Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Here's the Bat-Wing. Put legs on it and it looks like it could be a Bat-Mech.

Does anybody else love that no matter what happens, Batman movies have always been about bringing one more Bat______ to the party?
I really need to stop looking at Dark Knight Rises news/leaks. I've never known more info and speculation about a film. It's a weird digital age of communication we live in.
used44 said:
I really need to stop looking at Dark Knight Rises news/leaks. I've never known more info and speculation about a film. It's a weird digital age of communication we live in.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
Alien weapons? Wonder if the Kree and Skrulls will be involved. Also wonder if Marvel has the film rights to Captain Mar-Vell.
Yeah, I'm almost certain they'll at least touch on the Kree Skrull war.

As far as Mar-Vell, I'd rather see a Shazam movie first.
Looks like they added textures and features to the suit to keep it from looking bland. I think it really needs the belt though.


And a cape! There was a cape in the other pics though. Gotta say I prefer the classic suit, but this isn't terrible. It looks super "airbrushed" like the muscles are in the suit instead of on the man, but I'm sure the movie will look better than a candid production shot. Looks like a Jim Lee penciling, basically.

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