The more I think about them, the less I like the X-men movies.used44 said:The Daredevil news is pretty rad. Fuck FOX's superhero movies.
The more I think about them, the less I like the X-men movies.used44 said:The Daredevil news is pretty rad. Fuck FOX's superhero movies.
Paradox said:Radioactive Man may be in Iron Man 3, but that is still unconfirmed.
danielrbischoff said:The more I think about them, the less I like the X-men movies.used44 said:The Daredevil news is pretty rad. Fuck FOX's superhero movies.
Uh, that's actually part of the canon in every form except for the animated series.WickedLiquid said:you don't give Wolverine bone claws as a child when his claws didn't come until Weapon X as a side effect from his adamantium treatment..
WickedLiquid said:For sure, the trilogy makes me nerd rage at times. Like why couldn't they have made Iceman an original member instead of making him a part of the younger generation as Rouge's love interest. Iceman was pretty much playing Gambit's role in the movies which pissed me off since Gambit has always been one of my favourites.
But X3 and Wolverine Origins was oh so bad. You don't kill off Cyclops so that Hugh Jackman and Hallie Berry can get more screen time, you don't abandon Rouge's origin by making her human, you don't give Wolverine bone claws as a child when his claws didn't come until Weapon X as a side effect from his adamantium treatment.. You don't turn Deadpool into... into whatever the fuck that was.
used44 said:I saw the first X-Men, didn't want to see the second but eventually did on DVD, then only have seen bits and pieces of X3 playing on cable. Terrible series.
LinksOcarina said:Anyone looking at that Green Arrow TV show they are doing?
Update me on this, because I watched Smallville before and didn't much care for it.LinksOcarina said:Anyone looking at that Green Arrow TV show they are doing?
UghRochester said:Update me on this, because I watched Smallville before and didn't much care for it.LinksOcarina said:Anyone looking at that Green Arrow TV show they are doing?
Longo_2_guns said:Uh, that's actually part of the canon in every form except for the animated series.WickedLiquid said:you don't give Wolverine bone claws as a child when his claws didn't come until Weapon X as a side effect from his adamantium treatment..
And I hate to tell you this, but Morph never appeared in the comics either.
WickedLiquid said:Bart: "But they fought in this comic!"
Comic Book Guy: "It was a 'What If' comic, it never really happened."
Bart: "None of these stories ever really happened."
Comic Book Guy: "....Get out of my store."
Oh Simpsons, there's a quote for everything.