This past Saturday, Kevin Smith hosted a Man of Steel Q&A featuring Zack Snyder, Amy Adams, and Henry Cavill. Smith says that after the show, Snyder pulled him aside, took out his iPhone and showed him a picture of Ben Affleck in the new Batsuit. Smith's reaction?
“I saw the costume. More than that I saw a picture of him (Affleck) in the costume. Now, I don’t want to give anything away ’cause that is up to them and stuff, but I am going to say this, I instantly bear hugged him (Snyder). You have not seen this costume in a movie on film before, and for a comic book fan it was mind bending. I was like ‘Get out of here, only you have enough power to pull this off.’ Because everyone always like does this Matrix/X-Men black armor…It was fantastic. I’m already a flag waver for this movie but the costume, it blew my mind. I think everyone is just gonna be like ‘Holy shit!’ It’s its own thing, man. It’s like we haven’t been down this path at all. I was so elated….Even the hardest core 'fuck all this' person will be like ‘alright, I’m ready.'"
Smith also mentioned what the suit was influenced by, but said influence was bleeped out:
"It seemed like it was very [Redacted] influenced."
Someone who actually attended the podcast says that the bleeped influence was Jim Lee.
So to give you an idea of how Batman may appear in the Man of Steel sequel, here's a look at Lee's influence and design over the past ten years.
As I've stated before, I'm firmly in the 'give Affleck a chance' camp. With filming already started and a release date about a year and a half away, I expect we'll get some pics (and official title) sooner rather than later. Unless Snyder wants to hold everything close to his vest until next Comic-Con that is.