Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

I don't think it's a reboot since they acknowledged it's predecessor's right in the first few seconds of the trailer.
What's all this talk about Reboot???

Including Wolverine would be kind of pointless in my opinion, since they already did his origin story, and according to the movies, he doesn't hook up with the rest of the X-Men until well after that and well after everyone else's origin story (in the 1st X-Men movie).
NickKmet said:
Including Wolverine would be kind of pointless in my opinion, since they already did his origin story, and according to the movies, he doesn't hook up with the rest of the X-Men until well after that and well after everyone else's origin story (in the 1st X-Men movie).

Exactly - Not only that but they'd be completely disregarding the comics if they had him in there - He didn't make his first appearance until 1974 in the Incredible Hulk 180-181 and didn't join the X-Men until 1975 in a giant sized issue - 12 years after the first issue of X-Men.
Logan's the reason for a_lot_of things in the Marvel universe, and he means even more to the Marvel films formula. Sup, Cap. how you liking that super soldier formula?
Thanks to Logan and the Weapon X testing no doubt.

Hell, if they were really aiming to please comic book fans, Hugh Jackman would have a full on cameo as the Wolverine we all know from the movies. It could easily tie into his slow aging and all... I'd like to see that.
Logan could fit into just about any time line.

But the point is he's not a main character in this film. Remove the most popular character and you have a entirely new franchise on your hands.
That's really all you have to do. tons of marvel characters to choose from without getting too obscure. Cyclops doesn't seem to be here, that's fine. Tell Havok's story instead. Hoping they don't ruin Havok's character, he's just as cool as Logan.

This is a prequel alright. A prequel to the Xmen Movie canon, not the comic book, so that means they can continue to take liberties in any way they see fit. They'll have to in order to make the stories fit with the other 3 Xmen movies. Can't use Angel or Iceman, they've ruined that shot already. McCoy doesn't take on the feline features till later in the comic, but he already has them in this film. Fine. ... I'm hoping White Queen isn't an Xmen (yet) because that would mean no Hellfire Club. Though they can always turn her, like Magneto. enter xmen first class 2: Hellfire Club.
Hoping they'll continue with this mix of old and new. actually I'm just hoping i'm correct. Who knows what the final product looks like.
So the new Spiderman flick will be called "The Amazing Spiderman". Along with this bit of news is a new picture of Andrew Garfield in the Spidey costume but this time he's donned the max.

he should spend a lot less time as Peter Parker this time around. like, the entire film.
okay, not the entire film...just most of it.

Digging the McFarlane camera angle.
Ah, The Amazing Spiderman, not Ultimate Spider-man. Which means it probably won't follow the Ultimate storyline where Spidey is a teen titan, LOL. I like that.

Lien said:
WickedLiquid said:
What's all this talk about Reboot???
It's just like the reboot's reboot liquid

used44 said:
Here's a screen cap breakdown of the X-Men First Class trailer, for all who are interested. ... r/gallery/

After reading that I changed my opinion of the movie, maybe they will be on track or at least close enough that you can enjoy the movie. Not that the previous X-Men movies you couldn't the first two were enjoyable and the rest don't exist. Well let me reword that X-Men Origins from the beginning of the war montage to the end of the Africa thing is all that exist to me from those bad continuances. After reading the parts you quoted me on Wicked I felt like a idiot because some of the stuff I said I realized well obviously like Xavier having hair. It's just that it'll take me some time to get used to Xavier having hair similar to how it will take the world some time accept snooki as a hobbit prostitute and not as a "human being". I'll give this movie a chance cause I don't want it to fail, I want all my superhero favs to get the movies they deserve but it hurts when they don't But at least if X-Men First Class sucks there will be Thor and Captain America... I would say Green Lantern but I didn't..... It looked terr..... Hey Wicked nice Reboot reference, my childhood thanks you. Also never realized till now that Fraiser was Beast... Mind somewhat on a small scale blown

I understand in a way why Hollywood doesn't follow comics, majority of the country hasn't even touched a comic so why suit movies to their needs? Well just because a small percent of people experience a storyline in it's original form doesn't mean you can screw it over. Most of the comics have good enough, if not perfect storylines that don't need to be drastically changed. Sure it's tough to adapt anything and keep it true to the source without sucking but *sigh* one can dream. But obviously there have been spot on adaptations that were good like in my opinion Watchmen was a movie that was almost spot on. There were major changes like the ending and various scenes but from my friends who read the comic all said it was almost a page by page representation. Maybe that was exaggeration but have you really seen that in cinema before? Maybe.... But we act shocked that Hollywood screws up these movies I mean these are the people who gave a green light to Drive Angry, any Uwe Boll movie, Sex and the City... But whether or not you think First Class will be good majority of anyone here will most likely pay to see it or unfortunately I will. But I like to go in being optimistic.... (Fantastic Four) really.... optimistic....

Side Note: The Spiderman costume looks better from that angle and action
Four words: Hellfire Club Kevin Bacon.

More words: I'm actually fairly excited for this. And can I just say that I hate the phenomenon surrounding "reboot". If it's not by the same director or writer or sharing the same vision, just accept that it's a different take on the subject matter. When I heard Ratner was directing a X-Men movie I expected crap and got crap. Ta-duh! I just hope that the music direction and song selection in this is better than Kick-Ass.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Four words: Hellfire Club Kevin Bacon.

My favorite Kevin Bacon movie is a tie...between all of them.

Bretimus_v2 said:
I just hope that the music direction and song selection in this is better than Kick-Ass.

Hey now, I really liked Kick-Ass's OST...Yeah, the stuff by The Prodigy and other bands wasn't that great, but the score version of the OST was really good. Some examples
Sorry, let me clarify. The score was damn good. It was the rest of the garbage songs that took me out of it. Just one man. One opinion.

example: when he is on the jet pack blowing people away, the song is just not what the moment needed

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