Congrats on Goon's successful Kickstarter, Lien. The trailer looked great and I'd like to see where they take it.
This update contains a mixture of legit news and a few yet-to-be-disproven, but interesting rumors.
Joining Captain America: Winter Soldier is actor Frank Grillo, who will dig into Cap's rouges gallery to play Crossbones.
Although the news link was 'removed at the request of Disney', In Iron Man 3, Pepper Potts is said to be getting into the action as Rescue. Guess she gets tired of being the damsel in distress.
Stephanie Szostak will also be playing an undisclosed role in the film, but early speculation is that she will be Janet van Dyne. While not confirmed, she is said to be playing a character that 'will make the fans go crazy'. If this is true, I do hope Edgar Wright was consulted for the casting.
X-Men: Days of Future Past is being directed by Brian Singer and Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen have joined the cast, at least according to a Tweet by Singer.
The villain for Amazing Spider-Man 2 is still set to be Electro. The awesome part is that Jamie Foxx may have the role. While not official, both director Marc Webb and Foxx have not denied it, and in fact are encouraging it.
Also for Spider-Man: Harry Osborn. But no word on an actor yet though.
Guillermo del Toro and Warner Bros. are considering a movie featuring DC Comics’ supernatural characters. Possible inclusions are Swamp Thing, John Constantine, Zatanna and Deadman
A full trailer for Man of Steel will run before The Hobbit.
With the Justice League movie on the horizon, WB may be reconsidering their idea to start a new universe from scratch. While not definite, Man of Steel may serve as the launch vehicle for DC's own Phase One series with Henry Cavill wearing the cape into the JLA movie.
And that brings me to the final and most spoiler-ific bit of news. Skip the rest if you haven't yet seen Dark Knight Rises. Highlight to read:
Continuing on with the possibility of the DC movies being tied together, in the JLA movie, Batman may not be Bruce Wayne. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's John 'Robin' Blake may don the cape and cowl.
I have mixed feelings about that, but do see a couple of big pluses. One, it would eliminate the need to start over with a new origin film and establish Batman all over again. Two, it would bring another familiar and already established face to Justice League's table along with Cavill. No word on Ryan Reynolds and Green Lantern yet though or if a black Martian Manhunter wearing an eyepatch will bring the team together.
Alright, that's all for now. I'm sure my next update will be the Man of Steel trailer. I'll post it as soon as it goes online.