Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

after testing for both of spider-man's main love interests, its confirmed emma stone has been cast as not mary jane, but rather gwen stacy.

other random news:

mark ruffalo says there may be another hulk movie beyond the avengers.

zack snyder, director of 300 and watchmen, has been chosen to direct the next superman movie. expect to see an abundance to slow-mo then fast-mo shots. the planned big bad for the movie: general zod. that pleases me. i know lex luthor is the primary fixture of supermans rouges gallery, but lex as the villain yet again would make me cry. allow me to state my casting opinion: christoph waltz for zod!
For the Spidey movie, are they going to have MJ and Gwen at the same time? 'Cause that would be dumb.

And a Zod Superman movie with lots of slow mo? Sounds good to me.
Paradox said:
after testing for both of spider-man's main love interests, its confirmed emma stone has been cast as not mary jane, but rather gwen stacy.

but but...but Gwen Stacy's blonde, and Emma Stone is a red head...Mary Jane Watson is the red head. What? That can't be right. That would mean Emma Stone's character dies at the end of Spidey 1 or somewhere in Spidey 2?

Never mind, this isn't Spider-Man 4. I should just keep telling myself 'I don't care.'


So take the last good, young redhead from Hollywood-whose claim to fame is her red hair-and cast her as a blonde Gwen Stacy, and not the redheaded MJ?

You ******* ******* !!

i dont care. screw this movie.
hahaha, I second Chris. Not so much about the movie but about Hollywood in general Damn superficial blonde hair and fake tits propaganda!

I also think Anna Ferris looked hotter with black hair than her blonde but everyone thinks I'm on crack. :?

As for the Superman flick, I would prefer an epic battle, a villian who can actually fight Superman psychically.
i was told that Philip Seymour Hoffman MAY gonna be in the next spiderman film...

...Venom? Vulture? Scorpion? Mysterio? ...Black cat!
Bretimus_v2 said:
Nope looks like it's going to be Rhys Ifans.

and it seems ifans will be playing curt connors - the lizard.


i approve of this.

in other news, it would seem that abc and marvel are interested in bringing back 'the incredible hulk' to television. if it happens, Guillermo del Toro and Battlestar Galactica producer David Eick are wanting in.
more of what Marvel pitched to ABC as possible shows:

- Heroes for Hire (focusing on ex-con Luke Cage offering to take on bad guys for a price)

- The Eternals (a race of superpowered beings live amid humanity in secret, inspiring legends)

- Agents of Atlas, Alter Ego (private investigator Jessica Jones takes on cases involving superhumans)

- Moon Knight, the Red Hood (a low-rent criminal discovers a cloak that gives him superpowers)

- Ka-Zar (a Tarzan-type and his saber-toothed tiger must journey to the concrete jungle to seek justice)

- Daughters of the Dragon (a dynamic female duo, one with a bionic arm and the other a granddaughter of a samurai, open a private-detective agency)

- The Punisher (one man wages a war on crime; already adapted as two feature films). also, its also being said that "The Punisher" has been picked to be turned into a possible "cable play" sometime in the future.
News article

Aronofsky will direct Wolverine 2...

I don't really even know what to say about this. It's just surreal and it'll be interesting to watch how it all plays out. I guess I'm just wondering how much freedom he will actually get and also what they can do to redeem Wolverine after Origins.
It's really hard for me to imagine Aronofsky directing a superhero film. Looking forward to it though.

I still haven't seen Wolverine Origins.
Christopher Nolan revealed that the title of the next batman movie will be ' The Dark Knight Rises'.

also the riddler and mr freeze will NOT be in the movie.

who would you like to see as the villian(s)? personally id love to see bane portrayed correctly (as a criminal genius and not simply a muscled moron). catwoman should be featured and i think Mr. Zsasz would fit nicely into Nolan's vision as well.

Now before you go grape ape on me, there are two forms of the penguin: high society/criminal underground Penguin and deformed Danny DeVito Penguin. The first would be perfect for Nolan's world. Batman has had to make his first big compromise in defaming himself. so far he has attacked wrong doing in every way imagineable. With the comic book Penguin they have this little dance where Batman recognizes the Penguin's illegal tendencies but they're never big enough to downright bust him. So instead he uses him for information.

Every Nolan Batman so far has had a flashy lead antagonist (Scarecrow, Joker) and a background second antagonist (Rhas al Ghul, the mob syndicate). Penguin would be a great second antagonist in my opinion. I don't care who the lead villain is as long as it isn't poison ivy.
I concur with the Penguin. Hell, he is the most normal out of everyone in the official rogues gallery that is not a mob man.

Zsasz would be cool to have as a secondary as well. Maybe a serial killer of sorts.

Bane done correctly would be awesome....but honestly, I don't think anything can top the Joker.
What about the riddler? No? ...Crap Nolan said it wouldn't be him... darn it!

Yeah, i'm for penguin. They can't all be psychos you know!
Oh great, no Mr. Freeze or Riddler. Why don't they just throw Calendar Man in there, since he's as good as any of the other villains they have.

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