Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

This past Saturday, Kevin Smith hosted a Man of Steel Q&A featuring Zack Snyder, Amy Adams, and Henry Cavill. Smith says that after the show, Snyder pulled him aside, took out his iPhone and showed him a picture of Ben Affleck in the new Batsuit. Smith's reaction?

“I saw the costume. More than that I saw a picture of him (Affleck) in the costume. Now, I don’t want to give anything away ’cause that is up to them and stuff, but I am going to say this, I instantly bear hugged him (Snyder). You have not seen this costume in a movie on film before, and for a comic book fan it was mind bending. I was like ‘Get out of here, only you have enough power to pull this off.’ Because everyone always like does this Matrix/X-Men black armor…It was fantastic. I’m already a flag waver for this movie but the costume, it blew my mind. I think everyone is just gonna be like ‘Holy shit!’ It’s its own thing, man. It’s like we haven’t been down this path at all. I was so elated….Even the hardest core 'fuck all this' person will be like ‘alright, I’m ready.'"

Smith also mentioned what the suit was influenced by, but said influence was bleeped out:
"It seemed like it was very [Redacted] influenced."
Someone who actually attended the podcast says that the bleeped influence was Jim Lee.

So to give you an idea of how Batman may appear in the Man of Steel sequel, here's a look at Lee's influence and design over the past ten years.


As I've stated before, I'm firmly in the 'give Affleck a chance' camp. With filming already started and a release date about a year and a half away, I expect we'll get some pics (and official title) sooner rather than later. Unless Snyder wants to hold everything close to his vest until next Comic-Con that is.
I'm alright with Affleck.

I just have problems with all of DC's movie making in general. They need some people involved who can shut up the Nolan influence and make shit less apologetic to non-comic fans.
There's rumors circulating that the suit may be based off the design in Batman: Noel, which itself seems to be influenced by Jim Lee.
Paradox said:
There's rumors circulating that the suit may be based off the design in Batman: Noel, which itself seems to be influenced by Jim Lee.

not bad looking.

I am sure Ben will do fine. I am not sure the movie will do fine, because the DC comic movies tend to be inferior to the marvel ones it seems.
That would look really cool. I'm usually a fan of the short ears.

And I've never heard of Batman: Noel until now! Yay more trades to buy. Tis the season.
Same. Never heard of Noel.

It's such a simple look. This seems too simple. But I like the look of the cowl, cape and chest piece.
Well, I love getting myself into crap so I checked out info of what Batman: Noel is about. So, it's essentially A Christmas Carol, but skinned as Batman characters?
Nah, i'd think he'd be the ghost of Christmas future... him or harvey dent.

Joker could be the ghost of chrismas present.
So, how about this season of Arrow. The latest episode was great. Really enjoyed Diggle and Deadshot teaming up. I personally enjoy Deadshot's personality.
Season 2 of Arrow started strong and hasn't let up. Also, notice in the background how they keep mentioning the 'dangerous' particle accelerator? I'm betting at some point, Barry Allen's going to end up there with that super-serum stuff.

A couple of updates ago, I told how director of Thor: The Dark World, Alan Taylor pretty much shit on the James Gunn directed portion of the film. Taylor has since apologized for his comments, saying he has nothing but respect for Gunn. Gunn himself had this to say: "Alan has apologized profusely both personally to me and to the press. He's a good guy."

More info on the Marvel Netflix shows in the works: It's looking like the writer and executive producer of the Jessica Jones series will be Melissa Rosenberg. Rosenberg is best known for adapting the Twilight books for the big screen, but she's also done script work for several television shows, including Dexter. A couple of years ago, there had been plans for a show based on Jessica Jones for ABC and Rosenberg was attached then as well, so she's already familiar with the character.

The Daredevil show looks to be getting a scriptwriter in Drew Goddard, friend to Joss Whedon and J.J. Abrams. Goddard was the director of Cabin in the Woods, and also worked on the scripts for World War Z and Cloverfield. His television work includes Lost, Alias, Angel, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Goddard is a self professed Daredevil fan and told the following to Collider: “You’re talking to a guy who had quotes from Daredevil painted on his wall while growing up. Even when I was 18, I still had the blood red door with the, ‘I have shown him that a man without hope is a man without fear.’ That was what I loved and so it’s the sort of thing that if we can find the right project, I would love to do it.â€

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