Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

When I first saw the Justin Bieber thing as Robin I nearly had a heart attack. LinksOcarina is right though, it was just a hoax, thankfully.
Not really happening. It's something for Funny or Die but God help me I would NOT see that movie. Fans who remain pissed all the way through production up to opening day should vote with their dollars.... but we all know they'll be in the seats at midnight.
This appears to be a look at the Turtle lair in the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Looks like there's a sponsorship deal with Pizza Hut. I must say, with all the imagery that's been leaking out on this film the past few months, my opinion on it has been climbing from apathetic to eager and optimistic.


Read the following knowing that it's a combination of Stan Lee's words and my speculation, not any official word from Marvel Films:
In a recent interview, Stan Lee (who's usually in the loop on Marvel films) said that “They are going to do the Black Panther. They are going to use Doctor Strange. They are going to do Ant-Man. They are going to do the Guardians of the Galaxy. And they'll probably do the Inhumans.â€
I'll just assume you meant that in a 'I love the power glove, it's so bad' way.

It felt like a Fringe/X-Files meets, well, Joss Weadon show. My only issue is that parts of it seemed rushed, but overall I got really into it and am eager to see where it goes. As for Lola, as soon as I saw the red corvette, I knew that would have to happen. Nice tip of the hat to comic readers. And my money is still on Coulson being a LMD.
I enjoyed it. Then again, I don't read much of comics. However, we all know what the series is going to be about now.
Bretimus_v2 said:
It's a pilot.
Yeah, though for me it really lacked any punch. It felt just like every other tv drama about a government agency, like CSI, NCIS, and all that stuff. The only real kicker is it has some superheroes. Whoopie!

Here's hoping it gets better.
Longo_2_guns said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
It's a pilot.
Yeah, though for me it really lacked any punch. It felt just like every other tv drama about a government agency, like CSI, NCIS, and all that stuff. The only real kicker is it has some superheroes. Whoopie!

Here's hoping it gets better.
Well, expect the same with a newly announced show based on Commissioner Gordon ... ies-drama/
The commissioner Gordon show is such a bad idea...

mainly because we will never see big named villains in that, just the third-rate ones like Calander Man, Falcone, and Scarface if were lucky. Gordon works great as an ally to Batman, but when hes in the forefront what can he do, other than tackle crimes Batman is not involved in?
I thought Agents of Shield earned a pretty solid "meh." It has potential, but if it's just going to be a procedural cop show with superheroes sprinkled in, I won't really care for it. If it moves in a more Fringe-like direction, then I'll buy into it. Until then, meh.

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