Most overrated game


What is the one game you finished because all the game review sites and your friends told you it was good?

My most recent one was borderlands. Now I play rpgs and first person shooters. Hell I love Half life 2 which is kinda like a unique mix of the two but borderlands is by far not worthy of the awesome scores it was given.

I played through all of the single play and dlcs all in a row to make sure that I gave it a official fair shot. The world was mostly boring and bland, the characters were at least creative when they weren't always just making you go fetch random item A in a abandon shack. The monsters repeat and respawn(right outside your base to) and over all of the dlc I only found a couple items that were actually good. Everyone always thoughts off about how awesome the loot is and how all the guns are cool but I didn't really run into a lot of new or cool guns.

The zombie DLC was the closest I thought to the game being good but its incredibly short. If all you like is finding the same guns that do 1 more damage, and like to shoot things and dont really give a fuck about story or settings you will probably love this game but as for gamers that have been trying to play deep well developed games since the 90s this game disappoints.

Im glad beat it so I can give it a totally fair grade now.

Its a big fat C+. Im glad I used a friends copy of the game because I would want my money back specially after how padded the last 3 dlcs were.(Most of the last dlc is collection quests as in (collect 150 parts from killed mobs)

So heres to you borderlands for being my pick for the still most overrated, overhyped game that people for some reason(I think its the fluoride in the water) seem to think tastes like a fresh peporoni pizza with gelato smeared all over it.
Hmm word for game that people rate alot and give it better grades than it should get.....Any help? :lol:
Borderlands was fun and you can die in a fire.

Kingdom Hearts. Now that's a pile of garbage, tell ya what.
Sourdeez said:
Hmm word for game that people rate alot and give it better grades than it should get.....Any help? :lol:

In internet language? I guess you'd just say:


For me it was Darksiders. Was really looking forward to it when it came out and wow what a letdown. I gave up at the first boss because I hated the control scheme so much that I was ready to throw the controller through the window. Traded it in the next day.
Armorer Core games...I had a group of guys in college who would never shut their stupid mouths about how amazing these games were. I sat down for 3 hours with one and I will probably never pick one up again.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Armorer Core games...I had a group of guys in college who would never shut their stupid mouths about how amazing these games were. I sat down for 3 hours with one and I will probably never pick one up again.

Did none of your friends never play mech warrior 1 2 3 or 4?
Sourdeez said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
Armorer Core games...I had a group of guys in college who would never shut their stupid mouths about how amazing these games were. I sat down for 3 hours with one and I will probably never pick one up again.

Did none of your friends never play mech warrior 1 2 3 or 4?

Used to love me some mech warrior 2 back in the day. Was so sad when the song I nominated from it got its ass kicked in the other thread. One of my most memorable moments in gaming was the level with that song.
C_nate said:
Sourdeez said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
Armorer Core games...I had a group of guys in college who would never shut their stupid mouths about how amazing these games were. I sat down for 3 hours with one and I will probably never pick one up again.

Did none of your friends never play mech warrior 1 2 3 or 4?

Used to love me some mech warrior 2 back in the day. Was so sad when the song I nominated from it got its ass kicked in the other thread. One of my most memorable moments in gaming was the level with that song.

Hey its ok buddy. It will always mean as much as you remember it. :wink:
Im going to bring this one to the table and while I certainly would give this game a good review it definitely gets more credit then is due.

The dragon age series.

First game two handed warriors sucked but had a decent story

Second game two handed warriors are awesome but the story is a dog chasing his tail up a road.
Most overrated game eh? That's a tough one.

Most overrated console IMO was the Sega CD. Poor Sega and their self-destructing habits. I'm also sorry to say the Wii was very overrated. As an ex-Wii owner I know all to well how awesome it was at first. But the motion fad died off and there was only so many times you can replay Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 as well as Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. Fads aren't timeless. Ah well, maybe one day we'll get that Super Mario RPG remake.

But as for a specific game, to me personally I'd say Marvel VS Capcom 3. The lack of characters never sat well with me lol.

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