Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

There will be a real cape, but im sure it'll be comboed with CGI. I think the mocap guy will end up being Zod from what I've heard, but I don't think it's confirmed.
Superman is an incredibly boring character. Impervious to pain, what is this bullcrap? Lemme guess, Kryptonite plays a role in this one, eh? slag off, why don't you.
no thanks, soups
Chris_Crime said:
Superman is an incredibly boring character. Impervious to pain, what is this bullcrap? Lemme guess, Kryptonite plays a role in this one, eh? slag off, why don't you.
no thanks, soups

that's pretty much why I don't like Superman. He's invincible minus one thing, so every story involving him is incredibly easy to predict. It's pretty stupid when you have to use the same bloody McGuffin over and over again.

That's why Batman is infinitely better. Hell, he has NO super powers. He's just a BAMF. Hell, now that I think about it, neither does Iron Man.
If you honestly think that, and honestly don't believe that Batman is more broken than Superman, then, well, you probably don't know comics that well.
Longo_2_guns said:
If you honestly think that, and honestly don't believe that Batman is more broken than Superman, then, well, you probably don't know comics that well.


I haven't posted any news lately as about everything has been something spoiler-y for Dark Knight rises. If I kept posting, you'd be able to see half the movie just by scrolling fast down all the pages.

So all I'm sharing today is the upcoming five post-Avengers films that Marvel says are next to be developed. They will be: Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Ant-Man, Gaurdians of the Galaxy, and The Inhumans.

Don't know much about the Gaurdians, but I can go for a big screen Blackbolt and the rest of the Inhumans. For Iron Man 3 I'd like them to go with a villain who isn't in a robot suit this time. Perhaps Mandarin? And it's already reported that Thor 2 will span some of the others of the 9 realms. Finally, I really want to see Edgar Wright's take on Ant-Man.
Paradox said:
For Iron Man 3 I'd like them to go with a villain who isn't in a robot suit this time. Perhaps Mandarin? quote]That, so fucking agree on that. As for Ant man, that is gonna be cool
As soon as you said Ant Man I was excited. Then you said Edgar Wright and I blacked out.

That is fucking. Awesome.
I don't know ant-man but since Edgar Wright is doing it I might just be in lesbians with the movie.
Have you watched that Black Panther animated series on Netflix? Me neither, but I want to.
Marvel comics still has the media rights to the name and calling it Shazam would bring back too many bad Shaq acting memories. Maybe 'The Rise of Black Adam' or something. Whatever the title, I'd like to see a Captain Marvel movie too.
Luckily, that was Kazaam, not Shazam!

Regardless, I think if they were to do it, the first one would be about Batson gaining his powers and going up against Silvana, and how he deals with it. Basically, make it like First Thunder only without Superman. And call it something like "The Chronicles of Shazam!"

Then if that does well, they should introduce Black Adam and call it like "The Warriors of Shazam!" and have that one deal more with Billy trying to find solidarity without a family and all of that stuff. They'd no doubt have to introduce Mary Marvel, who sucks, if they did that though. I'd prefer if they did Freeman, who is the only good member of the Marvel family.

Finally end the no doubt trilogy with "The Legacy of Shazam!" with someone like Sabbac or Ibac or Captain Nazi and have Shazam die and Batson takes over, passing the champion title to someone else. Again, preferably Freeman

I dunno, they could pull it off. Especially if they retcon it to make Batson like 14 or 15 rather than 12, just so we don't have to deal with shitty child acting.
Now that Avengers is a go, I'm ready for arcs and major battles getting the motion picture treatment. Secret Wars and the Infinity Gauntlet.
Heck, the Infinity Gauntlet got a cameo in Thor. hint hint?

Dr Strange, sure, but I'd love to see a Dr. Doom movie, but not the FF Doom. Venom needed a reboot, not Spidey. btw, where's Hobgoblin? Woulda made a great spidey sequel. fuck!

Colin Farrell as Bullseye. Pretty much Farrell's best work on film. Why not more of this?

meh. I'd even take some What If? animated movies before some of the things Marvel has lined up.

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