Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

danielrbischoff said:
Longo_2_guns said:
I f****** loved First Class.
really? wow... doubt i'll see it in the theaters.... I rarely go to movies anymore.
Of all the movies that have come out in the last year, I can only think of a handful worth seeing in theaters. First Class is in that list. Not just because of the visual effects, which were good, but because it was a really fucking good movie.
danielrbischoff said:
Paradox said:
Yeah he's in the film. Pretty sure that's him in poster above Cap's shield.
I think that's stark....

Yeah, think you're right. Bucky will be in it though. Wether or not he wears the domino mask and speedo tights remains to be seen.

Here's a couple shots of Steve Rogers in the USO Cap suit

danielrbischoff said:
Longo_2_guns said:
I f****** loved First Class.
really? wow... doubt i'll see it in the theaters.... I rarely go to movies anymore.

Yup, first class was surprisingly awesome. The trailer didn't do the movie justice IMO. My only complaint is that Magneto looks like a jedi when he's using his powers which looks sorta lame. But that's just a minor nuisance, I really enjoyed it.

I also learned alot about the professor and magneto's origin. I'm not sure how much is accurate to the comics but it was entertaining nonetheless. I always thought the first group was Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Angel and Iceman. But this had to stay canon to the film trilogy I guess.

I know Wolverine's origin inside out so I hated how the film raped his storyline and Deadpool. But this was refreshing, definitely revitalized the X-Men franchise.
Inaccuracies a plenty. But it was an enjoyable film. And if you can't make it accurate, you have to make sure that it's not awful. I liked it though. Comments:

Kevin Bacon...awesome.
Banshee...X-Men's Ronald Weasley
Russian Guyovich's to the max.
Azazel...rule number 1 of X-men movies states: "it will always be better with teleporters", conjecture: "Weapon XI"
Apparently Beasts mutant ability is hanging upside-down from things
Bretimus_v2 said:
Inaccuracies a plenty. But it was an enjoyable film. And if you can't make it accurate, you have to make sure that it's not awful. I liked it though. Comments:

Kevin Bacon...awesome.
Banshee...X-Men's Ronald Weasley
Russian Guyovich's to the max.
Azazel...rule number 1 of X-men movies states: "it will always be better with teleporters", conjecture: "Weapon XI"
Apparently Beasts mutant ability is hanging upside-down from things

haha nice. My friend also said he got a Harry Potter feel with Banshee reminding him of Weasley and the Professor reminding him of Harry Potter (minus the glasses), And yes, Hank was born a human and turned into a Beast through an experiment.

I'm sure a lot of it was inaccurate, I don't think Xavier and Mystique were life long friends, were they? Regardless, it was still a great movie.

As for Green Lantern, I'll wait for Green Lantern's review. I have a feeling he's been waiting his whole life for this movie.
from what ive seen so far its terrible. i think Ryan Reynolds was a baaaaad choice for Hal Jordan. Its such a shame, Green Lantern is my favorite comic book hero. Hopefully the sequel will be better, if theres one.
piracer said:
from what ive seen so far its terrible. i think Ryan Reynolds was a baaaaad choice for Hal Jordan. Its such a shame, Green Lantern is my favorite comic book hero. Hopefully the sequel will be better, if theres one.
I mean... the trailers... the promotional piece that's SUPPOSED TO MAKE THE MOVIE LOOK GOOD.... they still make GL seem like a shitty movie.
Magneto and Xavier were friends, but in the comics they met in Israel or something while in the peace corps and had a lot of discussions on mutant rights vs mutant rebellion and the like. Later on Magneto realized that, despite him being a friend, their views were incompatible, and he went away, basically.

Oh, and Satan crippled Professor X I believe, so yeah...they should of had Azazel do it.
Sorry, Wicked, mostly I was commenting on the fact that every time they showed Beast he seemed to be hanging upsidedown from something. Also, Professor X's use of "groovy".

I've always loved Green Lantern more than anyone other hero, so no matter what I'm expecting to be saddened by the movie. But hopefully they will make his powers cool and not just force blasting (I'm looking at you Stewart.).
I saw X-men last night. It really was just kind of meh for me. Not a bad superhero movie, but not a great one either. Just.... average.
NickKmet said:
I saw X-men last night. It really was just kind of meh for me. Not a bad superhero movie, but not a great one either. Just.... average.

I felt the same way. This fit in between all the shit and all the really good ones.

Here's a question: if all comic book movies were placed on a linear scale, what would be the absolute best and absolute worst?
LinksOcarina said:
Oh, and Satan crippled Professor X I believe, so yeah...they should of had Azazel do it.
It was actually an alien who called himself Lucifer. And he did it by dropping a rock on him in anger. The way they did it in First Class was good.

Anyway, just got back from seeing Green Lantern. I'd give it a B- or so. It needed like 20 more minutes of Green Lantern powers, but it wasn't bad.

So far, I'd rank the comic book movies that have come out as such:
First Class - A-
Thor - B
Green Lantern - B-

And I have high hopes for both Captain America and Cowboys and Aliens. Though high hopes doesn't mean high expectations.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Also, Professor X's use of "groovy".
That pissed me off so much and the group I saw it with couldn't understand why the matter of Professor X saying groovy that much was a bad thing. Even though I was disappointed it was average and it was a helluva lot better than last stand and better than origins.

DocMoc said:
NickKmet said:
Here's a question: if all comic book movies were placed on a linear scale, what would be the absolute best and absolute worst?
Depends, because some superhero movies that don't truly follow the comics have been awesome/great and a couple that have followed the comics have been bad (I think there is one). It helps if they follow it because it is a adaptation, the point of the adaptation is to display the story in a entirely new format, that's why I think comic book fans get pissed when movies completely destroy the original story........... Was that what you meant by linear scale?

Saw Green Lantern, walked in with low expectations and thought it was ok. The entire film was practically CGI but not in the good "could barely tell it was CGI" kind, thought the villian parallax looked funny and stupid. The shape of the head made me unable to take it seriously, honestly the first time I saw parallax I laughed. Also thought the young Hal kid and birthday kid were the same actor and thought that was lazy casting but it's two different kids. Though there is a scene in a bar with Ryan dancing with Blake Lively and the theater was quiet and everyone heard my loud voice yell" Awesome!!! NFL Blitz" or something of that nature cause there was a NFL Blitz arcade game in the background. Also I agree with Longo there was barely any ring action in my opinion
DocMoc said:
NickKmet said:
I saw X-men last night. It really was just kind of meh for me. Not a bad superhero movie, but not a great one either. Just.... average.

I felt the same way. This fit in between all the s*** and all the really good ones.

Here's a question: if all comic book movies were placed on a linear scale, what would be the absolute best and absolute worst?

Absolute Best: The Dark Knight
Absolute Worst: A tie between The Fantastic Four (or as I like to call it, the Fantastic Flop), and the first Incredible Hulk (you know, the one with Eric Bana)
Delorean88 said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
Also, Professor X's use of "groovy".
That pissed me off so much and the group I saw it with couldn't understand why the matter of Professor X saying groovy that much was a bad thing. Even though I was disappointed it was average and it was a helluva lot better than last stand and better than origins.
He's 20 years old and it's set in the 1960's. There's no reason why he wouldn't say "groovy".

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