It's-a me! Mafia! MAFIA WINS


Also I was going to kill Gunner last night, but the detective stopped me.
Lol at all the posts made before I could change the mistake.

Used also tried to change his vote which would have been 5 for Longo, 3 for Urban but regardless the mafia won.

The Mafia had some lucky breaks. Mostly UghRochester having an important role. Yes he was blocked by the detective twice but considering he wanted to follow Sightless who wasn't even playing and myself who was the host I'd say the detective wasn't responsible for helping the mafia out.

The framer also got lucky with Ugh who framed him and then was scanned by the police. Also killing the doctor was a lucky break.
Used and Gunner were the only two we didn't bloody scan!

I was shit that game though, I just had no idea what was going on.
Of course the night I go to save Longo instead of myself I get offed.

Urban was so obviously mafia and people still didn't vote for him? Come on now.
I was hoping for a 4-4 split and going after Longo at night but Craig totally sealed the deal for us. Thank you Craig! The Godfather and his Brother got the Princess and you get the blame.

Completely agree with Wicked, we got lucky early on:

Night 1: Godfather was missing.
Night 2: Thought Longo would be saved so went with a random name to kill. It was the Doctor.
Night 3: Between Jim, Matt and Wes. Used suggested Wes but I went for Jim and silenced Wes. We killed the one guy who wasn't a cop.

We never scanned the cops or killed any at night, kept on being people with roles.

It was fun playing Godfather, I screwed up a few times but tried to think strategically at night time. Kinda ousted myself at the end but thought we had it by then. And major thanks to Jim, who totally saved us while dying in the same night. By us.
Green_Lantern said:
Urban was so obviously mafia and people still didn't vote for him? Come on now.
It was Master_Craig's first game. He'll get the hang of it.

And it was basically just a cavalcade of luck for the Mafia. Getting the doctor right away and having the detective blocking everyone made things tougher.

So, next game when?
I can do another game but we'll see if we can get 12 people. Finding enough people for this was like pulling teeth.

But what the gosh darn heck, I'll try again.
I was going to change my vote earlier but I was waiting for Gunner to do it first so it didn't end in a tie.
All remaining townies under the HK Mafia regime must pay a weekly UrbanMasque tax on their property to ensure protection.
I was going to lynch longo first due to it being 4-4 voting but used voted to lynch urban and that screwed up the voting a little bit so i didn't want to look too much like mafia so i also lynched urban but thank god master craig decided vote longo haha that was just the nail in the coffin
That was indeed my first game so it was a very difficult learning curve... but I'm up for another game sometime!
WickedLiquid said:
Mafia had some lucky breaks. Mostly UghRochester having an important role. Yes he was blocked by the detective twice but considering he wanted to follow Sightless who wasn't even playing and myself who was the host I'd say the detective wasn't responsible for helping the mafia out.
I thought she was playing, because she informed me to trust used44. That's embarrassing. However, I never requested to follow you, only Master Craig.
Wes said:
In other words we should tell Ugh the vigilante to stop screwing up?.

UghRochester said:

I'm not the vigilante, I'm the informant. If I say who interrogated the me, it may ruin the town.

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