Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Wes said:
intoTheRain said:
Have you seen Magic Mike?

That's like asking if you enjoy men's balls in your face. Do you enjoy balls in your face?

I miss being insecure.

Anyway, thought of two new candidates for batman...


If he could learn to not talk like a drunken irishman.

And Hugh Jackman could probably do it, if he wasn't Wolverine already.

And Chris.. I agree with the Bale thing about his awful batman voice.. it always made me laugh and kind of ruined the movies a bit for me.. But I often ask myself.. what else could he do to mask his voice that wouldn't be even worse? Talk like a chipmunk? Deepen his voice even more? Etc... all the options just sound even worse.

They should have created a device that would attach to his vocal cords and change his voice permanently when in the bat suit. Then it'd give an excuse to give him an ultra badass voice.

I think Bale was perfect as Bruce Wayne.. and was silly as Batman, but I don't know what else he could have done to mask his voice.
My own opinion is they should have went for someone lesser known for the role. When you pick someone like Affleck for the role, you got all the baggage that comes along with the name, good and bad. It becomes more about the actor than the character.

That's why the Clooney Batman was so bad. You never got past him being Clooney. He wasn't even believable as Bruce Wayne. Val Kilmer did a better job because he is a better actor but he got stuck with a terrible movie to work in. Bale wasn't really a huge A list actor until he did the Batman films. I agree his Batman voice was beyond absurd but that is besides the point.

I think they picked Afleck purely for the name recognition. Those Hollywood execs always think if you don't have a big name attached to your film that no one is going to go see it. So it seems like they are reverting back to the old style of making a Batman movie. Get the biggest name you can get for the role and throw a movie together around him. Cause that worked out so well for them in the past... :roll:

We'll just have to wait and see how it turns out but I don't have much faith in it being anything good.
C_nate said:
I think they picked Afleck purely for the name recognition. Those Hollywood execs always think if you don't have a big name attached to your film that no one is going to go see it.
Well, part of it was that Affleck's studio got bought out by Universal, so WB want to have some control over him still.
That makes more sense too then.

And Rain, his name has dropped off a bit in recent years but Argo caused his stock to rise quite a bit which is why I figured they grabbed him cause of the buzz surrounding him and the film.
Optimus-Crime said:
His Batman voice was over the top and laughable. "WHAR IS HE? WHAR'S HARVEY DENT?"
I asked0 Chris where people are in multiplayer matches of The Last of Us, he kept acting like this Batman.
I love that gif, Lien. Here's the non-Batman related news of the week. It's a lot of text, but a lot of info as well.

Another DC character to join Arrow season 2 is Sin, played by Bex Taylor-Klaus. She is described as a wayward youth befriended by Black Canary and with a connection to Roy Harper.
Also in season 2 news, an early episode will be titled 'League of Assassins'. That could open the door to a potential Ra's al Ghul appearance at some point.

20th Century Fox's Marvel Head Mark Millar has confirmed rumors that the X-Men films and the upcoming Fantastic Four will share the same universe. No mention of a cross-over at this early stage, but what happens in an X-Men film could affect what happens in Fantastic Four, and vice-versa.

Joss Weadon on how Ultron will be portrayed in The Avengers: Age of Ultron:
“I knew right away what I wanted to do with him,â€
Cranston is incredible. Neat choice.

More casting rumors!:

-The Hollywood Reporter is saying Elizabeth Olsen is in talks to play Scarlet Witch. She's one of my favorite actresses right now. I'm always trying to get Urban to put her in his movies...

-They're also reporting Bradley Cooper is the latest actor in talks to voice Rocket Racoon. Meh, sure.
Yeah, I didn't report about Cranston, Olsen or Cooper because they were still unconfirmed or speculation. I'm all for Cranston as Luthor if it happens. Cooper as Rocket though? I don't know. I'd have to hear his voice delivering with CGI Rocket to see.
I looked into the Cranston casting, and the original source was the notoriously unreliable Cosmic Book News. The same article also said that Mark Strong may return as Sinestro and that Matt Damon was being considered for either Aquaman or Martian Manhunter. I'd love to see Cranston as Luthor, but until we hear something from Cranston, Zack Snyder or Warner Bros, I'd take that news with a crack rock sized grain of salt.
I think his voice is pitched too high. That's the same problem I have with Affleck. I understand that they're probably going to digitally alter the voice when he's in the cape and cowl, but even speaking normally the actor should have a deeper voice.

I don't care who plays the role on screen so long as it's Kevin Conroy doing the voice, I guess.

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