Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

So, I read in a Thor review that he's directed a bunch of Game of Thrones... I've only seen about half an hour of the show, but maybe that's why he's got such a big head about it? You'd think signing on to a major project for Disney/Marvel would get you to check some ego at the door, but I'm no less excited to see The Dark World.
I'm still concerned that so many characters are crammed in, they may all just feel like cameos, but like Gunner, I liked First Class so I'll still go see it.
Got back from the new Thor a bit ago. It was incredibly fantastic. Go see it and make sure to stick around for both end credit bonus scenes. I'd elaborate more but tired and time for bed. Got a bit of juicy news I'll share in the weekend update.
I might as well take this moment to share what I liked and was a little disappointed with in Thor 2. Though I'll spoiler it all out.

What I loved:
Most everything.
But besides that I really liked the first after credits moment with The Collector, for two reasons. One, the Collector is fucking awesome. And two, because it revealed that the gems on the Infinite Gauntlet aren't just little things that are similar to the Tesseract, they ARE the fucking Cosmic-level weapons. So the Tesseract is the Mind gem, the Ether is the power gem, and I assume the Eye of Avalon and the Book of the Vishanti are going to come up as the time/space and reality gems. And it makes sense, since when Thor blasted the Ether it shattered into gem fragments. Also, Odin says that "Most artifacts appeared as stones..." OH DAYUM!
I also liked the end fight a lot. It didn't really make sense how they stopped Malacath, but besides that it was great.

And there were just a couple of things I didn't like as much, that I'll list in order of spoiler levels.

First of all I did not like how Star Wars-y the Dark Elves were. They had fucking laser guns 5 thousand years ago, and NO Asgardian went "GEE, THAT'S A GOOD IDEA! LET'S GET SOME FUCKING GUNS SO WE DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT IN CLOSE COMBAT!" It felt super out of place.

Next I wasn't a huge fan of how much they pushed the Jane/Thor love thing. It still doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since they knew each other for all of three fucking days.

And the big one for me was the whole Loki death thing. It came as a big shock to me that they would do it, and I really liked the idea, but NOPE! Not even FIVE FUCKING MINUTES LATER they have to go "OH DON'T WORRY FANGIRLS, HE'S NOT DEAD!" Which completely took all of the wind out of the sails for that scene. Suddenly, all the emotion is gone and nothing of consequence has happened.
Enders game did a surprising lot with the time they had. They changed some plot points and the ending a bit but I was happy with the movie overall. Also, Bean seriously looks and has similar mannerisms to my second son.
CW is said to be developing a show based on, of all characters, Hourman. While in the comics, Hourman would take a pill or use a patch to give himself superpowers for one hour, this version will have an Hourman that gets visions of events from one hour into the future. Here's the details:
Hourman centers on a brilliant-yet-troubled pharmaceutical analyst who discovers that the visions that have plagued him since childhood are actually glimpses of tragic events occurring one hour in the future. Determined to win back his ex-wife and son, he heroically prevents these tragedies from unfolding, finding both purpose and redemption along the way.
Hourman's not that obscure; he's a Golden Ager from the early 1940s who's been affiliated with the Justice Society and the JLA. CW has done good by Arrow, so I'll give this show a chance too.

Judging from the trailer of Captain American: The Winter Soldier, there looks to be a SHIELD power struggle between Samuel L Jackson's Nick Fury and Robert Redford's Alexander Pierce. The word is that the back end of the first season of the Agents of SHIELD series may incorporate that cinematic storyline into the show. This could only help the show improve in my opinion.
As for Winter Soldier, if you're jonesing for more film footage, then go see Thor: The Dark World in 3D to catch a five minute preview of the film.

More on Agents of SHIELD: the November 19th episode is supposed to have a connective storyline to Thor: The Dark World.

Rumors continue to circulate around the Man of Steel sequel. The latest say that actors are testing for both Nightwing and Wonder Woman. I'll still wait until Zach Snyder's camp releases an official word before I take it as fact or not.

While Deadpool does have an attached director in Tim Miller, Miller says they're still awaiting the elusive green light. The primary hangup is that the film will have to be rated R, and Fox is dragging their feet on the matter.

Director James Mangold and Hugh Jackman are reportedly in negotiations for a sequel to The Wolverine. While I thought it was better than Origins, I still wasn't too impressed with Logan's recent outing. But the box office receipts (more so from overseas) deem it a major success. Hugh Jackman is 45. If this film happens, I wouldn't expect it until 2016 at the earliest. I say if they must do it, end the Wolverine saga with an Old Man Logan film or just move him over to the forthcoming X-Force film.

Michael Fassbender suited up for X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Here's a couple of new stills from The Amazing Spider-Man 2. To me, I'm betting that's Spidey finding a way to short circuit Electro.


Speaking of, want to know when we can see a trailer for the film? Director Marc Webb elaborates:

If you don't speak Dwarvish, look for it December 13 before the next Hobbit movie in 3D.

I previously reported on how Marvel is prepping four new comic based shows and a miniseries. I can now tell you that the four shows will be based on Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. Each series will run for 13 episodes. The miniseries will combine the four into a new version of The Defenders. This will all be Netflix programming and will start rolling out sometime in 2015. In addition, Marvel says they are prepping another show for ABC (rumored to be based on Peggy Carter) as well as more programming for Disney (while no word yet on what, my money is on a Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon).

So, DC and Warner Bros., how's that Justice League movie coming along?

I'll leave you with the first mini-sode of the Lego Marvel animated series. A Faceful of Danger!, and also this modified Thor: The Dark World standup that was actually used at a theater in China.

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