Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Woa... this looks bad...

And i thought magneto came from the concentration camps or something... like he hated humans for a loooooong time... what's he doing there helping Kennedy?

heck what is Kennedy doing there?
I love X-Men so much. It hurts me how they've ruined some of the films. I mean the first two X-men movies were pretty good, not excellent but they were good enough. But then X3 and Wolverine raped my childhood and told me not to tell anyone :(
Lien said:
Woa... this looks bad...

And i thought magneto came from the concentration camps or something... like he hated humans for a loooooong time... what's he doing there helping Kennedy?

heck what is Kennedy doing there?

Yeah I watched that trailer and immediately thought "Wrong?" I'm only knowledgable of the X-Men universe because of the old cartoon, I never read the comics but I'm sure to some degree that magneto and xavier never worked together, x-men didn't fight soviets, xavier never had hair, and that magneto helped humans.... ever... Sure I could be wrong but just because the majority of society doesn't have comic book knowledge doesn't mean hollywood can just molest everything I love (transformers, x-men, G.I. Joe, Spidermen, Batman but thats now redeemed, max payne, final fantasy, prince of persia). For once can a film maker do some research instead of making bold guesses. And plus if the first x-men was on the nose (I don't know if it was but still liked it) magneto was a jew in the concentration camp meaning hatred against everyone (or just germans). James McAvoy just doesn't fit as a xavier I jsut keep thinking of Wanted throughout the trailer. The guy who plays magneto kind of plays it off but still. Also what the looks of it the students of the first class don't look to be the actual first five (who the hell is butterfly wings chick?). In fact I think the only three students in the trailer (that I saw) that actually were one of the originals were Jean Grey, Cyclops and Beast I admit the action kind of looks good but even if the movie is good the entire time I'll maybe be thinking "Wrong..... Wrong.... That might be right.... That's definitely wrong... Hey that's right.... I think....". But once again never read the comics so maybe what was in the trailer is correct (if it was correct me so I don't keep saying this argument to others)

Once again with most superhero movies before they release, fingers crossed
I think the new X-Men flick looks pretty good actually. Magneto's hatred towards humans was a gradual one from what I recall correctly. Either way, it's a teaser trailer. You can't judge an entire movie off of that. I mean, Revenge of the Fallen looked awesome and look how that turned out.

Speaking of Transformers....

Optimus Prime is a badass, hopefully for more than just a couple of scenes this time, no more Megan Fox and Michael Bay said none of that lame humour from the second. Actually, he pretty much wants to undo everything that was done wrong according to him. We'll see.
I hate to be the elitist here but...

Delorean88 said:
I'm sure to some degree that magneto and Xavier never worked together,
They've been life long friends, they started out working together.

x-men didn't fight soviets,
They did, the X-Men comics began in 1963. However the Soviets weren't a huge part of the story since they were busy fighting super villains.

xavier never had hair,
He wasn't born bald, he had hair but began balding at a very young age (early 20's) and thus shaved his head,

and that magneto helped humans.... ever...
He did at first when he worked along side Charles. Magneto always hated humans because of his childhood experiences during WWII but a part of him believed in Charles until he lost patience with Xavier's optimism towards them... er... towards us... whatever.

Technically X-Men First Class SHOULD be
-Jean Grey

But because they're following the films iceman and angel aren't even born yet. I honestly don't care too much about this being 100% accurate to the comics. Even though I don't understand why it's so hard to follow the comics, I mean, the story is already written for you. Spider-man was the most successful comic book movie because it followed the origin story as closely as it could. But hey, I can live with it. If I can accept that Iceman played the role of Gambit in the trilogy instead of my favorite X-Man... Gambit, then I can deal with this. I just don't like the look of these actors and their Jedi BS moves they seem to be doing.

You gotta hand it to the trilogy, the actors were cast perfectly IMO.
I'm looking at this movie as a sort of alternate reality compared to the comics, because thinking about whether or not a comic book movie is accurate enough makes me feel bad about myself.
Green_Lantern said:
The best part about X-Men is the fact that Rogue/Anna Paquin is hot.

anna paquin has terrible teeth though ;( it always ruins it for me

schimmel said:
I still want to know why a prequel? The world doesn't like prequels, they were cool like ten years ago.

who doesn't like a prequel.. problem is theyre never done right

so i suppose i should say, who doesn't like the idea of a prequel done right
NickKmet said:
schimmel said:
I still want to know why a prequel? The world doesn't like prequels, they were cool like ten years ago.

Yeah, but that's about when they decided to do this movie.
Really? A year after the first one came out they were already deciding to do a prequel? >_>
Lethean said:
NickKmet said:
schimmel said:
I still want to know why a prequel? The world doesn't like prequels, they were cool like ten years ago.

Yeah, but that's about when they decided to do this movie.
Really? A year after the first one came out they were already deciding to do a prequel? >_>

Sarcasm Lethean, sarcasm. Though really, this thing has been in the works for YEARS. That's what I was trying to say.
WickedLiquid said:
because they're following the films iceman and angel aren't even born yet.

Which is stupid IMO. They can't use the same actors (unless Wolverine is in this and I'm pretty sure he's not) so why bother staying canon to the movies? It's a reboot and should be a treated as a new story.

But enough of me whining, I'm just glad Beast is in it and he gets his origin story. Although it will be hard to top Kelsey Grammar since I think he did a pretty good job.

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