Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

I was thinking that too. He would need to bulk up big time.

But of course, Dick Grayson was Batman for a long time. More slender and athletic than Bruce Wayne.

I bet there are photoshops of Levitt in a Batman costume out there somewhere. Too lazy to look.
used44 said:
I was thinking that too. He would need to bulk up big time.

But of course, Dick Grayson was Batman for a long time. More slender and athletic than Bruce Wayne.

I bet there are photoshops of Levitt in a Batman costume out there somewhere. Too lazy to look.

Isn't levitt short? and Bats much more not so...
I don't know...I think I'd be happier if I just saw this.

It's now official, Jamie Foxx will play Max Dillon aka Electro in Amazing Spider-Man 2. Also cast is Dane DeHaan (Chonicle) as Harry Osborn.
Yeah, as are most comic book characters. So I'm glad to see an interesting casting choice not based on race.

Even though I think Jamie Fox isn't very good. But Django looks great.
danielrbischoff said:
Hahahaha Brett

Yeah seriously though. Another Origin story? BOOOOORRRING. I just have no patience for origin stories anymore.

Agreed! The are very few superheroes anymore that would require an origins movie.

All Zack Snyder movies have good trailers, and they all end up sucking. He ruined Watchmen, 300, and Dawn of the Dead. Now he's going to ruin Superman. How does this guy keep getting work? Prepare yourselves for 50% of the movie to be in slow-motion.
I enjoyed Watchmen and 300 for what they were. Never saw Dawn of the Dead, but I agree that Snyder is a bit overrated. He obviously mixes just enough nerdiness to sell to the hardcore with the right amount of ass-kissing to get the big budgets he needs from the studios.

I think with 300 he just went 100% for the visual copy, like "how close can I get this frame for frame." That film caught the zeitgeist and took off so from then on he's been chasing that. Watchmen was a total reach for that kind of "BIGGEST THING GOING ON RIGHT NOW" with the cast appearing on morning talk shows and shit left and right. But for all the "as close as possible to the source material" he still had to mess with the ending to make it palatable to the massive audience he was chasing.

Anyway, I'll still see it. :-/
You know, i read Watchmen back in the early 90's and i reread it after i saw the film. I still don't get why the fans are outraged about the ending. For goodness sake, we got world peace in the end cause of a world threat caused by Ozymandis which was the whole lead up for the entire film/comic. Does it really matter if it had to be a giant freakin' squid? It's still one of the best film in the decade!

Oh and i agree, Snyder is kinda... well pretnetious? He's not bad just there's something about him in his interviews that rubs me on the wrong side of my nerves. Still gonna see Superman though.
Lien said:
You know, i read Watchmen back in the early 90's and i reread it after i saw the film. I still don't get why the fans are outraged about the ending.
Oh I wasn't complaining. I think the change was necessary for the film to be taken seriously in modern day. I was just trying to point out that Snyder pledges allegiances to the super hardcore fanboys when it's just not viable in modern day film making.

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