Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

I just watched the trailer for the new Amazing Spider-Man film and... it looks okay, but I agree it does look very "busy". I'm also not sure if the idea of three villains is a good idea, because as mentioned before, it's a curse of too many villains... e.g. Spider-Man 3 (Hob Goblin, Sandman, Venom).

I'm happy though that the costume in this movie is the closest and most accurate it's been to the original comics. Well, that's what I think anyway.
It's still unclear if this Goblin is Norman or Harry, although I bet it's Harry. Ever since I saw the first image of this film's Goblin, I've been nagged by a familiarity, like I've seen it before. Then it struck me: Jack Frost from one of the Santa Clause films.

If (when) it ends up being Norman Osborn, I'm kinda hoping they go the Ultimate Goblin route. Willem Dafoe was awesome, but I didn't care for that Power Rangers mask.
danielrbischoff said:
Neither has looked the part.


That was Raimi's version. This is the ultimate spiderman series, hence the blue electro.

oops I don't know how to resize images yet on this new phone

Actually that Osborn looks more like Franco. It makes no sense!!

Oh loneliness and cheeseburgers are a dangerous mix...
I already posted the two biggest reports this week with The Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer and the Wonder Woman casting, so here's what little I have left.

Bob and Harvey Weinstein are looking to bring a few more projects to television. Among them is a Sin City television series from Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez.

As Lethean already posted, The next X-Men film in the pipeline is X-Men: Apocalypse. It's already been given a release date of May 27, 2016.

Fox films has signed a three-year first look deal with writer-producer Simon Kinberg (X-Men: Days of Future Past, upcoming The Fantastic Four). His duty will be to guide all upcoming and future Marvel films under the Fox umbrella into a shared universe, Avengers-style. Since Daredevil is back with Disney/Marvel, all Fox/Marvel has left to currently share a universe between is the X-Men and Fantastic Four, but other films around other Fox owned characters could still be woven in later, like Deadpool.

X-Force co-creator Rob Liefeld said he read Jeff Wadlow's most recent draft of the screenplay for the planned X-Force movie and he took to Twitter to gush all about it over a series of Tweets. Here's some of the more interesting ones:
"I was fortunate enough to read the current draft of the X-Force film last week, and I can tell you, it was beyond impressive!"
"The best part of the film is the camaraderie between the team as they learn to cope and trust one another!"
"There are at least 4 sequences that long time fans of X-Force, Cable and Deadpool will scream in absolute delight!"
"Perfectly plausible to see the X-Force and Deadpool stand alone film released within 6 months to a year of one another. Great times ahead."

Now that DC and Warner Bros are establishing their own cinematic film universe, they are looking to get it populated. They just announced that they will release two smaller budgeted films a year, one in the spring and one in the fall. The films will have a budget range of $20 to $40 million and mostly focus on lesser known or second tier characters. While none of these have a green light yet, DC is working on adaptions of Booster Gold, Deathstroke, Team 7, and Suicide Squad. These would all be in addition to the big-budget films involving Superman, Batman and others.

Avengers trailer: Derp edition
If I were Fox I'd let Fantastic Four go back to Disney/Marvel too, then just focus on X-men which already has a massive, convoluted, multi-faceted universe as it is. Spinning FF into that will weaken it.
If anyone is going to be brought into the X-Men movieverse it should be Hulk. I mean come on, we need to see a Wolverine VS Hulk movie.

And I am so stoked for Apocalypse. I always figured he was too cartoonish to be in a live action film. But I also thought the same about Thanos and he's being brought to life. I'm guessing they're going to ditch the big A on Apocalypse's Belt? That would be a good call.

And maybe after the incredible success of The Avengers the X-Men movies will feel like X-Men movies and not Wolverine plus friends.

Here's hoping that in Days of Future Past they go back in time and stop The Last Stand and Wolverine Origins from ever happening.
Mark Millar's upcoming comic book series Starlight from Image comics has already been optioned to become a movie by Fox. Starlight's said to be kind of a mix of Flash Gordon and The Dark Knight.

Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones, Conan) is in talks for a role in the Man of Steel sequel. No word on what kind of role yet though.

Don Cheadle said in a recent interview that he has a part to film for The Avengers: Age of Ultron. I'm guessing that since Tony Stark's decisions at the end of Iron Man 3 would affect the team, Rhodey had to step up.

The just announced X-Men: Apocalypse will be directed by Bryan Singer and will be tied directly into the closing moments of X-Men: Days of Future Past. It will focus strictly on the younger cast of First Class.

I had reported before that Sony was looking to create a bigger world around Spider-Man and was looking at different ideas and characters to base movies on. Well, Sony just announced two films: The Sinister Six, and Venom. I'm eager to see how the S6 will play out. Will it be a comic book film from the villain's point of view, or end up being a Spider-Man film? Drew Goddard (a lot of Joss Weadon projects and the upcoming Daredevil Netflix series) is attached to write and possibly direct. Alex Kurtzman, who's written and produced on shows like Alias and Fringe and the new Star Trek films, will co-write and direct Venom.
No word on if The Sinister Six will throw together all the existing and upcoming Amazing Spider-Man film villains, or introduce new ones like Kraven or Mysterio. In the trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, there were those six numbered doors opening that may have been foreshadowing, and one brief scene had a glimpse of 'Venom storage 7-U' on a display.

While Sony says there will be a third and fourth film for the The Amazing Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield says, “I mean I’m under contract for another one after this… as far as a fourth one? That’s not anything to do with me."
Unless they get him back for #4, perhaps either S6 or Venom will serve as the fourth.

Here's the international trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Several new scenes and a lot more humor.
Nice update. Can't wait to see more X-Men and Spider-Man in the theater. I'm OK with those two licenses getting broken off into their own film universes, even though I hope they can do a gigantic Civil War crossover some day.
Well, it's official. Marvel has confirmed the speculation and Paul Rudd will star as Hank Pym in Ant-Man.

Here's what Kevin Feige had to say on the casting:
“When Edgar Wright came to us with the idea of Paul Rudd, we felt a huge sense of relief because the first step in creating any Marvel Studios film is finding the right star," said Marvel's Kevin Feige. "We knew early on that we had found the right person in Paul. When he not only agreed to do it but became as enthusiastic as any actor we’d ever met with about doing the work, we knew we’d found the right guy. We couldn’t be more excited for our audiences to see what he’s going to do to bring Ant-Man to life.â€
An upcoming episode of Agents of SHEILD will feature the character Donnie Gill. Gill took on the mantle of Blizzard in the comics and was part of Iron Man's rogues gallery.

For the upcoming Flash tv show, two characters said to be being developed are Francisco 'Paco' Ramon and Detective Eddie Thawne. Ramon in the comics is known as Vibe, a sometimes member of the Justice League. As for Eddie Thawne, that name sounds like Eobard Thawne, who in the comics is Professor Zoom, arch-rival to the Flash.

I'd previously reported that David S. Goyer was going to develop a movie based on Neil Gaiman's Sandman. Also involved now is Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He will co-produce and also may direct and possibly star in it as well. Per JGL's Facebook page: "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm incredibly honored to be working with David Goyer, Warner Bros, and Neil Gaiman on SANDMAN. ‪#‎Prelude‬"

Screenwriters Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty, who co-wrote X2: X-Men United, are being brought back by Bryan Singer to work on X-Men: Apocalypse. Simon Kinberg (who wrote X-Men: Days of Future Past, is writing The Fantastic Four, and is spearheading a Marvel cinematic universe for Fox) will also be involved in the story process.

Chris Terrio (screenwriter for Argo) is being brought to write a new draft for the Man of Steel sequel. Most likely he'll be expanding on the current script and story.

Also for the sequel, Warner Bros is interested in bringing Joaquin Phoenix on for a role, possibly a villain. Phoenix thus far hasn't commented on the issue.

Even though the casting was unofficial for months, we all knew Vin Diesel would be voicing Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy. Well, director James Gunn finally gave the official word on the casting via Facebook: "Yep it is completely official. AND he's amazing. I never knew someone could say I AM GROOT so many different ways and with such feeling (and that sounds like I'm kidding but I'm not!)"

I still think the way they're going with Groot looks too cutesy, but I know the current design may not be final, plus I'll wait and see it in motion before judging.
Paradox said:
For the upcoming Flash tv show, two characters said to be being developed are Francisco 'Paco' Ramon and Detective Eddie Thawne. Ramon in the comics is known as Vibe, a sometimes member of the Justice League. As for Eddie Thawne, that name sounds like Eobard Thawne, who in the comics is Professor Zoom, arch-rival to the Flash.
And the fact that he's a fellow detective also has shades of Hunter Zolomon, who was the Reverse Flash to Wally West.

I'm getting more and more excited about the Flash show every moment.
Longo_2_guns said:
Paradox said:
For the upcoming Flash tv show, two characters said to be being developed are Francisco 'Paco' Ramon and Detective Eddie Thawne. Ramon in the comics is known as Vibe, a sometimes member of the Justice League. As for Eddie Thawne, that name sounds like Eobard Thawne, who in the comics is Professor Zoom, arch-rival to the Flash.
And the fact that he's a fellow detective also has shades of Hunter Zolomon, who was the Reverse Flash to Wally West.
It's stuff like that made me give up on American comics altogether.

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