Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

I was going to bring up my disappointment with hearing Chris Evans announced for Capt America. And then my subsequent elation with seeing his performance.

Counterpoint: Ryan Reynolds as both Deadpool and Green Lantern

He's a good actor. But he's not consistent. Clooney may not be worst batman in a couple years' time.
I don't fault Ryan Reynolds for Deadpool. He was a great Wade Wilson. Scott Adkins played the what-the-hell Deadpool at the end of Origins.

Here's a fan mock-up of how he may appear.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Clooney may not be worst batman in a couple years' time.

I actually didn't dislike clooney as batman. The scripts were what ruined those movies, if you ask me. Not him. I thought he was believable as an older batman.

It really is impressive to me how much the mask makes the actor unrecognizable. I was watching the Dark Knight Rises recently, and realized that I couldn't really tell that it was Bale under the mask.
I think Affleck is a good actor.. who has had a lot of terrible roles. I don't care how gifted you are as an actor, a bad director/script/effects etc. can turn a great actor into a seemingly awful one very quickly.

That said I do not see how Affleck can pull off this role. I can see him as Bruce Wayne, sort of. But not at all as batman.

But maybe this will be another Heath Ledger thing. People thought Heath being The Joker was the most ridiculous thing ever, we all remember. And that definitely turned out well.

Anyway, I don't see it right now.. and not because I think he is a bad actor.

And just out of curiosity, who do you all think would have made a better Batman? I can't even think of anyone I'd like to see play the role off the top of my head.
Honestly, to me this shows that DC's decisions when it comes to their movies are being made by old men in WB who know nothing about comics. And that's why they're never going to be able to compete with Marvel. They're so busy trying to recreate the conditions behind The Dark Knight and will never really be able to grow beyond that, so long as they keep the same people doing the movies.

Really, they chose Affleck for monetary and studio politics reasons, not because they thought he would be good as Batman.

The reason why Marvel has been so successful is they're bringing in people who know and love comics, and thus care about the movies doing more than just making money or being visually pretty.

DC needs to get rid of Snyder, and instead get people like Bruce Timm or actual comic book writers involved. Until then, they're never going to get up above being above-average movies.


I was one of those nay-sayers Rain was talking about with Heath Ledger as Joker. But that was only because there are so many other Batman villians and I didn't want to see another Joker. But I was wrong to doubt it and it was awesome. So who knows, maybe it could work.

However I still need to see Clayface on the big screen, he was my favorite villain from the 90's show. Maybe now that we've stepped out of Nolan's realistic trilogy about a vigilante and into Superman's mytholgy of God-like aliens there's room for a villian made out of clay.
intoTheRain said:
And just out of curiosity, who do you all think would have made a better Batman? I can't even think of anyone I'd like to see play the role off the top of my head.

Off the top of my head.... hmmmm.... I don't know.

I could maybe see... Russell Crowe? He's certainly old enough... but no, I actually don't like the idea of that. Yeah, I can't think of anyone.

Honestly, I actually really like the idea of George Clooney as an older batman.
NickKmet said:
intoTheRain said:
And just out of curiosity, who do you all think would have made a better Batman? I can't even think of anyone I'd like to see play the role off the top of my head.

Off the top of my head.... hmmmm.... I don't know.

I could maybe see... Russell Crowe? He's certainly old enough... but no, I actually don't like the idea of that. Yeah, I can't think of anyone.

Honestly, I actually really like the idea of George Clooney as an older batman.

Yea, I like Russell Crowe but definitely don't see him as Bruce Wayne. Its really tough.. the only person that works for me is JGL but hes just too small.

It's gotta be a super suave dark haired guy in good shape, not too big, not too small, that is cool enough to not look like a goof with the bat suit on. Which is part of the reason I don't see Ben Affleck working out. Good looking chap, sure, but his personality/facial features are just not hard or edgy enough for Bruce Wayne, and especially for Batman.

Don't laugh.. but as I was writing this..


Came to mind.. I wonder if they gave him a shot at the role.

He's a solid actor IMO, can DEFINITELY pull off Bruce Wayne, and has the jawline for the bat suit.
hahaha. he's a little too young. And always envisioned bruce wayne as being charming. I don't envision channing tatum as charming, ever.
NickKmet said:
hahaha. he's a little too young. And always envisioned bruce wayne as being charming. I don't envision channing tatum as charming, ever.


Have you seen Magic Mike? (Do you have a girlfriend)

And btw.. you laughed.

I agree with the age thing, but think hes perfect otherwise.
intoTheRain said:
I think Affleck is a good actor.. who has had a lot of terrible roles. I don't care how gifted you are as an actor, a bad director/script/effects etc. can turn a great actor into a seemingly awful one very quickly.
Right, so with Snyder at the helm this one will be one of the shittier Affleck movies.
danielrbischoff said:
intoTheRain said:
I think Affleck is a good actor.. who has had a lot of terrible roles. I don't care how gifted you are as an actor, a bad director/script/effects etc. can turn a great actor into a seemingly awful one very quickly.
Right, so with Snyder at the helm this one will be one of the shittier Affleck movies.

Must be an interesting experience to direct a movie in which your main character is a better director than you.

And Nick, he's charming in that movie. And very charming IRL.
Haha, I did not think of it that way at all, Rain. I don't know why WB does what it does. Some decisions seem right and some seem so incredibly wrong.

While I enjoyed Man of Steel at the time, it could have been A LOT better.
I think people look at Nolan and Bale's Batman as some sort of pinnacle for the series, and that's fine but it was never because of the man playing Batman, it was Joker or the director's vision. Hollywood obsession has nothing on Internet obsession because Bale wasn't all that great as Batman.
His Batman voice was over the top and laughable. "WHAR IS HE? WHAR'S HARVEY DENT?" I could never get into it. So stupid. He speaks clearly when he's wining and dining models but he puts on the mask and suddenly he sounds like a talking dog?

I'm not a huge fan of Aflec, but Argo was good (damn good). Check my dubs, Bale sucked, and anything not Christian Bale is fine by me.

Lien said:
Hey he was incredible in Argo... but yeah he wasn't Batman incredible...
Batman incredible? Batman hasn't been incredible since Batman Returns. Buying the hyping doesn't mean we believe the hype. Anything Batman will sell. Spider-Man. Superman. Iron Man. Avengers. Doesn't mean they're incredible. This is the problem facing comic book movies. A few great performances, but it's more hype machine than substance, especially lately, none deserving high praise.
Movie vs. Movie, Argo beats TDKR.
I'm fine with this, but I'm mostly disappointed with the team-up direction of the movie. I really liked Man of Steel and I'd like to see a direct sequel to it. I don't know why they need to throw Batman in there so soon into the franchise.

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