Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

I want to see it so bad, but stuff like bills and house payment will likely keep me out of the theater until next weekend.
Paradox said:
I want to see it so bad, but stuff like bills and house payment will likely keep me out of the theater until next weekend.

Who really needs a house when you can pay an arm and a leg to watch a two hour movie...
This drink, I like it.

ANOTHER! *smash*

My laughter, while befitting of the moment, was highly inappropriate considering my surroundings. Ha-HA!...Thor's awesome.
Going to a afternoon showing of Thor tomorrow with a old buddy of mine, apparently there is a hawk guy cameo in the Thor movie. Once I see it I'll say if it's good or bad without spoilers
Thor is good. Not great. Not as good as Iron Man. Or Spider-Man 1 & 2. But good.

And yeah, there's a Hawkeye cameo. He doesn't do shit but act like a dick. So it's a perfect Hawkeye cameo.
Longo_2_guns said:
Thor is good. Not great. Not as good as Iron Man. Or Spider-Man 1 & 2. But good.

And yeah, there's a Hawkeye cameo. He doesn't do s*** but act like a dick. So it's a perfect Hawkeye cameo.

I honestly thought Thor was great, though I saw it in IMAX 3D and I know absolutely nothing about Thor so I wasn't holding any true standards for the movie. The IMAX was alright, I say that because the IMAX screen at the theater I saw it at was like a pencil dick compared to other gigantic screens I've seen at other places. It wasn't bad to the point I regretted the $12 matinee charge. Though I was there was more hammer action, wasn't enough of that in my opinion.

When I went though two strange things occurred. One they showed the first released trailer for the new transformers movie and when it ended more than half the audience applauded..... That disappointed me. And this group of 40-50 year old people arrived to watch Thor in the IMAX all dressed as various superheroes. One person was dressed as a certain superhero but I don't want to say why that matters because the reason why it was funny to me is kind of evil...
Delorean88 said:
One person was dressed as a certain superhero but I don't want to say why that matters because the reason why it was funny to me is kind of evil...
You can't just leave us hanging like that.

And the big flaw with the movie is the whole shitty romance part of it. It was very forced, was poorly done, and was a major driving point of the whole thing.

DocMoc, yes, it does. A very good one, too.
Longo_2_guns said:
Delorean88 said:
One person was dressed as a certain superhero but I don't want to say why that matters because the reason why it was funny to me is kind of evil...
You can't just leave us hanging like that.

And the big flaw with the movie is the whole shitty romance part of it. It was very forced, was poorly done, and was a major driving point of the whole thing.

DocMoc, yes, it does. A very good one, too.
Honestly I think because of the romance aspect the ending turned out the way it did, I won't spoil but I will say they could of created a better ending than the one they put. The after credits scene was actually worth staying for, unlike Iron Man 2.

And the evil funny thing might have just been funny to me and my friend at the time but basically there was this big group around 20 people who were middle aged and dressed as superheroes (majority of them marvel characters and the random girl dressed as sailormoon). There was just one person that was dressed as a DC superhero and it was a woman who was dressed as wonder-woman. This was funny to my friend and I because the lady who was dressed as wonder-woman was in a wheelchair......
Delorean88 said:
Honestly I think because of the romance aspect the ending turned out the way it did, I won't spoil but I will say they could of created a better ending than the one they put. The after credits scene was actually worth staying for, unlike Iron Man 2.
I agree with all of those remarks.

And yes, that is funny.
Thor was good. I didn't like the whole romance aspect to it, because the romance aspect in movies are almost always forced (especially in comic book movies). But Asgard looked sweet, all the effects were great, and it had a good amount of action.

Overall, definitely worth seeing, but not the best superhero movie. Not by a long shot.
Just saw Thor in 3D tonight, I loved it.

I was surprised at how hilarious the movie was, I wasn't expecting it to be so damn funny! Then again, I went in not knowing a damn thing about Thor, lol.

I was expecting Iron Man to show up during a scene with SHELD (where they mentioned Tony Stark). The scene after the credits confused me a bit. I'm guessing Thor readers know what's going to happen, but I suppose this ties into The Avengers? If so I'm looking forwards to seeing what'll happen.
How was the scene at the end confusing? It was pretty simple. Loki didn't die, cause he's both magic and a fucking god, and he's going to be the first big villain for the Avengers, like he was in the comics.
Anyone watch/care about the Conan movie? :(

It'll be nice to get a comic book movie that isn't superheroes for a change.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love all the comic book films but this will be a welcome change.
Awesome trailer. Looks to be very action-packed...can't imagine a slow drama-version, really.

Never read any of the Conan comics but I've read 3 of the Robert Jordan Conan books.

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