Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Yeah Avengers looks awesome. I can't wait to see that, and Amazing Spider-Man looks WAY better than I thought it would. I still hate that garfield kid though.
That Cap suit looks great. Whoever is in charge of costuming on this movie deserves a Kit Kat. All of them look great.
Paradox said:
And hey, let's throw in the new Amazing Spider-Man trailer as well. Between the Avengers and Spider-Man, I've had to just keep my pants unbuttoned to make room for all the boners.

My spider sense is tingling.
Anybody see the new avengers trailer? Looks like it can be a good or great movie but I'm still thinking that this movie has been over-hyped and is a setup for failure (as in won't live up to expectations). I want it to be good and I'm going to see it even if I hear it sucks because if the avengers turns out to be great then maybe society will be a step closer to a Justice League movie.

Here is a link to the trailer:
Don't know if it's just my phone not loading the trailer or if the link is wonky, so I'll just re-post in case


I'm just so excited for this. One thing I've noticed though: It looks like they softened The Hulk's appearance. To be honest, texture-wise, he more resembles the Hulk from the 2003 movie. I'll still watch the hell out of it though.
I'm really interested to see how they get the Hulk to play ball with the team. Banner is one thing but the Hulk... But that mid-air catch is amazing looking.
My assumption is that as time has gone by, Banner is more in control of the Hulk, that he can now harness and focus the rage.

It wouldn't do to have the Ultimate version of Hulk that goes on mindless rampages that kills hundreds of people.
Regardless of if the poster is legit or not, the next movie is supposed to focus on Logan's time spent in Japan. Expect to see Silver Samurai and maybe ninja order The Hand.
Paradox said:
Regardless of if the poster is legit or not, the next movie is supposed to focus on Logan's time spent in Japan. Expect to see Silver Samurai and maybe ninja order The Hand.

ahh, that definitely makes more sense now with the poster.
After First Class I have faith a new Wolverine movie will be awesome. Whoever made First Class should be writing and diredting!
Wolverine Origins might be the worst movie ever so I dunno.

There was a rumor forever that Darren Aronofsky would be directing the Wolverine Japan movie project. Thankfully it sounds like that won't happen. He's not a good fit.

Oh, and please no more Hugh fucking Jackman.
Hugh Jackman says he'll play Wolverine at any opportunity. He loves playing the roll like Johnny Depp loves Captain Jack Sparrow.

And if Aronofsky directed, Wolverine would have a heroin problem and his Japanese love interest would be a ballerina who is losing her mind.

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