Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

UghRochester said:
Is this The Dark Knight Rises trailer you guys were looking at?
It's nice seeing what they did to Heinz Field. Remember me posting this raw footage pages ago?

I don't think so. I went and saw MI:4 on IMAX yesterday, and the Dark Knight Rises preview was a good 6 minutes long, including 5 minutes of footage directly from the film, uncut. I didn't really have much trouble understanding anything Tom Hardy said as Bane, except for a little bit a the end.

Oh, Ugh, there were no scenes from Heinz Field in it so I don't think that was the right video. It's taken down now anyways.
I don't like how they're portraying Bane, honestly. Bane was never really one of Batman's "True villains", he always skirted the line between light and dark. He's like Catwoman, he plays both sides. When Batman dies (supposedly), Bane and the Secret Six help keep order in Gotham. This version of Bane just looks like a generic bad guy criminal mastermind.
I can understand people being a bit down. HOWEVER, one should keep in mind that with the Nolan Batman films they have been attempting a more realistic vibe, and that is what has made them great.

Either way, I've rewatched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight near 5-8 times a piece, didn't catch either one in theaters. This one, I'll fork the money out and plop my ass in one of those seats. Can't wait.
First time I saw the trailer I thought it was ok but I rewatched it and really like it. I don't know if this one will be better than TDK, TDK is one of my fav movies of all time so there will be high expectations if TDKR is to beat TDK but even if it isn't better that's fine it looks like it'll still be a great movie anyways. Shame that Bane won't have venom but as long as he is super strong or just really strong then good because that's the point of Bane IMO
The R is probably created by one of the casting extras. As mentioned in a casting packaged, we were suppose to wear black and yellow winter theme clothes. Making sure there were no logos of any sort on them. Believe it or not, it was during the summer when filming this. The extras were also allowed to make their own signs cheering for the Gotham City Rogues.

Also, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is not going to be playing any role of Robin. There are many sources that says he's going to be playing as John Blake, described as a "Gotham City beat cop assigned a special duty by Commissioner Gordon"

Yeah, we get it.

I wasn't saying, "ROBIN CONFIRMED!"

I was saying, "cool easter egg."
Yes, after you mentioned the R, I was playing a game of finding Waldo. I know a couple people who went up for the extras part.
Less than four months until...


Marvel has such TV shows as AKA Jessica Jones and The Incredible Hulk on the way. DC is going to have...Green Arrow? said:
Writers Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim have signed on to write and produce a TV series based on the popular (?) DC superhero Green Arrow for the CW network. The CW is owned by WB, which in turn owns DC, and you would think they'd be a little put off by the work Berlanti and Guggenheim did on what was to be the relaunch of the DC universe with GREEN LANTERN. But the studio is hoping the duo, who worked on TV previously with "Dirty Sexy Money" (cancelled), "Eli Stone" (cancelled) and "No Ordinary Family" (cancelled) 'can make it happen'. So don't worry Green Arrow fans, you're in good hands.

Don't expect Justin Hartley to reprise the title role that he played on Smallville for years. It's likely not to even have any relation to that show. Whatever, if it makes it to air I'll check it out. 

And some possibly awesome news... said:
Original DEADPOOL artist Rob Liefeld recently spoke on a panel at the Amazing Arizona Comic Con, and amidst comic book talk and the like he was heard to say this little snippet of awesomeness:

"They've got a great director on the movie, they've got a great script. I may or may not have seen some sort of test footage that would blow your mind if you saw it and 'go holy crap that's Deadpool in costume.' Katana swords, guns, shooting people's faces off and making me laugh. And I may or may not have seen something that looks just like that. And you've got what would amount to the first R Rated X-Men movie. Because that script is R Rated. They may or may not have wanted to shoot eight minutes to see how it would play. And all I can tell you, it's close. It's closer than it's ever been to going, or going 'Nahhh, that's too scary a proposition to make an R Rated Deadpool movie."

So has Fox started shooting Deadpool on the sly? Let's see if this hypothetical test footage makes it online. 
I'm going to have to agree with used, the track record has been grim. And with movie budgets going through the roof, it just doesn't give TV shows a fair shot at trying them. Gone are the days of Ferigno.

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