Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

I started this topic two and a half years ago to discuss Iron Man 2, and now here we are with Iron Man 3. This looks to be a darker and more personal story for Tony. I may post more impressions later, but I need to get some sleep.

Iron Man 3 trailer

But Dan, you can't DANCE to AC/DC

I do like seeing all the new suits, but I can't imagine they'll top Iron Man 2 or Avengers. Doesn't matter though. We'll all go see it of course.
I won't. I'm already burnt out. Enough with the A-listers like Batman and Iron Man. I'd love for someone to dare to take on Robin's story, or a Spider-Man 2099. Or a Luke Cage...whatever happened to that?
Something where originality won't take a backseat to box office record smashing, please?
Optimus-Crime said:
I won't. I'm already burnt out. Enough with the A-listers like Batman and Iron Man. I'd love for someone to dare to take on Robin's story, or a Spider-Man 2099. Or a Luke Cage...whatever happened to that?
Something where originality won't take a backseat to box office record smashing, please?
Or the goon... *point a couple of posts up* Ya can still donate, Juuust saying...
Optimus-Crime said:
I won't. I'm already burnt out. Enough with the A-listers like Batman and Iron Man. I'd love for someone to dare to take on Robin's story, or a Spider-Man 2099. Or a Luke Cage...whatever happened to that?
Something where originality won't take a backseat to box office record smashing, please?

I'm sure we'd all want something like that but unfortunately producers only care about money and they're the ones who green light these films. A Nightwing movie would be awesome (*cough*JGL*cough*) or a Gambit movie but those won't bring in the big bucks. Everyone knows Batman, even if you've never read a comic book in your life you still know him. Producers want everyone to see the movie whether they read the books or not, it's all about prophits.

Sometimes we'll get some really awesome comic book films which are critically acclaimed but flop in the box office because they're not popular with the mainstream audience. Movies like Kick Ass and Scott Pilgrim. They were both great films but most movie watches are idiots and don't go see something that doesn't build the hype like an A lister.

Producers don't give a shit about critics, they care about the box office. And given the success of The Avengers, Disney will milk this franchise dry. I'm hoping the quality will keep up though so we'll see.
Shut up about The Goon, Lien, you crazy frenchman.

Comics went on for decades before they had to start pulling shit like Spider-Man 2099. I don't see it happening any time soon in the movies.

Robin on the other hand is getting set up for a movie, don't you think? Would Christopher Nolan "produce" a Robin movie despite saying in the past that he'd never direct a movie with Robin in it? I'd like it best if they just skipped to Nightwing.
I also wouldn't mind getting an X-Men reboot as long as Joss Whedon writes and directs. I wouldn't even mind if Hugh Jackman was Wolverine (because he'll be Wolvie forever). Just as long as it gives each character the right amount of screen time like in The Avengers.

But here's hoping Days of Future Passed is as good as First Class.
Optimus-Crime said:
I won't. I'm already burnt out. Enough with the A-listers like Batman and Iron Man. I'd love for someone to dare to take on Robin's story, or a Spider-Man 2099. Or a Luke Cage...whatever happened to that?
Something where originality won't take a backseat to box office record smashing, please?

you're just so different and edgy, so against the grain. you don't do anything that everyone else does. a true snowflake.
Shut up, Longo. Nightwing is amazing. First off he's the Robin that didn't die. He's the original, and it would make more sense for Nightwing because let's face it Blake's stupid name is Robin.
Optimus-Crime said:
I won't. I'm already burnt out. Enough with the A-listers like Batman and Iron Man. I'd love for someone to dare to take on Robin's story, or a Spider-Man 2099. Or a Luke Cage...whatever happened to that?
Something where originality won't take a backseat to box office record smashing, please?

I doubt we'd ever see feature films focusing on those characters, but I think an idea for Warner Bros. and Marvel would be to make series of short films, maybe an hour or so in length, that starred heroes of a lesser degree of box office draw. They could be straight to video, or on disc extras on deluxe releases of bigger films. And have these mini-films tie into the greater film universe.

Let's say that when The Avengers 2 comes out on disc, you can spend an extra six or seven bucks for the version that has an hour long Heroes for Hire movie included that still takes place within the film universe and has decent production values.

Warner Bros. could greatly benefit from this to help expand the universe they plan on launching all at once with the Justice League movie. While the JLA is taking down Darkseid, what's Booster Gold and Blue Beetle doing to fight the good fight?
There's a Guardians of the Galaxy movie in the works. I don't think a Heroes for Hire or alternate-version Spider-Man is so far out of the realm of possibility.
Justice League movie sounds great but I don't want it to do with Nolan's Batman movies. That goes double for a Nightwing movie. Frankly it would destory his Trilogy. And since we don't need anything from Batman for a looooong time a JL movie won't happen until several years go by.

I also doubt Man of Steel would open up a JL franchise, because again, it's too soon to move on from Nolan's Trilogy. Unless of course we get a movie for each JL character (Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman a GOOD Green Lantern, etc) saving a new Batman for last. Hmmmmm

We should make movies.
It's Longo, anyone, anywhere is vindicated in telling him to shut it. That being said, they had said that a Luke Cage TV show was in the works at one point. So we'll see.
@ Wes: The Justice League movie is closer than you think. As of right now, 2015. Same year as Avengers 2. Could you imagine if they opened same weekend? Also, as of right now, it will have nothing to do with the recent crop of DC movies, including Man of Steel. I do like your idea of a series of films with Batman being the last.

@Bret: The show in question was 'AKA Jessica Jones' in which Luke Cage would likely have been a part of. ABC passed on it though, so it's been shelved for possible exploration at a later date.

On the subject of Luke Cage, I would love a movie. I would pay to go see 'Heroes for Hire', directed by Quentin Tarantino.
intotheRain wants my cock or something. Fact.

Since Sony owns the film rights to Spider-Man, and Disney's slowly but surely regaining all of their Marvel IPs, Disney and Sony should come to an agreement over Spider-Man that would benefit both parties.

Anything Spider-Man is good for ... Spider-Man. So, given the most recent reboot, which sucked, Sony should go the route of Spider-Man 2099 - Sony and 2099 would work wonderfully together; what better font for your new PS4! - and the Peter Parker Spider-Man should revert back to the MCU over at Disney.

In a perfect world.

And why? Because with the Justice League and Avengers 2 already on the planned horizon, and Thanos making his Marvel films debut, the next *major* Marvel movie has to be Galactus.

But 20th Century Fox is rebooting Fantastic Four and have plans for their own correct Galactus (read: not the cosmic cloud seen in FF: Rise of the Silver Surfer) to be introduced in a Silver Surfer spinoff... but dammit, why?

Disney needs to make the Galactus trilogy. It has to be epic. But it needs Spider-man and the FF. And the Silver Surfer.

Marvel could hand over the entire 2099 brigade to the guys over at Sony, and Sony could make it their own and do well by it.
But fuck, this is where art and corporate interests meet.

Which is why I'd rather see The Goon than the next Avengers film. hurumph. :mad:

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