Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

The only thing that's gonna bum me out about the Avengers movie is no Ms. Marvel, so far no word on any female Avenger, it's gonna be one big ol super hero sausage fest
kingg5 said:
it's gonna be one big ol super hero sausage fest

throw another link on the grill then: the latest casting news for the avengers movie has jeremy renner (hurt locker) set as hawkeye. also, the hulk is said to be a character in the film, but edward norton still hasnt committed to it yet.

as for women, marvel wants at least either wasp or ms marvel, maybe both, but at least one. i like both, but if i must pick one i choose wasp, as she was a founding avenger.

the latest rumors have nathan fillion being pursued for hank pym, but as of right now it is just that: a rumor.

back to captain america: its now reported that neal mcdonough will play dum dum dugan.
Jumping to the DC universe for a second, I'd still rather see Nathan Fillion as Hal Jordan, myself. Sadly I believe Ryan Reynolds is still cast. He's not a bad idea, far from it, but he'd play a better Kyle Raner than Jordan.

Back to Marvel, isn't Scarlett Johannson playing Natasha Romanov in the Avengers movie, or was that a one-time character for Iron Man 2?
i LOVE that trailer!

schimmel said:
Back to Marvel, isn't Scarlett Johannson playing Natasha Romanov in the Avengers movie, or was that a one-time character for Iron Man 2?

jeez, cant believe i glossed over black widow, but yeah, shes supposed to be in it too. guess there will be some buns for sausage after all. so to speak.
its mainly for licensing, but still...


and the stream of good names attached to comic movies continues: Stanley Tucci has been cast in Captain America to star as Dr. Abraham Erskine, the creator of the super soldier serum.
first look at green lantern! looks cool, but to be honest it also kinda looks like they just painted the human torch green. it needs some contrast, maybe some black areas, even the white gloves. ill wait for a trailer though so i can see how it looks in motion.

Thor, Odin, and Loki
I was looking high and low for this topic a couple days ago so I could post that Thor-Odin-Loki picture, but I couldn't find it for some reason and now somebody beat me to the punch :( . The Green Lantern pic kind of looks a bit too modern. The suit looks like it's charged with nanobots or something, when it should really just be green, and black spandex with white gloves. The way DC originally intended for it to be. And I still think Ryan Reynolds would be a better Kyle Rainer than Hal Jordan
Yeah, Ryan looks good in the mask but the suit is way too glowy and modern. Needs some black.

Hopkins eyepatch makes me lol every time.

used44 said:
Hopkins eyepatch makes me lol every time.
yeah, Old Man Xbox is what I see every time.

I bet they won't tinker with the Green Lantern's design at all. Someone forgot to tell them that with great CGI powers comes great CGI responsibility.

In other news, meet Harry.

Now Spidey.

Well Anton Yelchin as Harry is actually just 'rumored', but he looks the part. At least he has that going for him.
The 26 year old Andrew Garfield, on the other hand, will definitely be playing the role of a high school Peter Parker--now with 100% more poofy pompadour-esque thing on his head. That's how you know he's young, you see.

Yep, still pissed about that choice.
Chris_Crime said:
The 26 year old Andrew Garfield, on the other hand, will definitely be playing the role of a high school Peter Parker

A 26 yr old... playing a highscool student? Meh, if he can pull it off then all the power to him. It just sounds very 90210ish.
^^^tobey maguire was also in his mid twenties when the first spider-man movie was released. that being said, unless they start filming tomorrow, dude may be pushing 30 when the reboot comes out.

and the latest big news about the avengers movie is that edward norton will not be back as the hulk. apparently nortons rep as being a dick on set caught up with him and they dont want him back. while i think that sucks it would seem that mark ruffalo may be in 'late stage talks' to take over the role and that seems to make it not suck as much. don cheadle did a better rhodey, so maybe ruffalo will do a better bruce banner.
^ Which is weird seeing as the production staff contacted Norton a couple months ago to talk about him taking the part, and he was pretty psyched about it. Oh well, they're making a bad choice. He might be a dick on set but the man makes some damn good movies, and seeing him act along side Downey Jr, Samuel Jackson, and others would have been pretty tits

But then again seeing as The Avengers is directed by Joss Whedon it's gonna be tits anyway

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