Paradox said:
I thought the trailer doesn't do the movie justice, especially since before today basically anything that shows the movie was never released. I admit I was expecting this high caliber gritty spectacle but only because I know very little about captain america (that there is 2 of them cause one was killed, he is a super soldier from WW2 I think and that his shield I think is bulletproof) and that a friend of mine who is crazy about CA kept hyping up the movie. It looks like it could be good but also looks like it could fail and for some reason I don't think Chris Evans looks like a good CA (that being said I don't have the right to say that because of how little of CA I know of). I'm just hoping that this movie and Thor will both be very good movie and convert me into becoming fans of those superheros or at least consider paying attention to them instead of just giving superhero love to spider-man, batman, wolverine and a couple of others (not sexual love for the record). One reason I got hyped up was because of pictures like these:Paradox said:
Paradox said:I think our friend Delorean here represents an important demographic to Marvel: the casual to semi-casual comic book fan. This is a grand time to be into comics. I recommend heading to your nearest half-price bookstore (or amazon) and broaden your horizons. Also, LOL! at 'not sexual love'.
Lethean said:Looking good! The Captain America trailer anyways. The Spidey pics look like they could be from a gay porno spoof from the same producers who did "Nailin Palin".
So what other Super Bowl trailers were there?