Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Bretimus_v2 said:
Delorean88 said:
I wonder which route they will take to end the series. Maybe a similar end to Dark Knight Returns or maybe Batman dies (eh likely but not likely at the same time). A buddy of mine said his ultimate dream is that this movie will end with Bruce Wayne being old instructing/helping Terry McGinnis as the movie ends sort of transitioning the story to Batman Beyond but not necessarily meaning there would be a Batman Beyond movie.

Boo, Beyond isn't that good.

Bretimus_v2 said:
Boo, Beyond isn't that good.

Beyond isn't that good...........................

*tears in my eyes* WHY????

I'm kidding..... Anyways:

I grew watching that so it holds a place in my heart though I grew up watching TAS as well (Thank you cartoon network) and I loved that even more than I did with Batman Beyond. I mean seriously could I call myself a Batman fan and not have seen TAS? (I know you weren't implying that I haven't TAS)
What was that supposed to be from? Don't worry Rain, I can't understand a single fucking thing either. How you could draw any conclusions from it whatsoever is beyond me.
danielrbischoff said:
What was that supposed to be from? Don't worry Rain, I can't understand a single f****** thing either. How you could draw any conclusions from it whatsoever is beyond me.

Yea really all it did was make me feel negatively about the movie. I'm sure it'll be great when I see the real thing though.

Figured it was imperative I post it in this topic though.

I really hope Bane doesn't sound anything like he does in the leak.

Also, wtf was the guy filming that on. Cell phones in the 1800's had better video and audio capturing capabilities.
Yeah I could not understand a fucking thing he was saying and I don't think it was because of audio fidelity. I get he's wearing a mask but shit. If anything more stuff like this will make it a better experience when I do see the movie because my expectations will be so low.
Everything I've heard about it is that even in the IMAX theaters with optimal sound, you can only really make out every fifth word or so that Bane says. I'm really hoping that's fixed in post-production.
The sound balance was terrible in Dark Knight, I thought. Especially in the theaters, you couldn't hear dialogue over the droning score and powerful sound effects. I was surprised it didn't come up in more reviews, because it was really irritating.
Such a huge pet peeve when I watch movies at home and it tears my speakers to shreds with music and SFX, but then the actors are whisper quiet.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Such a huge pet peeve when I watch movies at home and it tears my speakers to shreds with music and SFX, but then the actors are whisper quiet.

Try turning your center channel up. Should help, won't perfect it though.

The Dark Knight was notorious for bad sound quality.
Meh, it's my money to spend as I wish for a movie. I promise to not bring you as my date if you don't want to see it.
used44 said:
The sound balance was terrible in Dark Knight, I thought. Especially in the theaters, you couldn't hear dialogue over the droning score and powerful sound effects. I was surprised it didn't come up in more reviews, because it was really irritating.
This is so true. I could barely understand the conversations of Gordon throughout the movie. Once I got it on DVD, I turned the subtitles on and said to myself, "Oh, this makes better sense."
danielrbischoff said:
Fire pee.... FIRE. PEE.

No thanks.

Yeah I saw that....

and laughed and how terrible this will be. I'm sorry but the campy superhero movie almost always pales to the more realistic ones.

Except Spiderman. That one works.
In no way do I think it will stand up with Dark Knight, but will it be a good popcorn flick that I'll have fun watching? I bet it will.

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