When I threw a big fit at Gina Carrano being cast as Tifa in that stupid FF7 Movie topic.
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Delorean88 said:I watched the trailer for Dredd and I'm not really impressed, I found it cheesy but I think the movie is being cheesy on purpose. Never saw the original but I've been aware of Judge Dredd due to various references to the comic, movie and game. First time I saw the trailer I thought the movie was like if the Raid Redemption had a brother who was hopped on cocaine and listened to dubstep.
Even if TDKR sucked I would still love it. With this build up it's obviously going to disappoint an amount of people. When it releases there will be at least four guranteed reactions to TDKR:
Reaction 2. THAT MOVIE WAS SO MUCH S***! THIS [insert reference to comics/batman universe here] PART OF THE PLOT WAS SO GOD WRONG. I HOPE NOLAN DIES!!!
Reaction 3. It was good/decent, may not be better than Begins or TDK but I left happy
Reaction 4. I [liked, disliked, hated, loved] TDKR but Avengers was better.
I already know I'm probably going to be reaction 1... I just love what Nolan has done with batman and how unique his movies have been when compared to other superhero movies. Ledger was brilliant as Joker but I'd never say he was better than Nicholson. I feel like both actors captured a certain side of Joker perfectly. Ledger caught the psychotic side and Nicholson more of the comical side (at least in my opinion). I'm waiting to pass judgement about catwoman till I see it cause I was strongly against Ledger as Joker until I saw the movie and was amazed.
And the worst part is... the plot is just like the movie the raid... Except this is like comparing a piece of turd to Michelangelo (that is if Michelangelo could do pansat silat of course).intoTheRain said:Paradox said:
my god that looks bad
Green_Lantern said:Never question the JGL.
The thing I liked about playing Selina was that it isn’t confidence for the sake of ‘girl power’. It is confidence for the sake of survival.
Everything about Selina has to be smooth. Except for her eyes. I wanted to find a way of talking where it wasn’t as on the nose as a purr, but where you have to lean in a bit to hear her. So in a way you’re concentrating so hard on what she’s saying that you find yourself trapped in the moment you’re talking to her.
I think that Catwoman depends on the Gotham CIty she lives in. The characterization of her is informed by the world around her. SO what I sought to do with my Selina was make her a part of Nolan’s Gotham.
UghRochester said:You can even customize your own Tumbler.