MAFIA: Streets of Betaville IV (END! The Mafia slaughtered!)

i didn't know there was more than 1 future games you should let the cops work together and have contact with each other.
If that happens, then you have to consider this:
In actual Mafia games when the players are playing in person (not over the Internet), the cops do know each other and work together to pick just one person each night.

So which do you think is more advantageous: Multiple cooperating cops picking out multiple suspects per night, or or multiple independent cops picking out one suspect per night?
Cops working together to pick one person. If the Mafia work together the cops should work together.

Also, The Creep and the Don both work out to the mafia's advantage if you think about it. That is too much advantage.
Working together was the old rules, it did make for a slower game but at least when the cops find a mafia member all cops found out.
For what it's worth I prefer independent cops. No one knows who is a cop, or who's just trying to cover their own ass. It lends more paranoia to the proceedings, which is what I find enjoyable. Then again I also really liked the Fragile Alliance multiplayer concept in Kane and Lynch, so I might be in the minority. I also killed 7 of my teammates in a 8 man game, the maxium number allowed, just to say I did. Even though I realized I'd never escape when they respawned as cops. I'm just that kind of guy.
Sorry if it wasn't clear. I meant that I preferred the concept of multiple independent cops, because it'd give the mafia more room to breathe. Just my two cents.

The Kane and Lynch thing was me drawing a connection between what I felt made that game's multiplayer compelling, and why I found these games interesting. Though in retrospect, I guess it was verbal diarrhea(typing diarrhea?).
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
And so that's how it will be.
Rekkie, where would I be without you? Why don't you just host the thing?

Thanks, nah the TV showdowns going to keep me busy for a while. Plus I havn't actually played the game all that much, all 3 times I've been a townie and all 3 times I didn't last past day 3.

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