Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

I refuse to acknowledge the existence of the Catwoman movie. Ghost Rider had awesome effects, but I'm haunted by a drawling Nic Cage asking, "Wahnt some jellehs?".

My opinion on best is The Dark Knight with the worsts being Batman & Robin and Steel (watching Shaq act is painful).
Magneto confirmed for being one smooth talking playa in First Class.

also, who's seen Green Lantern?
Obviously you guys haven't seen either of the fantastic four movies recently. I challenge you to try and sit through either of them. Sooooo bad.
WickedLiquid said:
I'm actually one of the few who liked the one with the Silver Surfer. It wasn't amazing but entertaining nonetheless.

I had to leave the room when Sue "died." The acting was terrible. I nearly vomited.

The sad thing is, I've seen Ioan Gruffudd in quite a few movies and tv shows, and he's a much better actor than he was in either of those movies. Makes them all the more harder for me to watch.
I saw enough of it to know it was terrible.

Poor Doctor Doom. One of the greatest villains ever stuck with the Fantastic Four.
I didn't hate the Fantastic Four. It was below average in my mind but not the extreme worst. 4.5/10?

I think I'd place Ghost Rider lower than Catwoman. Both were crap though.

For those of you who have seen GL: Is it worth a theater ticket price or wait for DVD?
kingg5 said:
Superman returns anyone?

I actually kind of liked that movie. I mean, it wasn't good, but it certainly isn't as bad as a lot of other movies people are mentioning. It was really one of those middle of the road superhero movies for me.
NickKmet said:
kingg5 said:
Superman returns anyone?

I actually kind of liked that movie. I mean, it wasn't good, but it certainly isn't as bad as a lot of other movies people are mentioning. It was really one of those middle of the road superhero movies for me.

Yeah, Superman Returns was far from terrible. Certainly not great, but better than X-Men 3, et al.
used44 said:
NickKmet said:
kingg5 said:
Superman returns anyone?

I actually kind of liked that movie. I mean, it wasn't good, but it certainly isn't as bad as a lot of other movies people are mentioning. It was really one of those middle of the road superhero movies for me.

Yeah, Superman Returns was far from terrible. Certainly not great, but better than X-Men 3, et al.
A lot of things are better than X-Men 3

Best: Dark Knight, a lot of people said it because in my opinion it's one of the best if not the best superhero movie ever. I've yet to reach the point where I am tired of watching the dark knight.
Worst: oh....... Tie between Catwoman, X-Men 3, Fantastic Four, Spider-man 3 and Batman & Robin.

I was going to say Green Lantern but honestly didn't think it was as terrible as some people I know made it out to be. It was ok (that being said I walked in with very low expectations) but that thought the villian looked stupid and made me laugh every time it appeared
Batman and Robin, even Adam West hated it.

I've also heard Superman 3 and 4 were pretty bad. I guess they would have to suck if Superman Returns pretended like they didn't exist and instead followed the second Superman movie lol.

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