Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Longo_2_guns said:
How was the scene at the end confusing? It was pretty simple. Loki didn't die, cause he's both magic and a f****** god, and he's going to be the first big villain for the Avengers, like he was in the comics.

Dur, obviously the evil dude was still alive. What I'm wondering is what does that guy Erick have to do with it? Has Loki possessed him? Or is Erick actually evil and works for him? Or has he taken his form?

I wasn't the only one who was confused. When that scene ended someone yelled out “not as confusing as Inception.â€
Loki is the god of sorcery and trickery. He was 'influencing' him at the time, though likely was not through the whole movie.

And as far as non-superhero comic book movies go, Cowboys and Aliens looks awesome. Just saying.
Ok I gotcha.

Man, The Avengers is either going to be the most epic movie since Return of the King, or the biggest disappointment since Spider-man 3.
Longo_2_guns said:
Loki is the god of sorcery and trickery. He was 'influencing' him at the time, though likely was not through the whole movie.

And as far as non-superhero comic book movies go, Cowboys and Aliens looks awesome. Just saying.

Hell yeah it does. And Daniel Craig looks absolutely ripped. Another guy who in their forties looks better than I ever have shirtless lol.
I think I need to give it a chance cause when I saw the very first trailer I thought it looked crappy but I love the concept, I'm not crazy about westerns but give it a sci-fi alien twist and I'd normally be in. Plus the great Harrison Han Solo Indiana Jones Mr. President Ford is in it and I like Daniel Craig and Olivia Wilde is just.... awesome.. Later I'm gonna rewatch the trailers to see if maybe I'm just being stubborn.

As for that final scene in Thor I was a little confused only because I didn't know what the cube was and what the importance of it is. I assumed it dealt with Captain America because I could of sworn I saw it in a captain america trailer being held by that red dude (yeah I don't Captain America villians and really don't feel like creating a tab to research). For a second I thought Loki was controlling him the entire movie but realized that wouldn't really make sense. But hey at least it wasn't just Iron Man 2 guy looking at a hole saying "sir we found it".... Maybe that was a good after creds scene, I just thought it was bad
Delorean88 said:
As for that final scene in Thor I was a little confused only because I didn't know what the cube was and what the importance of it is. I assumed it dealt with Captain America because I could of sworn I saw it in a captain america trailer being held by that red dude (yeah I don't Captain America villians and really don't feel like creating a tab to research).

It is called the Cosmic Cube. it has the power to reshape reality to the user's desire. it will be a focal point in Captain America and probably the Avengers as well.
While it doesn't show much, here is our first look at Tom Hardy as Bane, I'm guessing pre-venom? Still don't know if Bane will just be really ripped or if Nolan will add CG muscles when Bane's on the venom. And will he speak with a Spanish accent?

A little Avengers news today. The Big Bads are likely to be Loki and the Skrulls. Plus the old Iron Man villian Thanos may be involved as well. Whether or not he brings along the Infinity Gauntlet remains to be seen.
Anybody see X-Men First Class yet? I did last night and honestly I didn't really like it, thought it was disappointing. On a 1-10 scale I give it a 7 and even then I feel that is generous where-as there is apart of me who thinks that's a little harsh. From what I could gather the film isn't exactly spot on or close to the comic storyline but maybe it is I have more googling to do. One thing though I Azazel was awesome but Banshee was stupid. Two weekends in a row I go to the theaters and watch disappointing movies (hangover 2 now this)
Well they have the casting calls for extras in The Dark Knight Rises. Hopefully I'll be able to head to Pittsburgh next week to audition.
danielrbischoff said:
Paradox said:
Yeah he's in the film. Pretty sure that's him in poster above Cap's shield.
I think that's stark....

Honestly could of sworn in the trailer you could briefly see Cap talking to bucky, maybe that was just some other white guy

Also this may have happened in other topic or whatever but did anyone see XMEN First Class and what did you think.... For me I was disappointed but I'm curious about what everyone's opinions

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