Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Anyone fancy some pics from Dark Knight Rises?

Non-bat tumblers?

Full body shot of Bane

Is that a ripped up picture of Harvey Dent that Bane just tossed away?

Bat vs Bane

Bane fights back with tickle attack

Close up on Bane's mask

If we don't see something similar to this in the movie, I'm gonna be kinda bummed

Compared up next to Bale as Batman, Tom Hardy as Bane looks kinda...normal. I'm sure Venom will be in use at some point though.
Yeah, I'm sure Bane will be "BANE!" at some point in the film. Speaking of which, I'm supposed to go to Heinz Field next week and be an extra in the film. Don't know when, still waiting for them send me a set pass and what to wear.
stylekiller said:
It still comes down to this bane will be better than Batman And Robin Bane.

Ugh Batman and Robin, not even Mr. Freeze's puns or Batman's credit card could save that movie. Yeah I don't like production pictures because it makes any movie look like crap to me and honestly I believe Nolan realizes that even though he's going for a realistic Batman if Bane doesn't have venom then the movie will be destroyed. I watched Batman Mask of the Phantasm and it was really good I enjoyed it. Next is the Batman Beyond return of the joker.

It might be late saying this but really enjoyed Captain America and didn't think I would and I think Amazing Spiderman has potential to be good and help fans forget what happened with Spiderman 3. THough until that trailer I never thought about Peter's parents until watching that trailer, seriously what happened to Peter's parents?
UghRochester said:
Yeah, I'm sure Bane will be "BANE!" at some point in the film. Speaking of which, I'm supposed to go to Heinz Field next week and be an extra in the film. Don't know when, still waiting for them send me a set pass and what to wear.
bull shit.
danielrbischoff said:
UghRochester said:
Yeah, I'm sure Bane will be "BANE!" at some point in the film. Speaking of which, I'm supposed to go to Heinz Field next week and be an extra in the film. Don't know when, still waiting for them send me a set pass and what to wear.
bull s***.
Yeah, you're right :cry: See, I was supposed to respond to an email within 24 hours that way I would get a set past and info package containing important stuff like "what to wear during the scenes." I didn't respond because Yahoo wouldn't let me in my alternative email account. Now I'm on "Stand-by" which means I will have to wait and see if anyone cancels their reservation to be an extra.

The scene is supposed to be a football game match between Gotham City Rogues and Rapid City Monuments. They mentioned there would be special effect fireworks/explosions during the scene.

I think Henry Cavill fills out the suit better than Brandon Routh. Facially, he kinda reminds me of George Reeves era Superman.
So, I didn't get to go to Heinz Field (stupid email account!). I was able to finally get into my email address, and saw this in an e-mail
If you're coming tomorrow you need to confirm NOW. IN one hour we put you on standby and invite someone else.

Look for signs saying BC to parking
Bring Umbrella
Just found out that the Steelers players in the film and on set are:

#91 Aaron Smith
#7 Ben Roethlisberger
#99 Brett Kiesel
#13 Dan Rooney
#83 Heath Miller
#86 Hines Ward
#24 Ike Taylor
#51 James Farrior
#92 James Harrison
#56 LaMarr Woodley
#53 Maurkice Pouncey
#17 Mike Wallace
#25 Ryan Clark
#43 Troy Polamalu

Bill Cowher
Kevin Colbert
Kelvin Fisher
Omar Kahn
Bruce McNorton
Dan Prunzik
Matt Smith


#19 Luke Ravenstahl
I like how Pittsburgh's Mayor Luke Ravenstahl is is a football player for the Rapid City Monuments.

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