Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

trailer looks good, i really think kevin costner looks great for some reason, perfect fit for this movie and his role.

at first i thought it was a joke and i was watching the 300 trailer though.

and i love origin stories, they just often aren't done right. they're my favorite when they are though.

i have no problems with someone rebooting this franchise, as it's never been done right. but the fact that someone is already doing a reboot of batman, simply makes me angry. to immediately compete against what is arguably an almost flawless, perfectly done trilogy, is obviously nothing more than a money grab. because the director/producers etc. know it will pale in comparison.
intoTheRain said:
i have no problems with someone rebooting this franchise, as it's never been done right. but the fact that someone is already doing a reboot of batman, simply makes me angry. to immediately compete against what is arguably an almost flawless, perfectly done trilogy, is obviously nothing more than a money grab. because the director/producers etc. know it will pale in comparison.
That's too true. Could you really have hoped for BETTER with Nolan's Batman treatment? I don't think you'll see it repeated in super hero movies for a while. Even the Iron Man movies are good but still manage to be a little cheesy.
Nolan's Batman's films are fantastic, big fanboy right here.

However they're not going to work in a JL franchise. So instead of destroying Nolan's films worse than Indianna Jones 4 I'd rather see a more cartoonish approach to Batman that will fit in with a world of aliens and God-like beings.

It worked for The Incredible Hulk (Avengers Hulk) However, that first Hulk movie was terrible.

As for Superman, can't wait.
The SHIELD tv show may begin as early as this fall on ABC. Whether that will be the series proper or just the pilot remains to be seen.

Officially joining the cast of X-Men: Days of Future Past along with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen is Hugh Jackman. As this film will have time travel elements, other faces from the first three films may show up as well. I'm still personally hoping for a Star Trek style continuity reboot.

Actor Asim Ahmad has revealed that he has been cast as Michael Morbius in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but only as a small part. Might this be a set up for Morbius, the Living Vampire in the inevitable third movie?

Jamie Foxx regarding the Electro costume:
"It won’t be green and yellow. It will be a different color. They (the producers) want something for the future. They want to have it more grounded and not as comic bookie, so it won’t be green and yellow. They want to try new things, like a liquid rubber and things like that, and there are all these bolts and stuff in my arms when they are hanging me upside down and trying to figure out what happen. How did he become this way? So, it will be some new stuff."

The FF reboot now has a release date of March 6, 2015. Its official title is...The Fantastic Four. Josh Trank (Chronicle) is directing.

Justice League looks like it may be going strait to a villain that could be a match for the entire team: Darkseid. If so, perhaps we'll have a 'Thanos-style' tease at the end of Man of Steel.

An "inside source" at DC has this to say about the Justice League film:
• Superman is essentially the same character from MAN OF STEEL, and Zack Snyder is consulting regarding the writing of the character.

• Batman: The strategist of the group. Batman doesn't really want to be involved with these super powered beings he considers too powerful. Easily the most complex written.

• Wonder Woman: She has only been in man's world a few short months. The Wonder Woman script Michael Goldenberg is developing will be set before the JUSTICE LEAGUE movie.

• Green Lantern: Will be Ryan Reynold's character from the GREEN LANTERN movie, but will be freshly written with a more serious tone.

• Flash: The most popular hero in civilian eyes who loves media attention, but when called upon is very serious.

• Martian Manhunter: Alien who has lived on Earth in secret for over a hundred years who has knowledge of Darkseid and his reign.

• Aquaman: Will be the King of Atlantis who has a key role in the film.

• There will also be a heavy military presence in the film which in future rewrites could include characters featured in Man of Steel or even Amanda Waller (Angela Bassett) of which neither are included in the first draft.

• Alfred Pennyworth is in the film in a minor appearance.

• Lois Lane is also in the film in a cameo.

• Darkseid's Elite will be featured who go up against the Justice League early on in the film.
I'm so unsure of the JLA movie, but I'm obviously going to see it. I did skip Green Lantern (rightly) so I hope Reynolds and the writers get the character right.
If they want the Justice League movie to be successful they will ditch Ryan Reynolds. He was the worst part of the Green Lantern movie and is just terrible in general.
^^^I don't know, Green Lantern seemed to largely be a victim of bad writing. Reynolds can be a good actor (I'm thinking Amityville Horror). Since he'd be part of a larger cast rather than the star this time, I'll give him another shot. Assuming he does agree to return to the role.
I must be a weirdo, but I like the Green Lantern movie. It's kind of so-bad-it's-good. Fun to watch.
It was fun to watch...I guess. But it is at the same time, one of my least favorite comic book movies...well, there is Ghost Rider...
It was a good popcorn flick.

As for Ghost Rider...well, skeleton+fire+chains+motorcycle=hard on.
I'm not sure where the movie lines up with the comic book, but you'd think they'd wise up and hand Ghost Rider over to a writer and director who read the comic at the height of its popularity.
I understand you can't go too hardline, but it'd be a nice change for Marvel films to focus more on the comic book's story than big screen eye candy. That's why i wasn't that excited about last year's super hero movies. I pretty much knew what would happen. Some guy flies in the sky, and there's lots of explosions. Cities were destroyed and saved. People flew, jets blew up. In 3D. That's both the Avengers and Batman in a nutshell. I don't know... I guess I'm sounding like the old man complaning about those hoodlum kids again. bah
Comic artist and writer Rob Liefeld (co-creator of Deadpool) plans to take on the film project 'Godyssey'. It will be an Avengers-ish type of film, but with gods and featuring a diverse cast of deities including Zeus, Buddha, Ra, and Pangu as they “fight a legion of fallen gods in an epic battle over mankind.â€
To supplement the above Sin City casting news, Robert Rodriguez has confirmed Bruce Willis will be back for the sequel as well.
danielrbischoff said:
Lien said:
You know, i read Watchmen back in the early 90's and i reread it after i saw the film. I still don't get why the fans are outraged about the ending.
Oh I wasn't complaining. I think the change was necessary for the film to be taken seriously in modern day. I was just trying to point out that Snyder pledges allegiances to the super hardcore fanboys when it's just not viable in modern day film making.

Fan's don't like change.

Personally the ending to the movie version of the Watchman I found to be better. It at least made sense over an invisible alien threat.

As for Sin should be a good spectacle to say the least. With that amount of hollywood backing it has. Josh Brolin as pre-Dwight I think was good casting honestly, and I hope Joe Gordon Levitt does a good job in the original story.
It's only been a few days, but I already have a few tidbits and a couple of big pieces of news.

Toby Jones will reprise the role of Arnim Zola in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Iron Man 3 will release internationally in IMAX on April 25, more than a week before its May 3 US release.

Two actors on the radar for Guardians of the Galaxy: Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler. Likely for voice acting and more likely for Rocket Raccoon. I'm not crazy for either choice, but at least it's not definite and still only possibilities. I say give Rocket Raccoon to the same guy that did the Penguin in Arkham City.

If Man of Steel is a big hit at the box office, expect a new Batman movie as early as 2017. Warner Bros. is counting on Superman to be the box office smash they need it to be to set up Justice League and other future films for the new DC cinematic universe. Anything less could put a damper on future solo hero film plans.

Also for Justice League, Warner Bros. has made a decision regarding the lineup. The team has been pared down to five: Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and The Flash. It looks like they don't want to overload on origin stories for the film. I was hoping for Martian Manhunter, but honestly, this will give them more room for expansion with future solo films and the quite possible Justice League 2.

Marvel's first Phase 3 film after Avengers 2 will be Ant-Man in November 2015. Also now confirmed for Phase 3: Doctor Strange. Expect to see the Sorcerer Supreme sometime during 2016 or early 2017.
I concur. But who would play the mystic sorcerer and who will play his Chinese manservant, wong?
Patrick Dempsey (Grey's Anatomy, Transformers: 2 sequels 2 many) has been lobbying for the role, but I wouldn't expect any casting news until late this year or early next at the least.
I always kinda appreciate when actors lobby for a comic role. It's cool to have a big fan in there.

But Dempsey seems like an odd fit.

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