Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Paradox said:
since andrew garfield is 27, theyre probably going to put peter parker in college rather than high school. also, rumors are floating around that the lizard may be the villain.

im hoping for more wise-cracking and please, please, please dont make spidey a mutant again: give him his wrist mounted web shooters.

heh. that film is cursed imo. the high school parts were some of the best scenes in the original. I bet they'll fit it in some scenes somehow. I can't imagine them not.
As long as they stay away from Spidey's origin as well as Harry's relationship to Peter I have faith in it.

Sam Raimi did such a good job telling Spider-man's origin that we don't need to see it again. Also his relationship with Harry was well done so I don't want to see more of the same, they can use Harry, just not have him be the main focus.

I'm glad there's no MJ and they're taking other paths with Gwen. I hope The Lizard is the villain, he makes a good starter. I also hope we get to see a lot more of Flash.

And a lot more of Eddie Brock. It'd be nice to see his character fleshed out for a possible Venom in the future. The scrawny kid from That 70's Show just didn't cut it.
I was sure Lizard would show up in part 4 after seeing the role (or the camera time) Dr. Connors receives in Spidey 3 (and spidey 2). That'll be cool.
used44 said:
RE: The Lizard, speculation surrounds Christoph Waltz.

i like

as for an origin story, i hope they do as in the Incredible Hulk; just show it in flashes during opening credits.
Paradox said:
as for an origin story, i hope they do as in the Incredible Hulk; just show it in flashes during opening credits.


Out of all the comic book movies for some reason I'm most excited about the Spidey reboot. Maybe because I have a lot of faith in Marc Webb seeing how 500 Days of Summer is an awesome film.

Also The Avengers but Avengers won't come out for a long ass time. And I never got into Captain America or Thor.

Also, Sucker Punch looks prety cool. That's based off a comic to, right?

I know that chick is probably wearing a ton of make up but God damn is she hot.
yes, it looks like steve roger's older, not-as-super-soldier brother has a few scenes here.




head over here to see the rest: ... it-the-web
As awful as Spiderman 3 was...I really don't like this reboot idea. For one, we had a 'Setting Up Spiderman' movie less than 10 years ago, so doing another Spiderman origin story just seems like a waste of a movie. Maybe they'll do it in such a way that it's not an origin story, but they'll probably need a good hour and a half of the upcoming reboot to set things up, and I think that's an hour and a half that we don't need to see.

Also, Spiderman 2 showed how great that franchise could be under Raimi's direction, and to me it's a mistake to throw that potential away. Again, 3 was awful, but I'd rather let Raimi have another chance than reboot the whole thing.
The second Hulk movie recapped his origin in two minutes. I'm sure the spiderman reboot could do the same.
How about this upcoming "Red" DC comic movie? It looks pretty bad, but kinda in a 'trying to be bad/cheesy on purpose' sort of way. I never seem to enjoy those types of movies as most people.

Is the comic any good? I had never heard of it until now.
haha, that's better Bret! I better not catch you forcing me to look something up like that ever again!!!

Maybe it's just because I loved Superbad and Zombieland but Emma Stone would be most awesome as MJ.

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