I hate to be the elitist here but...
Delorean88 said:
I'm sure to some degree that magneto and Xavier never worked together,
They've been life long friends, they started out working together.
x-men didn't fight soviets,
They did, the X-Men comics began in 1963. However the Soviets weren't a huge part of the story since they were busy fighting super villains.
He wasn't born bald, he had hair but began balding at a very young age (early 20's) and thus shaved his head,
and that magneto helped humans.... ever...
He did at first when he worked along side Charles. Magneto always hated humans because of his childhood experiences during WWII but a part of him believed in Charles until he lost patience with Xavier's optimism towards them... er... towards us... whatever.
Technically X-Men First Class SHOULD be
-Jean Grey
But because they're following the films iceman and angel aren't even born yet. I honestly don't care too much about this being 100% accurate to the comics. Even though I don't understand why it's so hard to follow the comics, I mean, the story is already written for you. Spider-man was the most successful comic book movie because it followed the origin story as closely as it could. But hey, I can live with it. If I can accept that Iceman played the role of Gambit in the trilogy instead of my favorite X-Man... Gambit, then I can deal with this. I just don't like the look of these actors and their Jedi BS moves they seem to be doing.
You gotta hand it to the trilogy, the actors were cast perfectly IMO.