Say goodbye to Spiderman 4 and hello to a reboot...

As a Spiderman fan, This really disappoints me. I mean, first off it's only been 10 years since they started making the movies, and second, there's nothing to remake. There's no discrepancies in the story like with Batman or someone like that, where you're able to be creative. No, it's Peter Parker goes to science thing, Peter Parker gets bit, Peter Parker becomes Spiderman. That's it.

And I wouldn't even be surprised if they keep Spidey's organic web from the movies. I mean, it wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't wrong, and I didn't mind it if it wasn't a reboot. But still.

And they tried a grimdark Spiderman. It didn't work. Spiderman is the kind of character who cracks jokes and all that.

And as for the writer, lets see what hes done:
Darkness Falls
The Rundown
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The Losers

Really, Zodiac was a great film but how can you mess it up when you're basing it off of previously released material?
I would also like to point out the the rundown was a pretty cool movie, but seeing as to how he made Xmen: wolverines, I would expect it to be more like that.
bomby139143 said:
I would also like to point out the the rundown was a pretty cool movie, but seeing as to how he made Xmen: wolverines, I would expect it to be more like that.

He *wrote* that movie. For all we know the studio put their nose too far in and fucked that movie up.
I lost all hope for Spider-man when I saw the third movie. Spider-man is my favorite superhero of all time, and Venom is my favorite villain of all time. I had been waiting to see Eddie Brock all throughout the first and second movie, then when I heard he was finally in part 3 I was excited...

Can you imagine how disappointed I was after I saw it?

Not only Venom/black spidey, but Sandman's story drove me crazy. Having him become Uncle Ben's killer is just retarded. Yes, it happened in the comics but that doesn't mean you have to incorporate it into the film and ruin that franchise as well. The comics have done a lot of stupid stories that should never see the light of day, and for some reason they chose to go that route instead of the many many other ideas they could've used with Sandman.

/rant over

I shouldn't really criticise the idea of a reboot without seeing a trailer. But this isn't like Batman Begins. Burton's Batman movie didn't really show how Bruce became Batman so it felt like a whole new movie. The first Spider-man movie covered his origin pretty well, there really isn't anything left to add.

Ah well, I guess it'll be another Wolverine Origins. :roll:
Good news for Rami. Kotaku says this opens up room for an early start at his Warcraft movie.
Good news for the franchise. The franchise was beginning to show its age; the writing had become stagnant for a comic book tale -- too much story, not enough fantasy.

and bad news for us fans :(

I'm 50/50 on going younger. actually, 60/40 against it. It may be time for Sony to pull that Wachowski brothers' Spider-Man 2099 card. Did that get you interested? :)

just let it sink in for a bit. i'll ask again tomorrow
NOOOOOO!!!!!! This CANNOT be happening! How can you people possibly be excited for this?!? Don't you realize what this means? The new spidey will teach us about the value of friendship, Miley Cyrus will have a cameo, Spiderman will be changed to Spider-Mickey, and Stan Lee's name will not appear anywhere in the credits. It's all true. I read it here.
ridley scott. thats who should direct it. he knows how to meld drama and action perfectly. and really, all they need is one villian per film. i think electro would do nicely. ahh, who am i kidding. they'll use the jackal and spidercide. let the clone saga begin everyone.
They might luck their way into a good movie every once in a while, but there will always be garbage out there. The problem with a successful movie franchise is that the better you do, the more people you get who want to be involved, and pretty soon there's too many cooks and the soups is ruined.

Also, How It Should Have Ended has the best Spiderman 3 bit ever (find the link yourself if you haven't ever seen it, you lazy turds).
I am kinda sick of Spider-man movies. I liked the first, the second was okay and the third was blech. I know this is a totally different group and all that jazz but I can't see myself getting excited about this movie. Maybe it will appeal to some of the teenagers around who are going through the same problems (minus radioactive spider bites and the like) but I really don't care about Peter's back story, which I thought was well covered in the other films.
Butler: Hey Harry guess what...

Harry: Wut?

Butler: Spidey never killed ur dad.

Harry: O RLY?

Butler: YA RLY!

Harry: NO WAI
1) As much as I would love a Spider-Man 2099 movie, not enough comic fans remember the 2099 block (Ghost Rider, Doom, X-Men, Punisher, Hulk), and it would flop in the theaters.

2) Ugh, Warcraft movie. Just want Activision-Blizzard needs is more money are retard fanboys. $10 says they turn the Orcs into 40k Orks, and this is a trilogy that starts with the war in full swing, but the Orcs lose and enslaved in the first movie, Thrall rises and reunites the Horde in the second, and the coming of the Burning Crusade in the Third.

3) Part of me was hoping that there would one day be a Reboot movie.
Trippysmurf said:
1) As much as I would love a Spider-Man 2099 movie, not enough comic fans remember the 2099 block (Ghost Rider, Doom, X-Men, Punisher, Hulk), and it would flop in the theaters.

Aw, come on. The Spider-Man name, the Wachowski brothers name.. that's good enough to sell the movie, even with 2099 attached.
The Wachowski's vision on 2099 may not follow the comics exactly, and that's fine. People are ready for a new vision on Spider-Man. Basically, Peter Parker's story has been told and Spider-Man's has not.

I think it's uh.. perfect. Gotta have balls to do this, though. You're putting your neck on the line, but imagine the pay off. Otherwise, it's teenage tweeting Spidey driving a mustang or some crap i don't know.. the Mtv animated show come to life. i can't wait.
ya, the movie Venom was too much like the comic book Carnage (in appearance). That was a huge waste.
Plus the movie Eddie Brock wasn't any bigger than Peter Parker.. wtf

that's Eddie Brock. He's supposed to be a bully character, like Flash Thompson.. but enough about what Spider-Man 3 did wrong.
Chris Crime, you and I are meant to be comic buddies. Whether it's comic books or comic strips. haha

If the Spider-man reboot writers had any sense they would introduce Eddie Brock in the first movie, as he should be in the pic you posted. Then build up his character and if the movie is good enough, use Venom in the sequel.

The Dark Knight did a good enough job with he Joker to make it one of the best Batman movies to date. I'm sure the same could be said about a new spider-man movie with Venom.

I still don't know how they'd do a remake of Spider-man since his origin was already explained in the first movie when Uncle Ben died, but we'll have to wait and see.
i don't want to see another spider man origin movie. don't waste my time for a hour telling me how he got his powers. we already know how he got them. no, instead, just tell us a good spider man story. i still think electro should be in it. that would be interesting. venom had his spot in the lime light.
Good! I'm glad Raimi waled away before he sullied his name with a movie that was as bad as or even worse than Spider-man 3. Spider-man 2 is one of the best superhero movies ever made and 3 is one of the worst. I'm glad that if they're going to ruin this franchise they aren't dragging Raimi down with it. Maybe he can focus on making more slapstick/movies!
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
i don't want to see another spider man origin movie. don't waste my time for a hour telling me how he got his powers. we already know how he got them. no, instead, just tell us a good spider man story. i still think electro should be in it. that would be interesting. venom had his spot in the lime light.

I agree on Electro! Or even Mysterio. Someone new definitely. Venom did have his shot, which is why I would throw him into the sequel and build up Brock's character in the first movie. If it ever got to Carnage the movie franchise would get pretty dark. I've read a few spider-man novels with Carnage and he's one sick dude.

But I don't make movies, lol.

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