Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

danielrbischoff said:
I might go see Harry Potter JUST for the teaser trailer. CAN

You mean aside from it being a kick-ass franchise, right? Hahahahaha-- of course you do.

Poster has everything I could want. An ambiguous crumbling city-scene, an obscured logo and a vague release date. Perfection.
crazycracker22 said:
danielrbischoff said:
I might go see Harry Potter JUST for the teaser trailer. CAN

You mean aside from it being a kick-ass franchise, right? Hahahahaha-- of course you do.

Poster has everything I could want. An ambiguous crumbling city-scene, an obscured logo and a vague release date. Perfection.
Oh yeah of course. Cant wait to see Ron's Mom call Beatrix a bitch.
My wife really wants to see Harry potter so I'm sure we'll go and I'll get to see the teaser. Now for some Spider-Man up close and personal.

OK I feel great. I saw on TV that anyone seeing HP tonight at midnight in 3D get Harry Potter style 3D glasses for free.

Anyone else hate when you go to midnight or release day showings and people are dressed up and they spend the whole movie yelling quotes at the screen? Fucking motherfucker pirate assholes with their fucking pirate catchphrases saying fucking "arrr" and shit what the fuck shut up you assholes. I'm trying to watch the goddam movie, fuck.
danielrbischoff said:
I don't know why I got facepalmed. Did I spell it wrong? Then I feel better about it.

Yeah. I'd actually facepalm had you got the name right.

>_> i'll wait til it comes out on DVD
danielrbischoff said:
Anyone else hate when you go to midnight or release day showings and people are dressed up and they spend the whole movie yelling quotes at the screen? f****** motherf***** pirate assholes with their f****** pirate catchphrases saying f****** "arrr" and s*** what the f*** shut up you assholes. I'm trying to watch the goddam movie, f***.

I have tickets to go see it in IMAX 3D next weekend in Seattle. And this isn't one of those mini-IMAX screens. This is a full sized, 6 story, 15,000 Watt sound system IMAX screen. Fun times. Plus, I get to go to the Sci-Fi museum in Seattle. Lots of cool shit there right now.
First off.

daniel said:
Apparently The Dark Knight Rises teaser will run a minute and a half in 3D, IMAX 3D, and 2D in front of Harry Potter!

Lies. Damned lies. I saw no DKR trailer. You crushed my dreams, Dan (that's two of my dreams you've crushed this week). Although it should be noted that the new Sherlock Holmes movie looks aaaaaaaaawesome.

Anyway, long story short. My old college roommate's work rented out a whole theater tonight to watch Harry Potter and he had an extra ticket. I showed up there at 7:00 pm, walked in, sat down and enjoyed the movie at 7:30 pm...and most importantly not a single person was in a costume. The cool part was that just as the movie was beginning the manager came in and announced that they had loaded the wrong movie on the reel. It turns out that they loaded the 3D version...oops. So we got these.


My wife shouted, "You're a wizard, Harry!" right as she took this. I'm stifling laughter.

For something I got offered an hour before the movie and for free, this is by and far the coolest movie experience I've had ever...or at least this evening. Anyway, the movie was awesome. Extremely tense. The battle is great, the trimming was done well enough, Voldy has the world's most awkward hug. I'd say more, but I hate when people say too much. Much better than Part 1 (which I really enjoyed despite most people acting like it was disappointing).
Bretimus_v2 said:
First off.

daniel said:
Apparently The Dark Knight Rises teaser will run a minute and a half in 3D, IMAX 3D, and 2D in front of Harry Potter!

Lies. Damned lies. I saw no DKR trailer. You crushed my dreams, Dan (that's two of my dreams you've crushed this week). Although it should be noted that the new Sherlock Holmes movie looks aaaaaaaaawesome.
Well, it seemed obvious it wouldn't show a trailer. They're still filming the movie. I know this, because they're going to be filming next week in Pittsburgh. I want to go down to Pitt and see The Batmobile.
Yes, it's called a teaser. It's not like they shoot all of the footage (step 1) and then edit it together (step 2). They edit as they go along, which would allow for throwing together a teaser.

Also, is the DKR teaser before HP a real thing? Is it only in IMAX theaters? Or was Daniel just pulling our leg?
UghRochester said:
Well, it seemed obvious it wouldn't show a trailer. They're still filming the movie. I know this, because they're going to be filming next week in Pittsburgh. I want to go down to Pitt and see The Batmobile.

If you remember the initial teaser for the Star Trek movie, they didn't use any footage from the film. It was produced by an independent company with their own actors.

So, no, it's not uncommon to have a teaser out during filming. Also, my brother's roommate in LA is working at a trailer company that's doing the Batman teaser. As far as I understand, it's not using footage from the film and they're using their own actors. I'll have to call him and ask him again though.
Ok, my bad. I never actually knew what teaser meant for trailers. Always thought of someone standing behind closed doors and laughing at us. Hold on, let me get my shield before you start stoning me to death.

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