Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Also, the Green Lantern suit will be completely made up of some kind of material called CGI. So all the pics of him now show him in a mo-cap suit.
heres a look at the asgard-created destroyer thats going to be in thor (a model of, anyway):

and heres an eye-witness description of captain americas costume (with no corroboration as of yet; this is only from one guy so far):

highlights, if you dont want to read it all:

the trademark wings that flank the side of Cap's hood are gone. In fact the "hood" is gone entirely. In its place is a more traditional M1 Army helmet though this helmet does come over the eyes to give Cap a traditional "domino mask" look

The costume is still split horizontally through the middle with blue on top and red and white stripes on the bottom. But instead of stripes, it's actually just a white base with two red utility straps acting as stripes

The fabric of the costume doesn't look like the scaled material of SPIDER-MAN but more of a leather fabric, like something you'd see on one of the X-MEN.

The suit actually has a practical WWII military look to it with some of the obvious Captain America flourishes that we would expect.

As for the shield, it actually hews very closely to the classic design of red/white/red rings with the white star in a blue circle at the middle.

Bucky as Winter Soldier, or Bucky as Bucky-Cap?

Also, which US Agent. There have been a few, although not as many as there have been Captain Americas.
Trippysmurf said:
If they f*** up the shield, they f*** up the movie.

As long as they simply finish the shield seen in Iron Man 2 it should be OK. I mean the design is good already, now to just make it indestructible....
schimmel said:
As long as they simply finish the shield seen in Iron Man 2 it should be OK. I mean the design is good already, now to just make it indestructible....

there was something i was thinking when i watched iron man 2. when tony is making that new element for his chest device, i dont think he gave it a name, or if he did i missed it. but with the cameo of cap's shield fresh in mind, the first thing i thought was "hey, is that vibranium?".
I think you're right actually. I don't remember him naming his new element, he just said he had made it, and then when he put it into his chest he acted like he had just done a line of the purest coke he's ever seen. Granted, I thought throughout the movie that scene was best suited for RDJ because of that.
chris crime already posted the links, but ill go ahead and put up one of the captain america concept pics too.

things missing in the Thor pic:
1. helmet
2. RAGE!
3. epic viking beard

But I guess I'm okay with a dark-blue chest piece. sort of okay with it.
Okay, I'm not okay with it at all. Where's the light-blue circles? That's how I know it's Thor!

hmm.. looks like those metallic silver plates are encircled in blue led lights.
welp. whatever.
I think they're going more for the Ultimate Avengers Thor, who didn't have any of those looks anyway. If they were going for the Ultimate look, they got it close to right...

HELMET. (clean shaven)
but that's pretty much the outfit. xept less leather. but it wouldn't be a Marvel movie without an ample amount of leather. trademarked

The movies usually do a mix of the Ultimate and Earth-616 universes, or at least from what i can tell. I guess the movies are a canon unto itself.
Yeah, that is true. I just figured they were gonna have a mix between classic Avengers and Ultimate Avengers, I mean Nick Fury is black, after all

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