Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Kevin Conroy voice over. Mind blown.

Hamm would be great. Plus he already worked once with Snyder (Sucker Punch). Hopefully a better movie would be produced.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Kevin Conroy voice over. Mind blown.

Hamm would be great. Plus he already worked once with Snyder (Sucker Punch). Hopefully a better movie would be produced.

I'm not a fan of Jon Hamm to be honest.

As for Kevin Conroy, look hes the voice of batman and will be for a long time, but is there really something wrong with letting others portray the role? Conroy can't do it forever, and like anything, Batman is a culture icon and a complex character anyone can really play if they wanted to.
Hamm is definitely a solid idea. Could do Bruce Wayne for sure. Not 100% sure I like the idea of him in the bat suit though, but I'd take him over Affleck.
A petition was sent to the white house demanding WB removes Ben Affleck as Batman, a suicide pact has been created in a Facebook Group where they will kill themselves if Affleck is Batman. Affleck has received several DEATH THREATS telling him to step down, and a real physical fight erupted when two egos clashed online and set up a time and place to meet due to differing opinions. ... ck_fr.html ... ook-112886 ... ew-Batman/

my head hurts
Wes said:
A petition was sent to the white house demanding WB removes Ben Affleck as Batman, a suicide pact has been created in a Facebook Group where they will kill themselves if Affleck is Batman. Affleck has received several DEATH THREATS telling him to step down, and a real physical fight erupted when two egos clashed online and set up a time and place to meet due to differing opinions. ... ck_fr.html ... ook-112886 ... ew-Batman/

my head hurts

How pathetic.
Wes said:
A petition was sent to the white house demanding WB removes Ben Affleck as Batman, a suicide pact has been created in a Facebook Group where they will kill themselves if Affleck is Batman. Affleck has received several DEATH THREATS telling him to step down, and a real physical fight erupted when two egos clashed online and set up a time and place to meet due to differing opinions. ... ck_fr.html ... ook-112886 ... ew-Batman/

my head hurts

Who knew 5 year olds could use the Internet?

Also, white people be trippin'.
Some people are just damn retarded. I love comics. I love comic movies. I love Batman. But at the end of the day, it's just a fucking movie. Just...give the man a chance to play the role, then rage afterwards if it pissed you off.

EDIT: One more thing. If that Facebook suicide group is serious about killing themselves, good. People who get so worked up over something like a casting for a movie should just go ahead and remove themselves from the gene pool. Your hereditary traits are undesired and unwanted. I bet if they were asked about what's allegedly going on in Syria though, you'd get a resounding, "Huh?". And a petition to the White House?! All the strife in the country and world that's deserving of attention, and they send a petition to THE WHITE HOUSE over who's playing the goddamn Batman? For crying out loud, Internet.

Sorry to rant, and not ranting to anyone in GR in particular, just tired of all the Affleck/Batman hate all over the Internet. Just give. The man. A chance. See him in action, then bitch if it's warranted.
Just when you thought the internet couldn't get any worse...

But I'm pretty certain that Facebook group is a joke. The death threats and petitions on the other hand sound too screwed up to be trolling.
Since the film origin of Ultron will have him be a creation of Tony Stark, rumors over the last couple of days were saying that Paul Bettany, the voice of Jarvis, would take on the voice role of the villain. It was just a rumor, but I thought it would have been pretty cool. Well, Joss Weadon has cast the voice for Ultron, and it is...Emmy award winning actor James Spader. I think the only thing I've ever seen Spader in was Stargate, so I have no real opinion on this casting one way or another, but I trust in Weadon.
I too, was originally thrown off by Stark creating Ultron rather than Pym, but I've warmed up to the idea. Storyline-wise for the film universe it makes sense. Stark destroys all his suits, but still wants to protect people. He already had remote controlled suits in Iron Man 3, the next step would be an armor that's fully autonomous. He will name it Ultron...

I read an interview by Huffington Post with Edgar Wright last week that talked about it as well.

Huffington Post: But "Ant-Man" is coming up, which people will have a personal idea of.

Edgar Wright: Yeah. Yes, absolutely. And people had a very strong opinions about "Scott Pilgrim" because it was an adaptation. And there's not much that you can really do about that. I'm sure there are people who didn't like the "Scott Pilgrim" film because it wasn't the books verbatim. And that's impossible. It's like, this is as close as it's going to get. In a weird way, you could never say this, but even at the time i was thinking, If you knew the changes that they wanted me to make, believe me...

HP: What's an example?

EW: I think the biggest thing that wasn't in the books at all -- and, listen, the film is pretty un-compromised and I have to give huge credit to Universal for letting me make the movie the way I made it. But I'd get things like, "You have to explain how they fight. You have to explain how they fight." And I'm like, "I really don't think we need to do that. It's not in the books and I don't think we need to explain." So, stuff like that, you know. So, I think people take this personally when -- it's usually when it's something that is much older.

HP: Is that a nice thing about "Ant-Man"? In that people know who he is, but not really.

EW: I think there's something in that it's a lesser known character, there's hopefully more license. For the one percent of people who are like, "Wait, Hank Pym would never do that!" there's 99 percent going, "Who's Hank Pym?" So, to me, the source material is great but it also frees you up to be like: I'm going to make a movie. The movie is not going to represent 50 years of Marvel comics because that's impossible. But I'm going to make a 100 minute movie -- or 110 minutes [laughs].

HP: Ultron is going to the the villain in the next Avengers movie, which is coming out before "Ant-Man." In the comics, Ant-Man invented Ultron. Ant-Man is a strange enough character on his own for a movie, would it have just too much to say, "Here's Ant-Man and, by the way, he also invented this robot named Ultron"? Would that have been too much for the first "Ant-Man" movie?

EW: It was never in my script. Because even just to sort of set up what Ant-Man does is enough for one movie. It's why I think "Iron Man" is extremely successful because it keeps it really simple. You have one sort of -- the villain comes from the hero's technology. It's simple. So I think why that film really works and why, sometimes, superhero films fail -- or they have mixed results -- because they have to set up a hero and a villain at the same time. And that's really tough. And sometimes it's unbalanced.

So Longo, out of curiosity, are you against Ultron being translated to film in general, or just that he will have a Tony Stark origin instead of Henry Pym? If so, if you were the director, how would you play it out?
From rumor to reality, Bradley Cooper had been officially cast as the voice for Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy. I think Cooper can definitely pull off the smart-ass factor, but I'm eager to see his voice matched up to Rocket. Everything James Gunn has shown for Guardians so far looks amazing, so I'll trust him on this casting.
Now the question is... will it be over the top grunty american accent like in most over the top action films or cockney downtown abey British accent like in the cartoon and Marvel VS capcom?

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