used44 said:I was thinking that too. He would need to bulk up big time.
But of course, Dick Grayson was Batman for a long time. More slender and athletic than Bruce Wayne.
I bet there are photoshops of Levitt in a Batman costume out there somewhere. Too lazy to look.
Bretimus_v2 said:I don't know...I think I'd be happier if I just saw this.
danielrbischoff said:Hahahaha Brett
Yeah seriously though. Another Origin story? BOOOOORRRING. I just have no patience for origin stories anymore.
Oh I wasn't complaining. I think the change was necessary for the film to be taken seriously in modern day. I was just trying to point out that Snyder pledges allegiances to the super hardcore fanboys when it's just not viable in modern day film making.Lien said:You know, i read Watchmen back in the early 90's and i reread it after i saw the film. I still don't get why the fans are outraged about the ending.