Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

I want to see this so hard. I'm impressed by how they made Steve Rogers look pre-Cap. That's some real Benjamin Button looking stuff.
Superman has found his Lois Lane.

Amy Adams

Me likey.
EDIT i typed this on my iPod so auto correct might have given me terrible grammar
I have nothing against Amy Adams so... Coolio

Side note has anyone seen Amy Adams and Isla Fisher in the same room before? ........ I'm implying they're the same person.......

Sort of unrelated but I'm on the final part of The Dark Knight Returns (book 4 te dark knight falls) now I know why so many people have told me it's one of the beat batman stories because it is...

If they made that into a movie (or miniseries I think would be better) my mind would be blown but it needs the right director and writers and cast. I this cause I read somewhere that Zack Snyder was interested and Frank Miller told him if he wants to it's okay. I loved watchmen and 300 but I'm skeptical, not because of how bad sucker punch turned out to be but I honestly don't think he could do a TDKR adaptation that is as awesome as the comic... But I do trust the new superman will be good even though I hate superman.
Well it finally may happen. From the mouth of the Warner Bros president himself, a Justice League movie produced by Christopher Nolan should hit theaters in 2013.

Don't expect it to fit into current DC movie continuity; no word on the new Superman or Green Lantern, but Batman will not be the one from Nolan's movies.

In other news, Michael Clark Duncan is being sought to voice Kilowog in Green Lantern.

And on the Marvel side of the fence, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye will make an appearance in Thor.
Joss Weadon has let slip his next project following The Avengers: Howard the Duck. That might be tolerable on it's own, but Weadon plans to introduce Howard in The Avengers film itself.

Apparently, as in the comics, Hulk mistrusts the team and strikes off on his own. This would be where Howard makes his cameo as Hulk runs past the cigar smoking fowl as he rampages through Cleveland. Still no word on if Howard will be CGI or Kenny Baker in a Duck suit.

pretty good, pretty good. but honestly, i've got mixed emotions!
I mean way to get my hopes up! I loved Howard the Duck ;_;
i drove my mother mad with that vhs tape as a kid. Success!

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