Mafia V Extravaganza!: Streets of Betaville (Mafia wins!)

Hmm, an interesting setup has begun.

On one side Mattay and N00b; on the other Ghost and Used.

Who are the Cops? Who are the Mafia? Who are just over opinionated townies who want this game to get rolling?

I'm on the side of No Lynch for the time being, because with the 20 some-odd players in this game, less than 10 have spoke up today (including the necrophilia ridden corpse of Stal)
I do not like the cut of Mattay's jib. my guess is that noob's attempt at sleuthing is incorrect, and mafia member Mattay saw it as the chance to help support the lynching of a townie and seized the opportunity to try and get the lynch hex movment going, figuring even when it is found out a townie got lynched people will blame Noob and not him anyway...nice try Mattay!

Lynch Mattay
Shaft, kapow and wes all post within 20 minutes of each other and vote to lynch off mattay when no else has even brought up his name? That seems like a blatant attempt to defend hex. I vote to lynch hex.
You guys DO NOT want to vote me off. I didn't know Krows was mafia, and Ghost who proved he is a cop by taking out Krows voted no lynch.

I'm sticking with him from now on

No lynch
Hexagram, you are a sexy beast and don't you know it, but I am afraid there is only one way to find out for sure.

Lynch Hexagram.
Haha. Shaft and Wes are definately Mafia.

Wes...if it's not obvious that Ghost is a cop then I dont know what is. He said about 10 times to lynch Krow...we did and he was Mafia - BIFF!

My vote still stands
Sorry guys somthing tells me hex isn't the godfather, or isn't in the mafia at all I'm with used and ghost.

No lynch

I'm going to jump on this here, gosh-darn-it, doncha-know, I'm-a-Maverick, lynch-Hex bandwagon. Golly gee.

What, someone has to talk like an idiot now that Sarah Palin was lynched.

Sorry Hex, it's just been revoked!
If you guys think I'm mafia you're sadly mistaken.

If anybody has any solid evidence against Shaft there is no reason not to trust him.
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
And so it all happened. Toomie ran home and rolled around in his new wealth.

what son

what son


n00b_f00 said:
On the other hand, am I the only person who really thinks Hex is the Godfather?

I'll level with you: I'm finding you to be kind of suspicious. Links votes against you early, and as a result he's the first person really killed by the mafia. Ever since you've been very defensive, eager to point the finger at other people. I don't see how you're pegging Hex as mafia--godfather, in fact--based on a handful of posts, which basically just expressed some skepticism as to the basis of everybody's vote. If Hex is godfather, I don't see him being stupid enough to go out on a limb to protect a mafia member already beyond the point of salvation.

That said, I'm not going to point the finger myself until the numbers thin a bit and we move further along in the game. No Lynch.
MattAY said:
Haha. Shaft and Wes are definately Mafia.

Wes...if it's not obvious that Ghost is a cop then I dont know what is. He said about 10 times to lynch Krow...we did and he was Mafia - BIFF!

My vote still stands
Not necessarily. While I do trust Ghost at the moment, he could still be a Mafia member in guise of a cop. It would be a very clever move of the Mafia to sacrifice one of their own in order to make another member (Ghost) look good. Again, I am not saying he is in the Mafia, I am just saying you should be skeptical about everything and don't pledge your allegiance to someone unless you know for sure.

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