Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

used44 said:
I still haven't seen Wolverine Origins.

You're not missing much. Why oh why did they screw up that movie so bad? The friggin story is written for you! All you have to do is pick up the comics and read them.

As for Batman, since The Riddler is out I'm betting on Catwoman. Rachel is dead so the series needs a new female lead.
I don't think ivy would be half bad actually.

I don't get calling it Dark Knight Rises. That kind of ties it more to the Dark Knight than Batman Begins, know what I mean? Feels like a sequel to one and not both, which would lead one to believe that the Joker story would continue. Maybe with Harley Quinn?

Regarding Wolverine: Origins, I haven't seen it because I don't want to see it, believe me. I did get the game from Goozex though. Haha. Haven't started it yet though.
still not sure if evans is the right guy for cap, but ill make no judgements until im actually watching the full film in the theater.


more pics here:
a little more casting news for spider-man: martin sheen and sally field will be be taking on the roles of uncle ben and aunt may.

and after emma stone got the role of gwen stacy, we were all curious as to who would be playing mary jane watson. well, we can stop wondering. there will be no mary jane. yep, barring a major rewrite between now and when filming begins next month, she is not in the script. weird.
I don't like to hear that Uncle Ben will be in the Spidey reboot. Because it most likely means they'll have to re-tell the entire origin. I'd much rather prefer the movie begins with Parker as Spidey going to high school and living at home with aunt May. He doesn't really become Spider-man until Uncle Ben is killed by the thief he let get away (don't tell me it was Sandman who killed him or I'll smack you).

Like many have said, I'd much rather prefer this follow the same suit as The Incredible Hulk and not worry about his origin since it's been done. But Uncle Ben means we'll see it all over again... Unless he's only in flashbacks.

Also no MJ? I was really hoping they would focus on characters like Gwen, Eddie Brock, Flash, Dr. Connor, etc instead of MJ and Harry Osborn. However they should still have a minor role in it at least. I'm intersted in seeing who'll play J Jonah Jamerson. Personally I think J.K. Simmons nailed it so they better get a damn good actor.


And am I the only one more interested an the top of that Entertainment weekly cover? What's the good word on The Hobbit???
Hopefully uncle ben's advice and death is just in flashbacks. Spidey should already be an established crimefighter at the beginning of the film, especially if he's in college.
They're putting the Hollywood before the comic book this time around. Then they get all comic book nerd on no Mary Jane, more Gwen Stacy. ssssss..hmmm...yyeeeeahh..hmmmm...rggggg...OOOKAAAYYYY...LOUD SIGH

Yeah, it's gonna be tough to beat this

real tough

There's so much I have say about this bullshit! But this photo of excellent Burns and a link of Electric Company Spider-Man sum up my feelings better than blah blah blah blah ever blah blah. [the extra blah is for my feelings on the blah]
They brought back Judi Dench despite the Bond reboot, at the very least, they should bring back JK simmons.

And I'm actually upset over the fact that it takes place in his angsty highschool years. I saw some early concept art with him spying on a chick changing and my subsequent drawn out sigh was released.

Please please please, don't follow the shitty Ultimate Spiderman story line..
@Wicked: I thought I heard that Arthur Dent is going to be playing Bilbo? And for the record, I'm much more excited about the Hobbit now that del Toro is out.
Bretimus_v2 said:
@Wicked: I thought I heard that Arthur Dent is going to be playing Bilbo? And for the record, I'm much more excited about the Hobbit now that del Toro is out.

Actually, Martin Freeman will be playing Bilbo. I'm honestly a little sad Ian Holm couldn't do it (i thought he was great in the trilogy), but he is pretty old.
Ian Holm would've been spectacular but he is very old (almost 80!), so action scenes would be...meh. I think Freeman will be a good fit. He can capture the mirthful, "omg what have I gotten myself into", hobbit act.
I really didn't think Ian Holm was going to reprise the role anyway. You can't have an actor who is 10 years older play a character who should look 30 years younger. It would be like the original Star Trek cast reprise their roles in the reboot.

However, Ian McKellen can still play Gandalf since Gandalf is 7000 years old. Also Andy Serkis can still play Gollum since he's a CGI character. I honestly can't imagine Gollum's voice done by anyone else.
i think it really looks good!

and in hulk news
As part of Marvel's big push onto the small screen, the Hellboy director and the Battlestar Galactica producer are teaming up to bring the Not-So-Jolly Green Giant to ABC in the fall of 2012.

This new Hulk series will be likely be an origin story, featuring an energized, twentysomething Bruce Banner. And while the various movie Hulks were entirely CGI beasts, the series will use a mixture of prosthetics, puppetry and CGI to realize Banner's alter ago, the design of which will be overseen by Del Toro. The two men will develop the pilot episode's story together, with Eick doing the scripting and Del Toro directingâ€â€
Paradox said:

Just pooped my pants. That actually looks good.

I've always hated the idea of GL on the big screen. He is my favorite superhero by far. His power is fueled by his imagination and willpower. This wasn't a freak accident, he was chosen. It never meant he was perfect, he had to figure it out. On top of that, although problems came to him, sometimes he had to go out in to the dark black abyss of space to find and fight it. He has limits (what with the ring rechargin'.)

But I was always aprehensive about a movie. One, I always felt they would just make it "ooh! A ring! Now I'll fight crime like any other superhero", and blah. Two, CGI this movie in the eighties-or even the nineties-would have been super expensive with no real pay off or it would look super cartoony. Third, I always felt like the leave out the GL Corp because it would get too messy/expensive/whatever. Sooo...most of that feels answered by everything I've been seeing and I'm going to go watch that trailer again.

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