Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Awesome update Para-keet.

They might as well say Sin City 2 is never coming out, the sentiment you have about X-Men 2 is about the same as the one I have about SC2. Sinister Six vs Spidey sounds cool, and so does the news about Marvel. I honestly love the way the big comic arcs are getting translated to film and 100% agree that Iron Man does not need any more standalone films.
Paradox said:
The comic book showdown inspired me to finally watch the animated Doctor Strange movie. Straight up origin film that escalates to the climax pretty fast. But hey, it's animated and still enjoyed it. When the live action big screen film hits, I'd like to see an origin story either compressed at the beginning like in The Incredible Hulk or in flashbacks throughout the film like in Man of Steel.
I wanted to move here and ask the question, in a world post-phase 1 Marvel films, can they really waste an entire flick on an origin story?
I would think not. For the most part, Marvel's done them well thus far. Hulk's was the best handled. Thor didn't really need an origin, they just got right to him being Thor. Cap's was just right and what was needed. Plus I always marvel at how they put Chris Evans head on that scrawny body.

With Doctor Strange, it might be tricky. You spend 10-15 minutes to establish him as an arrogant doctor. You have the accident, the downward spiral, the trip to Asia, self-discovery, Ancient One, Wong, Baron Mordo, Clea, establishing of powers, then oh shit, it's Dormammu or Nightmare.

Like any of the other recent crop, it's going to be at least two and half hours. Some of it's going to have to be condensed down or else we'll have two hours of Stephen Strange the man, maybe twenty minutes of the Sorcerer Supreme, then ten minutes of Foo Fighters and Soundgarden in the credits before a Black Panther teaser.

But I have faith in Marvel. I have faith that Guardians of the Galaxy will be an awesome space adventure without looking like Green Lantern. I have faith that in a universe that already successfully weaves together science, gods and cosmic threats, magic will fit in just fine and we'll get a Doctor Strange film we can be proud of.
A lot of news regarding The Crow reboot that's in the works.

Guillermo del Toro on his Dark Universe project: "I'm writing it right now. I'm re-writing the outline. We have a writer that we are waiting for so I said to Warner's that I will rewrite the outline in the meantime."
On if it would tie into the emerging DC film universe:"I think the great thing about the Dark Universe is that you have this possibility of basically creating a supernatural group and you can play with different roles but I would love to see the DC universe become as cohesive as the Marvel film universe and if there is any correlation I will honor it."

Ron Perlman is trying his damnedest to make Hellboy 3 happen. He's been trying to court Legendary Pictures on the issue. Director of 1 and 2, Guillermo del Toro, while not overly enthused about returning for a third film, is still interested enough to not discount the possibility.

Bryan Singer feels there are finally more than enough mutants in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Nah, just kidding, he's adding a new one almost daily. Adan Canto will play Sunspot.

Chris Pratt showed off a pic recently of his new superhero physique for the role of Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy. I've only seen him as a shlubby type guy previously so good for him.

Marvel editor Steve Wacker writes in the latest issue of the Guardians of the Galaxy comic book: "Now look, I can't officially confirm that we spent a LOT of time talking about the Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon but wouldn't that HYPOTHETICALLY… be amazing? Seriously though, don't ask me about it because it totally didn't happen."
Guardians is ripe for a cartoon adaption. I'd be surprised if they didn't have one on the air in time for the film next summer.

Stan Lee was recently asked about the state of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and may have dropped major info on a thus far un-anounced film:
“The people at Marvel are spending hours trying to think ‘what’ll we do next.’ And there’s a damn good chance that they will think just what you mentioned because it would be a great idea, and little by little, everything you want to see will come along because they’re just like you. They’re fans of the stories and are trying to think ‘what will the fans like to see next? What would we like to see next?’ So they’re working on Ant-Man, working on Doctor Strange; they’re working on Guardians of the Galaxy; they’re working on god knows what. Did I say the Black Panther also? They’re the ones I know about.â€
Here is something I been wondering, and I just read an article over at cracked about it recently too.

Do you guys who are more into comics than say your average person think that Hollywood is going too far with the whole comic book craze?

Do you think that kind of like the housing bubble that the whole thing will reach critical mass at some point and the whole thing with just come crashing down?

The article mentioned something like 10 comic book movies in the works within the next few years.

As they chew through the more popular and well know characters and start getting into the more obscure, lesser know characters of their universes, will a general movie audience still care enough to go see these movies? Will the general audience get burned out on the genre and just stop going to see these kinds of movies?

Are these movie studious expecting all of these movies to have 100m+ opening weekends? I know it must be nice if you actually read and followed, say this Guardians of the Galaxy,to see it get made into a movie, but for the average movie goer who has never even heard of them (or someone like me who actually used to read a few comics and still never heard of them) what it going to get them into the theater to watch it? I just don't see it myself.
I think the 10 within a few years is bit conservative to be honest.

To a degree, I do wonder about a decade or so from now. After the bigger names all get their own films, will the lesser known names get their own movies? Would enough people go the theater to see Moon Knight, Namor or Union Jack?

But even if a film underperforms in North America, it may do well overseas. The international box office on average does twice as much as the US and Canada. If you look at release dates, you'll even see that a lot of films will release in Europe and Australia a full week or so before the domestic release.

Let's say The Sentry costs 100 mil to make but only brings in 60 million domestic. Add another $120 million with international and in two or three years I guarantee you we'll have Sentry 2: The Void.

Will there be audience burnout? As long as good, quality, entertaining movies are put out and they avoid the Rise of Silver Surfers and Ghost Rider 2s, people will come.

But if box office returns diminish too much and public apathy sets in, I'm sure the studios will put a hold on new projects. And a few years after that, we'll have an Iron Man reboot staring Jaden Smith.

As for Guardians, I have high hopes that it will be awesome space epic. Hopefully, we'll have a teaser trailer by next spring.
Just a small update today.

While it didn't do to well with a theatrical version, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen will be getting another shot, this time on the small screen. Fox has ordered a pilot for a possible series. Don't expect Alan Moore to be involved.

I posted recently that the character of Mary Jane Watson was being pushed from Amazing Spider-man 2 and will not appear until the third film and that a victim of that decision is actress Shailene Woodley as MJ will likely be recast.
In an interview Andrew Garfield said that he had a philosophical discussion with producer Matt Tolmach about Mary Jane:
“I was kind of joking, but kind of not joking about MJ. And I was like,‘What if MJ is a dude?’ Why can’t we discover that Peter is exploring his sexuality? It’s hardly even groundbreaking!…So why can’t he be gay? Why can’t he be into boys?"
Who does Garfield have in mind?
“I’ve been obsessed with Michael B. Jordan (Chronicle) since The Wire. He’s so charismatic and talented. It’d be even better—we’d have interracial bisexuality!â€
Why not just do a fucking Miles Morales movie, since he's probably bisexual anyways?

Also, I love the look of Electro, and am fine with whatever Vin Diesel gets picked for. Except Hank Pym, since he's too buff for that.
I thought he meant Michael B. Jordan playing spider man then playing MJ.

Cause i won't mind a black spiderman. Worked well in the comics, why not on film?
Has Anyone watched Arrow? I'm starting to watch it (just finished with episode 5) and it's really not bad of a show. I love how they're making the origin of the Green Arrow throughout the shows and not all in one show. The only thing I dislike is how the show is based on crossing someone off the list after the target is finished. Seems like My Name is Earl and that disappoints me.
Electro does look cool admittingly.

As for gay spiderman...who cares, really? That would be an interesting twist but I doubt its going to happen. If it does though I can only imagine the outcry.
UghRochester said:
Has Anyone watched Arrow?

Arrow's a great show. It's a different take on the character that comes off pretty good. I'm glad it's coming back for a second season.
Yeah, I watched through all of Arrow. It was really pretty damn good.

It honestly goes from pretty good to fucking amazing about halfway through the season, and I love how he wears facepaint instead of doing a domino mask.
Summer Glau will be a recurring character on Arrow next season as Isabel Rochev, a VP of a powerful company and new adversary for Oliver Queen.

Here's the first footage of Electro. It's mostly him cutting a short promo with a quick couple second glimpse at the end. They say Electro arrives tomorrow, but I don't know if that means more movie footage or just Jamie Foxx is going to show up at Comic-Con.
Here's another still image of Electro, with an old school pager stuck to the side of his head.

Kick-Ass 2 director Jeff Wadlow has been hired by Fox to write and possibly direct an X-Force movie. Not much more news on it yet than that, but this would be great opportunity to introduce characters like Cable, and more importantly, a redo of Deadpool.

First look at a Sentinel from X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Agent Peggy Carter from Captain America is getting her own Marvel One-Shot.

Look for it on the home release of Iron Man 3 September 24th.

How Man of Steel should have ended. Mah Space Dad!

As Comic-Con progresses, I may update daily depending on what or how much I deem news-worthy.

I now submit to you Wolverine - The Musical! Done with puppets!
Haha, I could not watch more than 10 seconds of that Wolverine video. Comic-Con time!

Paradox, I want so many updates this week as I don't crawl comic/film sites as much
Longo_2_guns said:
Yeah, I watched through all of Arrow. It was really pretty damn good.

It honestly goes from pretty good to fucking amazing about halfway through the season, and I love how he wears facepaint instead of doing a domino mask.
I like how they went from crossing someone off the list to villains interfering. I hope they have something in future with Roy Harper or Thea. Still gotta from episodes 20-23?

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