Logan's the reason for a_lot_of things in the Marvel universe, and he means even more to the Marvel films formula. Sup, Cap. how you liking that super soldier formula?
Thanks to Logan and the Weapon X testing no doubt.
Hell, if they were really aiming to please comic book fans, Hugh Jackman would have a full on cameo as the Wolverine we all know from the movies. It could easily tie into his slow aging and all... I'd like to see that.
Logan could fit into just about any time line.
But the point is he's not a main character in this film. Remove the most popular character and you have a entirely new franchise on your hands.
That's really all you have to do. tons of marvel characters to choose from without getting too obscure. Cyclops doesn't seem to be here, that's fine. Tell Havok's story instead. Hoping they don't ruin Havok's character, he's just as cool as Logan.
This is a prequel alright. A prequel to the Xmen Movie canon, not the comic book, so that means they can continue to take liberties in any way they see fit. They'll have to in order to make the stories fit with the other 3 Xmen movies. Can't use Angel or Iceman, they've ruined that shot already. McCoy doesn't take on the feline features till later in the comic, but he already has them in this film. Fine. ... I'm hoping White Queen isn't an Xmen (yet) because that would mean no Hellfire Club. Though they can always turn her, like Magneto. enter xmen first class 2: Hellfire Club.
Hoping they'll continue with this mix of old and new. actually I'm just hoping i'm correct. Who knows what the final product looks like.