Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Haha, my 4 year old was watching the game with me. It was actually pretty cool. Me, my son, some corn tortilla chips and salsa. He's just barely starting to realize that football has rules. So he is constantly asking questions. Anyway, when the Transformers trailer came on, he sat bolt upright and was glued. Then as it was ending, he exhaled and breathed in deeply. He forgot to breathe for like thirty seconds! I couldn't stop laughing. He was also glued to the Captain America trailer. I really just with they did a bit more with the trailer then flashing images at us (hate those types of trailers).
Bret, that's a great story.

The Captain America trailer was good, but I'm still a little iffy on Chris Evans. Thor, on the other hand, looks great. Ohhhhhhh, Natalie...
I keep wondering what would happen if they did a Captain America/Fantastic Four crossover film. Would Chris Evans get double duty?
Marvel would have to get the film rights back first. A FF reboot is due out next year I think, so it would be a new johnny storm anyway.
They're really rebooting FF? God, I hope they don't fuck it up like they did with their last try at it. Then again, it would be pretty hard to do worse than either of those movies.
NickKmet said:
They're really rebooting FF? God, I hope they don't f*** it up like they did with their last try at it. Then again, it would be pretty hard to do worse than either of those movies.

Those movies were hard to watch and for some strange reason I paid to see both in theaters... What is wrong with me? I mean Jessica Alba is attractive but not attractive enough to make that movie worthwhile. Didn't Hollywood learn that a attractive actress can't make a extremely crappy superhero movie good when they attempted Catwoman? Honestly I find the Fantastic Four to be boring superheros except for Johnny Storm, a guy turning into fire is kinda cool. But the rest eh, "oh she's invisible that means she can fig.... she can achiev.... she can go invisible.. And Mr. Fantastic can..... enlarge himself? Sounds like a commercial I saw.... And the thing is.... a thing

used44 said:
The Captain America trailer was good, but I'm still a little iffy on Chris Evans. Thor, on the other hand, looks great. Ohhhhhhh, Natalie...

Agreed about Chris Evans but on the bright side at least they didn't go with option Krasinski. Also hate to sound like Dane Cook but Thor looks B.A.
You actually spent money to see that shit? Man.... I'm so sorry. I didn't even watch all of the 2nd one. My parents had it on one night. I walked into the room, watched like 10 minutes, couldn't stand the absolutely terrible acting, and quickly left.
Paradox said:
Chris_Crime said:
Paradox said:
it would be a new johnny storm anyway.
not for long it won't.

lol, true.

How could I have been so blind! We were first tipped off to Johnny Storm's situation when Marvel Films asked Chris Evans to become the new Cap!

loved Doctor Doom, but not FF movie's Doctor Doom. too campy, reminiscent of the Adamn West Batman series. I couldn't shake that idea.
NickKmet said:
You actually spent money to see that s***? Man.... I'm so sorry. I didn't even watch all of the 2nd one. My parents had it on one night. I walked into the room, watched like 10 minutes, couldn't stand the absolutely terrible acting, and quickly left.

Unfortunately yes, one of my best friends wanted to see it and for some reason I couldn't say no... Wish I did though, same excuse for both movies, but when watching the second one it was our fault should of known from the first one that the 2nd wouldn't be good either. I forgive my friend for it though, had to forgive many friends for dragging me to crappy movies like Terminator 4, Wolf man, the new A nightmare on elm street (technically watched that on pay per view and I enjoyed it because I kept making fun of it throughout) and Clash of the Titans. Although some I had to forgive myself because it was my idea... Transformers 2, Iron Man 2, G.I. Joe, Prince of Persia (wasn't terrible but wasn't great), and Max Payne (same thing as POP)..... *sigh* movies these days....

WickedLiquid said:
I keep reading FF as Fanal Fantasy... Wow I'm such a nerd.
Although it couldn't relate at least you didn't think it was dungeons and dragons or something on that scale. I obviously know that the initials for dungeons and dragons isn't the same as final fantasy but you get the general idea I'm making
Apparently subliminal messaging is ineffective against Green Lantern.

lol I don't even know how I did that, the I is so far away from the A.
Green_Lantern said:
WickedLiquid said:
I keep reading FF as Fanal Fantasy... Wow I'm such a nerd.


Just realized that you were pointing out the fANAL part of the that, thought you were just pointing out that he miss spelled Final Fantasy. But I guess that's a more decent way to tell everyone what you were really thinking of...

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