it. But then, you know..
Well, I felt I did the rest of it ok. Thanks everyone! :D
I was satisfied but i was disappointed in the length of this game. I did try to mindf*** you guys a bit just for kicks to add some drama (a bad act i may say...).

All i am trying to say is: I can't wait for next time, Keeps!
Considering we killed 2 of the mafiosos in less then 3 days I thought we had this year in the bag.

Oh well. Good game everybody, looking forward to next year.
No. It's always - Cop reveals himself. I protect cop. Mafia keeps randomly killing until they kill doctor. Mafia kills cop.
ahahha sorry mattay :)

anyways, I probably should have revealed shimmel as the other cop once mattay was dead, but i forgot!

p.s. mattay get in the livechat, pronto

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