I'm going to get the honest, traditional "oh there goes Icepick, man what an asshole" routine out of the way early, then I'll go over how I've handled similar situations. If you don't want my two cents, skip the following paragraph.
It's fucking McDonalds, it's not even a proper restaurant, anyone who looks at the golden arches as a lifelong career needs to be dragged out into the street and shot. Not because the average employee there is an idiot (which lets face it, they are) but rather because someone who's willing to settle for that in life, is exactly what's wrong with society. Get some fucking ambition, even if you don't revolutionize the country, at least climb higher than the lowest rung on the damn ladder. If at any point in your job you find yourself with the same job title and comparable wage to someone who is still in highschool, that is not a job you should be counting on to pay rent.
Now, having been in similar situations, do not grovel. A good manager will respect someone who can honestly admit a fault/failure, and despise someone who looks to come up with excuses and finger point. Granted, I'm not sure if McDonalds has quality management, but you'll at least feel better then if you beg to keep your job. Walk into the meeting and slap your dick on the table (not literally, unless your manager is a milf in an unhappy marriage and you're hung like urban thinks he is) Own up to what happened, alpha male style. Tell them that your behaviour was unprofessional, that you've been under a fair amount of stress lately (even if you think it's BS, everyones stressed out, especially someone trying to pay bills on a burger pushers wage) and as a result you ended up venting. Assuming this is the first incident of yours, and that you are indeed a hard worker, that should be all that is required.
If they require more than that, fuck em (not literally, unless your hung like... you get the idea), that's a dead end job and if they expect you to be devoid of human emotion for 5+ years, it aint worth the bullshit man. If they demand you provide reasoning, specifics, narc out other employees, attend any type of stress/anger management course, this job ain't worth the time you put in now, let alone any additional shit on top of that. Stand up, inform them that you feel stagnant in your current position and as a result you feel an amicable parting of ways would be best. Do not give them an opportunity to disagree, extend your hand, give a firm shake, thank them for their time and walk the fuck out.
As for bills, EI, or unemployment, is geared for this kind of situation, if you can get a doctor to sign off on stress leave, all the better, granted you silly southerners have to pay to see your doc so that may not be a viable option. Welfare, at least up here also will cover your rent, by paying your landlord directly, your landlord is happy because they're guaranteed money, and the city is happy because there's no chance of you misusing the money. Also, if none of this tickles your fancy, there should be educational programs for someone in your situation, up here in Ontario, OSAP and OYAP will throw heaps of money at you to go get a job that will actually be worthwhile, and paying it back is fairly lenient compared to bank loans anyways. There's also a handful of municipally run programs (I assume the same has to be true in the states) for people looking to pick up an education to better themselves, you wont be living it up, but you'll have the money you need to sustain yourself while you pursue an education
either that, or slip your manager a bunch of oxy's and fuck em in the ass on tape, threaten to show ronald mcdonald the video unless they play ball.
It's fucking McDonalds, it's not even a proper restaurant, anyone who looks at the golden arches as a lifelong career needs to be dragged out into the street and shot. Not because the average employee there is an idiot (which lets face it, they are) but rather because someone who's willing to settle for that in life, is exactly what's wrong with society. Get some fucking ambition, even if you don't revolutionize the country, at least climb higher than the lowest rung on the damn ladder. If at any point in your job you find yourself with the same job title and comparable wage to someone who is still in highschool, that is not a job you should be counting on to pay rent.
Now, having been in similar situations, do not grovel. A good manager will respect someone who can honestly admit a fault/failure, and despise someone who looks to come up with excuses and finger point. Granted, I'm not sure if McDonalds has quality management, but you'll at least feel better then if you beg to keep your job. Walk into the meeting and slap your dick on the table (not literally, unless your manager is a milf in an unhappy marriage and you're hung like urban thinks he is) Own up to what happened, alpha male style. Tell them that your behaviour was unprofessional, that you've been under a fair amount of stress lately (even if you think it's BS, everyones stressed out, especially someone trying to pay bills on a burger pushers wage) and as a result you ended up venting. Assuming this is the first incident of yours, and that you are indeed a hard worker, that should be all that is required.
If they require more than that, fuck em (not literally, unless your hung like... you get the idea), that's a dead end job and if they expect you to be devoid of human emotion for 5+ years, it aint worth the bullshit man. If they demand you provide reasoning, specifics, narc out other employees, attend any type of stress/anger management course, this job ain't worth the time you put in now, let alone any additional shit on top of that. Stand up, inform them that you feel stagnant in your current position and as a result you feel an amicable parting of ways would be best. Do not give them an opportunity to disagree, extend your hand, give a firm shake, thank them for their time and walk the fuck out.
As for bills, EI, or unemployment, is geared for this kind of situation, if you can get a doctor to sign off on stress leave, all the better, granted you silly southerners have to pay to see your doc so that may not be a viable option. Welfare, at least up here also will cover your rent, by paying your landlord directly, your landlord is happy because they're guaranteed money, and the city is happy because there's no chance of you misusing the money. Also, if none of this tickles your fancy, there should be educational programs for someone in your situation, up here in Ontario, OSAP and OYAP will throw heaps of money at you to go get a job that will actually be worthwhile, and paying it back is fairly lenient compared to bank loans anyways. There's also a handful of municipally run programs (I assume the same has to be true in the states) for people looking to pick up an education to better themselves, you wont be living it up, but you'll have the money you need to sustain yourself while you pursue an education
either that, or slip your manager a bunch of oxy's and fuck em in the ass on tape, threaten to show ronald mcdonald the video unless they play ball.