Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

When I hear Nolan's casting, I'm usually really skeptical...I mean, JGL in Inception? I had never pictured him being in an actiony role...let alone being completely competent and bad ass. So I'll let my judgements hold until I see a finished product.

I'm not at all interested in Karl Urban/Judge Dredd.
I watched the trailer for Dredd and I'm not really impressed, I found it cheesy but I think the movie is being cheesy on purpose. Never saw the original but I've been aware of Judge Dredd due to various references to the comic, movie and game. First time I saw the trailer I thought the movie was like if the Raid Redemption had a brother who was hopped on cocaine and listened to dubstep.

Even if TDKR sucked I would still love it. With this build up it's obviously going to disappoint an amount of people. When it releases there will be at least four guranteed reactions to TDKR:
Reaction 2. THAT MOVIE WAS SO MUCH S***! THIS [insert reference to comics/batman universe here] PART OF THE PLOT WAS SO GOD WRONG. I HOPE NOLAN DIES!!!
Reaction 3. It was good/decent, may not be better than Begins or TDK but I left happy
Reaction 4. I [liked, disliked, hated, loved] TDKR but Avengers was better.

I already know I'm probably going to be reaction 1... I just love what Nolan has done with batman and how unique his movies have been when compared to other superhero movies. Ledger was brilliant as Joker but I'd never say he was better than Nicholson. I feel like both actors captured a certain side of Joker perfectly. Ledger caught the psychotic side and Nicholson more of the comical side (at least in my opinion). I'm waiting to pass judgement about catwoman till I see it cause I was strongly against Ledger as Joker until I saw the movie and was amazed.
You thought the trailer for Dredd was cheesy? You really need to watch the original, that is pure cheese right there. It had a certain kind of campy over the top charm in that it didn't take itself too seriously. But it still wasn't very good.

Oh, and Rob Schneider was in it as the annoying comedic sidekick. Not much more needs to be said about that...

This new one comes across as a paint by the numbers, textbook, "Gritty Hollywood Reboot." and just doesn't look very good. This is one of those movies where you ask, " Why was this movie made? Were there lots of people out there asking for a gritty Judge Dredd reboot?"
Delorean88 said:
I watched the trailer for Dredd and I'm not really impressed, I found it cheesy but I think the movie is being cheesy on purpose. Never saw the original but I've been aware of Judge Dredd due to various references to the comic, movie and game. First time I saw the trailer I thought the movie was like if the Raid Redemption had a brother who was hopped on cocaine and listened to dubstep.

Even if TDKR sucked I would still love it. With this build up it's obviously going to disappoint an amount of people. When it releases there will be at least four guranteed reactions to TDKR:
Reaction 2. THAT MOVIE WAS SO MUCH S***! THIS [insert reference to comics/batman universe here] PART OF THE PLOT WAS SO GOD WRONG. I HOPE NOLAN DIES!!!
Reaction 3. It was good/decent, may not be better than Begins or TDK but I left happy
Reaction 4. I [liked, disliked, hated, loved] TDKR but Avengers was better.

I already know I'm probably going to be reaction 1... I just love what Nolan has done with batman and how unique his movies have been when compared to other superhero movies. Ledger was brilliant as Joker but I'd never say he was better than Nicholson. I feel like both actors captured a certain side of Joker perfectly. Ledger caught the psychotic side and Nicholson more of the comical side (at least in my opinion). I'm waiting to pass judgement about catwoman till I see it cause I was strongly against Ledger as Joker until I saw the movie and was amazed.

not to get into an actor debate. I love Nicholson as Joker, and I love Nicholson as an actor. But Nicholson played Nicholson as the Joker.

heath ledger wasn't even recognizable, to say Nicholsons was better is insane, in my opinion of course. no offense, I don't know how it can even be debated.

Ledgers Joker was the definition of acting. He was not himself, AT ALL.

Nicholsons was a slightly more insane Nicholson, with clown makeup.

now admittedly it's a lot harder for someone like Nicholson, or Depp etc. to mask themselves in a role, as they have SUCH strong personalities. Ledger didn't really have a strong personality. but eh i'm going too deep her, long story short, Ledgers joker was perfection, I don't think many would disagree.

and I would never doubt JGL in a role. i've always thought he was Ledgers twin though. very similar looking guys. he's just a small version.

anne hathaway however, I doubt. but I'll gladly eat my words on that if proven wrong.
I wouldn't say one was better than the other, they were different types of performance. Nicholson went more for the Caesar Romero tv series Joker, albeit a darker version. Which is probably the way Tim Burton wanted him to play it.
intoTheRain said:
Paradox said:
Full trailer.

I am the law

It's got my attention, but it still doesn't really 'wow' me.

my god that looks bad
And the worst part is... the plot is just like the movie the raid... Except this is like comparing a piece of turd to Michelangelo (that is if Michelangelo could do pansat silat of course).

Now time for the Judge dredd fanboy rant... Ahem...

WHAT THE HECK IS THIS? Is this suppose to be Mega-City One? Why does it look like a huge slum rather then a highly dense mega city! Where are the empire states sized blocks? The nuclear reactors? the Crazy gangs? The mutants? the super highways were people live on them... driving in caravan trailers at 150 miles per hour! And what's this? There's a drug called "Slo-mo" and it slows down time? WHAT HAPPENED TO UMPTY-BAGGERS, THE SUPPER ADDICTIVE CANDY! Never mind that... SCREW THIS PLOT! I WANT JUDGE DEATH! I WANT BLOCKMANIA! I WANT THE COMMISSARS OF EAST MEG ONE! I WANT THE ROBOTS WAR! I WANT THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!I WANT THE JUDGE CHILD STORYLINE! I WANT WORLD WAR 4! NOT THIS PREDICTABLE CRAP OF A PLOT!

*Breathes in deeply* Ok... i'm done... And yeah i won't watch this turd...

I mean seriously, why was there a shock shot to see that one citizen die in the trailer? It's Mega-City one, 1000 people die every 5 minutes. WHO CARES!
Green_Lantern said:
Never question the JGL.

I take it you haven't seen the trailer for this shit then?

Saw a trailer for that movie in front of prometheus, I was the asshole in the theater laughing out loud the whole time it was going on. I couldn't help myself. Apparently they shelved it for quite some time, probably because it sucks.


Looked it up, was originally supposed to be released in January.
Sorry Used. I wasn't really serious about her playing anyone. :p I actually have a new found respect for Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. In an interview with Empire, she said a few things that make me a bit more comfortable with her in the role.

The thing I liked about playing Selina was that it isn’t confidence for the sake of ‘girl power’. It is confidence for the sake of survival.
Everything about Selina has to be smooth. Except for her eyes. I wanted to find a way of talking where it wasn’t as on the nose as a purr, but where you have to lean in a bit to hear her. So in a way you’re concentrating so hard on what she’s saying that you find yourself trapped in the moment you’re talking to her.
I think that Catwoman depends on the Gotham CIty she lives in. The characterization of her is informed by the world around her. SO what I sought to do with my Selina was make her a part of Nolan’s Gotham.

Now we just have to see if that translates to the screen.

Back to Dredd. All I could think of was The Raid when I saw the trailer. I loved The Raid, but I'm not too sure about Dredd.
"How Did This Get Made?" podcast is watching the original Judge Dredd, coincidentally. Apparently it's fully available on YouTube so I'll probably watch it and then listen along. I understand nobody knows what I'm talking about, but whatever.

Also, Olivia Thirlby as the female lead in a comic action movie is jarring. Terrible trailer.
UghRochester said:
You can even customize your own Tumbler.


Challenge accepted, mutha fu***!
I feel like DKR is doing WAY more product placement advertising than Dark Knight or Begins did. Not "product placement" maybe but whatever the reverse of that is. DKR is mountain dew, nascars, snacks, tv shows, etc. It's like WB caught the Avengers marketing bug.
They definitely are. I think Dark Knight hit this huge swell of cultural zeitgeist. I know I saw the movie three times in the theater which is unheard of for me.

At the time they had this massive campaign centered around Heath Ledger's joker, but he died and they had to pull all the TV spots, billboards, all that shit. I think the studio is hoping the same thing will happen with DKR but part of what made DK so huge WAS in fact Ledger's death.

So now we just have a ton of shitty ads all over the place.
As if DKR needs to be marketed, everyone and their mother knows about the movie and will probably see it. People who don't know about DKR either really, really don't like superhero movies or don't have internet. I don't like how they keep making more trailers for the movie. I liked how Dark Knight had like two or three trailers then that was it. Don't show me the entire movie before releasing

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