intotheRain wants my cock or something. Fact.
Since Sony owns the film rights to Spider-Man, and Disney's slowly but surely regaining all of their Marvel IPs, Disney and Sony should come to an agreement over Spider-Man that would benefit both parties.
Anything Spider-Man is good for ... Spider-Man. So, given the most recent reboot, which sucked, Sony should go the route of Spider-Man 2099 - Sony and 2099 would work wonderfully together; what better font for your new PS4! - and the Peter Parker Spider-Man should revert back to the MCU over at Disney.
In a perfect world.
And why? Because with the Justice League and Avengers 2 already on the planned horizon, and Thanos making his Marvel films debut, the next *major* Marvel movie has to be Galactus.
But 20th Century Fox is rebooting Fantastic Four and have plans for their own correct Galactus (read: not the cosmic cloud seen in FF: Rise of the Silver Surfer) to be introduced in a Silver Surfer spinoff... but dammit, why?
Disney needs to make the Galactus trilogy. It has to be epic. But it needs Spider-man and the FF. And the Silver Surfer.
Marvel could hand over the entire 2099 brigade to the guys over at Sony, and Sony could make it their own and do well by it.
But fuck, this is where art and corporate interests meet.
Which is why I'd rather see The Goon than the next Avengers film. hurumph.