Most beautiful game???

The soundtrack during that first bike ride into town is sort of spine-tingling.
What about Bioshock? I played the demo on a HD TV on xbox 360 and was blown away by the water at the very beginning. It looks like a very high end CGI movie.
I have a 67 inch HDTV and Bioshock looks amazing. You're absolutely right, the water effects are fantastic. It truly makes the experience that much better.
I thought Heavenly Sword was pretty damn gorgeous. Saw it on my friends PS3. Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 were also very, very pretty for the PS2. Games that I think are gorgeous in that creepy kind of way are Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil Remake (on the Cube) and Silent Hill 3. Shadow of the Colossus was definitely an amazing and vast game. Really good horse animations, too. And of course, God of War.
I was very impressed with the GoW graphics, plus the camera angle (over the shoulder) makes you feel like some unfortunate cameraman following a solider on the battlefield.
damo_ds said:
I was very impressed with the GoW graphics, plus the camera angle (over the shoulder) makes you feel like some unfortunate cameraman following a solider on the battlefield.

lol exactly! and the incontext button pressing to sever limbs or whatever were eyepopping

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