Overrated games.


A good example, Bioshock. Yes, Bioshock. Often when im on the interwebz, i still see people saying Bioshock is one of the best games evarh. And im not saying it's a bad game, but a candidate for best game ever? I dont think so. The dialog and voice acting was brilliant, the art style was also good, and at times the game had a great atmosphere. But after an hour or two, it just felt as another shooter, and because of the lack of fun and good weapons, and also the low quantity of weapons, the gameplay felt repetitive.
All in all, i found the game boring, and i think it was highly overrated.

Wich games do you think is overrated, or find disappointing?
Bioshock is System Shock 2's b14tch...

Since you brought up a relatively new game i'll go with Mass Effect... The combat is boring and feels awkward, the promissed huge galaxy to explore is repetitive and nowhere as big as advertised and despite the great main story, the game as whole lacks the epicness one would expect from an RPG.

All in all it's a good and entertaining game, but definitly not the master piece so many reviewers -who were probably on the payroll- claimed it to be.
Tykk said:
Bioshock is System Shock 2's b14tch...

Since you brought up a relatively new game i'll go with Mass Effect... The combat is boring and feels awkward, the promissed huge galaxy to explore is repetitive and nowhere as big as advertised and despite the great main story, the game as whole lacks the epicness one would expect from an RPG.

All in all it's a good and entertaining game, but definitly not the master piece so many reviewers -who were probably on the payroll- claimed it to be.

Yeah many of the planets not related to the main storyline were pretty much empty. And as far as i could tell, the whole paragon and renegade thing they had going on, had no effect on the gameplay or story at all.
Halo 3. The first two games were fun but everytime I play 3, I'm so bored, whether it's offline or online. I don't even know why I'm so bored, I just am.
^ I agree with Halo 3. It was a great shooter game but it got so boring after a few hours. Plus you can't play a certain playlist if you don't have the DLC maps which is complete bologna.

Another game i lost interest was Star Wars:The Force Unleashed for the Xbox 360. Don't get me wrong, what you do with the force as Starkiller and gaining the force powers was awesome, but the story was far too short.

Soul Calibur IV for the Xbox 360 made disappointed too. Yoda's moves were crap, Create-A-Soul was a awesome but playing it on line and having people hit Y Y Y with Kilik over and over is what really made me p.o
I agree with Halo 3, and it is even worse now that you can't play a game online unless you are willing to deal with an enormous amount of douchebaggery from the people who play.

Also, I elect Donkey Kong Country. That game had some huge huge hype around it and major advertising is what made it sell so well. It looked pretty, but the gameplay was mediocre at best.
^ I agree, Halo 3 is one of the most overrated games I've ever played. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a bad game but at the same time I think it's not a great game. But I will admit, the whole recording multiplayer matches and then being able to watch them from any free perspective you choose is really cool. :p

A lot of the time I feel Metal Gear Solid 4 is an overrated game as well. I love that game, but the amount of cinematic sequences and whatnot really got on my nerves. I know the previous MGS games were full of dialog but MGS4 seemed to be the biggest and it just got on my nerves. Sometimes I just wanted to play the game, but I didn't want to miss the story (sounds hypocritical of me I'm aware). Awesome game play but at the same time, not enough of it.

I think finally I'll conclude with Far Cry 2. I really liked the game but now it just annoys the hell out of me... the game is full of bugs, you're attacked so randomly all the time out in the wilderness, the mission structure is repetitive and your obnoxious "buddies" wanting you to travel half way across the country and back just make getting to missions a huge chore. Once you're in a mission zone it's great fun, but dealing with the rest just isn't.
FFVII. I never get why people say it was so revolutionary. It had 3D graphics and cinematics, that's it. Compared to its predecessors it was average. FFVI FTW!
FFVII was an amazing game, for pretty much every reason.

I was disappointed by Dark Cloud. There was far too much running around in the beginning, and you kept getting poisoned, so you'd have to leave. I'm going to try and play it again, but after Kingdom Hearts 2 (which is shaping up nicely).
gta4, shiny nice pretty graphics can not make up for stale repetive gameplay.

also, the ff games peaked at ff6 (ff3 us version on the snes). everything since as just been , i dunno, standard for the formula i guess.
What a surprise, Halo's already in here. I can't believe how cool everybody is to say such a popular game is overrated! I'm like, so totally impressed! What a bunch of badboys...

Anyways, my idea of an overrated game is Sonic CD. The graphics were comparable to Sonic's very first game (which isn't a good thing). The gameplay was pretty fun, and I wish they would have kept the Peel Out, it was very useful. And the level design was only passable (props for letting Sonic shrink in the final level). Time travel wasn't utilized well at all, and I actually found those posts to be pretty annoying. The music was pretty poor as well. I don't understand why anyone would call it Sonic's best game, especially compared with the outstanding Sonic 3 & Knuckles, or even Sonic 2!
JCvgluvr said:
What a surprise, Halo's already in here. I can't believe how cool everybody is to say such a popular game is overrated! I'm like, so totally impressed! What a bunch of badboys...

You're pretty stupid if you think that's why we're saying it. Just because someone else already said it doesn't mean I can't state my opinion jackass. Besides, one of my favourite titles is Gears of War. I don't think I'd say a game is overrated just because it's popular.
To be honest, was a bit dissapointed in Final Fantasy XII - gambit auto - play for the loss. :'(

GTA4, nice repetitive ride, but with nicer graphics!

Age of Conan - when it was released, so much hype, so much letdown.

The first Killzone - yeh', 'Halo' killer for sure. :)

Devil May Cry 2

Every Pokemon game after Red and Blue. Just don't know why people still like them. Oo
Can I submit entire Consoles? If so I'd like to submit the Wii.

Other than that, some titles I can think of are;

The Force Unleashed
Halo 3
Age of Conan
Fable 2 (although that might not have been a big surprise there, on second thought hmm..)

O yes and nearly half of all old arcade / 8bit / 16 bit games. They're not "classic".. They're just old..
Fucking Shaun White Snowboarding. I expected that to be somewhat fun, but all you do is collect coins. For what, you may ask? Nothing. You already have tons of cash and every mountain unlocked when you start the damn game. And to think I wasted sixty bucks on it.

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