Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

I deleted a previous post in this thread so that that post wouldn't screen stretch a full page. Hope that's alright.
Phase 3 will kick off with Ant-Man and continue on with...









Chadwick Boseman (42) will be playing T'Challa and will be first introduced in Captain America: Civil War. The first seeds for the character and Wakanda should appear in The Avengers: Age of Ultron. The first concept art for Black Panther was shown by Marvel as well:
When i saw that Inhumans, I had a horrible flashback because at first it reminded me of this PoS


In any case, between Marvel and DC, they seem to be putting a lot of their eggs in one basket by planning so many of these films. Hope the general audience doesn't get burned out on them.
Yeah, I loved his reaction when the hammer jiggled a bit.

Here's the bootleg teaser that was shown at the El Capitan theater last week for The Avengers: Infinity War.

Edit: Also, here's a short clip from The Avengers: Age of Ultron. It's Steve Rogers and Tony Stark having a heated conversation talking about the Maximoff twins, Thor keeping secrets and seemingly planting seeds for Captain America: Civil War.
I don't think anyone is going to get burned out, so long as the movies continue to be of a decent quality.

and let's be honest, comic book fans are invested in this cinematic universe at this point. I'm not even a comic book fan and I want to see more Captain America after Winter Soldier, and Guardians of the Galaxy. They are really good films that I am glad we live in an age where they can be continued.
Paradox said:
Yeah, I loved his reaction when the hammer jiggled a bit.

Here's the bootleg teaser that was shown at the El Capitan theater last week for The Avengers: Infinity War.

Edit: Also, here's a short clip from The Avengers: Age of Ultron. It's Steve Rogers and Tony Stark having a heated conversation talking about the Maximoff twins, Thor keeping secrets and seemingly planting seeds for Captain America: Civil War.
I was feeling burned out badly by the whole Civil War thing... but fuck, they can make it work.

They just need to spend more time bringing Cap and Tony closer together before they do it.
Cap was the only other Marvel hero able to pick up Thor's hammer for the longest time in the comics, but by this point i bet there have been others as well.

something about pure of heart needed, etc.
Optimus-Crime said:
Cap was the only other Marvel hero able to pick up Thor's hammer for the longest time in the comics, but by this point i bet there have been others as well.
There have been tons, from Storm to Superman.
After all the big news last week surrounding Marvel's Phase Three plans, I have only a small update to share.

Agent Carter premieres in January during Agents of SHIELD's mid-season break. Joining the show is James D'Arcy (Master and Commander, Cloud Atlas) as Howard Stark's butler Edwin Jarvis.

All six episodes of the Judge Dredd: Superfiend animated series are now online.

In an interview with director David Ayer regarding Suicide Squad, he said that "it's a Dirty Dozen with supervillains".

Recently, Jason Momoa was finally able to confirm that he will be playing Aquaman. It's expected that he'll have a cameo appearance in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

On November 17th through the end of the year, the soundtrack to Guardians of the Galaxy will be available on the fitting format of cassette tape.

Marvel had intended to premiere the trailer for The Avengers: Age of Ultron during last week's Agents of SHIELD. Marvel's response when the low res version leaked early:

Idris Elba will appear in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, reprising his role of Heimdall. Elba says he shares a scene with Chris Hemsworth...and Tom Hiddleston.

Robert Downey, Jr. and Chris Evans tease Captain America: Civil War:

I'll leave you with Vince McMahon's opinion of Marvel's Phase 3 line up.
I'm guessing that's part of Marvel's plan to launch comics based off everything they've ever done in the past.
Yup, except it's based off the animated series. And if there was an animated X-Men film based off the 90's show produced by Marvel/Disney I'd be all over that shit.
As for the phase 3 movies I'm excited. I don't know much about some of these new entries so it feels fresh. Still no Hulk movie though.

Oscar Isaac (Drive, Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens) has been cast to play the titular role in X-Men: Apocalypse.


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