Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Paradox said:
Green_Lantern said:
It's not loading for me :(

I need to see this damnit!

Try this one:


So awesome!
Green_Lantern said:
Paradox said:
Green_Lantern said:
It's not loading for me :(

I need to see this damnit!

Try this one:


So awesome!

Well the footage doesn't make the movie look bad like the previous trailer did, I'm new to the green lantern universe in fact when the Justice League cartoon started on cartoon network I thought the green lantern was black but then found out there's more than one. Most likely gonna see it I really like Ryan Reynolds (as a actor not man crush) but overall no true anticipation or excitement for this movie. I have nothing against it, it just hasn't really sparked my interest
The black Green Lantern in Justice League is John Stewart, this movie is based on Hal Jordan...Two different Lanterns.
I've wanted this movie since I was ~13, but never thought it would look good on screen. I've always loved the concept behind the ring. This trailer has restored hope that they're taking the movie somewhat seriously.

Fingers crossed.
I'm sure some of you in here watch Boardwalk Empire. Micheal Shannon will be Zod in next year's Man of Steel.

New head to toe pics of the GL suit. I'm glad they added black to it so he wouldn't just look like the Inadequate Hulk. Still think some white gloves and boots would complete it.



Boardwalk Empire was good but I personally thought it dragged a little in the middle of the season.

Rakon said:
LinksOcarina said:
Greatest show is It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Links, I didn't know you also loved Sunny!

It's Always Sunny is an awesome show period

Am I the only one who things the costume looks too CGI? Maybe it is just me, I guess since majority of movies out there have a physical costume seeing a CGI enhanced costume is too much for me....
I really wish they didn't white out his eyes, but it's still an awesome costume. Would've looked cool if the lantern symbol looked more hollow and was filled with a foggy light or something.
I might! Except the theater showing it here may only be seeing it in 3D. If they have any 2D showings though, I'm totally going.

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