Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Warner Bros. owns DC comics and as a result, own the rights to almost every DC character. A big reason for Marvel's characters being spread out across studios is the financial problems they had a while back. One of the things they did to keep afloat was sell off movie rights. Even big names like Iron Man didn't revert back until about middle of last decade.

So If they wanted, Warner Bros. could have their movie characters in the same universe like Marvel Studios has been doing. But DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson says they will focus on keeping the films separate for thier "great stories and standalone experiences".

Warner Bros. President Jeff Robinov said in an interview last year that a Justice League movie would happen in 2013. However Christain Bale, Ryan Reynolds, and Henry Cavill will not be playing thier respective characters.

Despite what Robinov proclaims however, there has been no progress made towards a Justice League film yet. Unless there's some Hollywood secrecy afoot, I wouldn't expect it until 2014, if even at all.
No thanks on a Justice League movie. I like the DC heroes all having their own franchises with their own styles.
I would prefer they just *poof* have a JL movie. Thinking about it now, all the build-up to Avengers was kind of exhausting for movie watchers.
And it took forever. But you went in without needing as much background...but they still re-introduced each character, so...
Everytime a new cast addition was announced, I was like, "They were in Inception too". I think its up to like six people now. Nolan has said that at one point he was going to have had The Riddler as a villain in one of the films, played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

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